Last Update added on March 9, 2015

تسجيل صوتي لذبّاح داعش: أنا ليست متطرفاً
Sound record on ISIS killings : I am no extremist.
["Jihadi John" Emwazi in a meeting with some member of British intelligence
as quoted by Al-Arabiya. يتحدث عن لقاء جمعه مع رجل استخبارات بريطاني]
Today, 8th March 2015, the British Daily Mail published an article dedicated to Mohammed Emwazi who became known as " Jihadi John " and who is allegedly starring in some beheading video produced by his German brother in faith Denis Cuspert. Because of his terrorist videos, Denis Cuspert is being regarded as chief propagandist of ISIS and has been likened to nazi propaganda chief Goebbels. He originally became known as rapper " Deso Dogg " and is linked with another German, Marcel Schrodel, regarded by German intelligence as a violent jihadist. Cuspert and Schodel were supposedly radicalised by Mohammed Mahmoud, the Austrian-born leader of banned Islamist group Millatu Ibrahim.
Emwazi, Islamic convert Schrodl and Londoner Ali Adorus were finally stopped by the Tanzanian authorities at Dar es Salaam airport as they arrived for what they had claimed was an innocent safari holiday. The Daily Mail has established that the supposedly strict Muslims were held not because of their political affiliations, but due to their drunken and violent behaviour on a Dutch KLM flight from Amsterdam to Dar es Salaam, according to the Tanzanian government. Further informations on Schrodel and Adorus are given in the original article.
The quoted article contains additional photos of Emwazi and Cuspert that are not used in this blogspot.
[Source: Daily Mail on March 8, 2015]

British ISIS executioner has thought of suicide.
" Sometimes I feel like a moving corpse [losing flesh]. I'm not scared that they could kill me. But I fear that some day I might swallow sleeping pills sending me into eternal sleep. I only think to get free from these men. "
[Source: People's Network quoting Guang Zhou Daily 广州日报 on March 3, 2015]
Editor's Note:
The above quotation is referring to an email contact between Jihadi John and a British journalist in 2010, and is feeding assumptions that Emwazi was already paranoid before he left the United Kingdom. He is a Kuwaiti-born British citizen and was raised in Kensington, London, in an environment that brought about other violent jihadists. Emwazi is said to have received anger management therapy during his first year in secondary school.

بعد عودة 300 داعشي.. بريطانيا ترصد ركاب طائراتها
After the return of 300 ISIS fighters ..... Britain surveys the passengers on its planes.
ويزيد الرقم الذي أوردته الصحيفة المحافظة (700 غادروا وعاد منهم 320) عن الرقم الرسمي المعروف (500 غادروا عاد منهم 250).ـ
The number of ( 700 [fighters], 320 of whom left ) is provided as announced by the provincial journal [while] the official number is known to be ( 500, of whom 250 left ).
[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on March 9, 2015]

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