Important Update on March 29, 2015 |
Shelling near Aden Airport.
Houthis Lost Grip on Aden Airport
علنت مصادر في اللجان الشعبية الجنوبية في اليمن انها قد تمكنت من السيطرة بالكامل على مطار عدن , هذا وكما اكدت المصادر انها تلاحق المسلحين الحوثيين بالقرب من معسكر بدر وذلك بعد اشتباكات عنيفة بين الطرفين , هذا ومما اسفر ذلك عن مقتل 9 من المسلحين الحوثيين و6 من مسلحي اللجان الشعبية الجنوبية في معركة مطار عدن . ـ
Sources within the Southern People's Committees in Yemen declared that Aden airport should be entirely under [their] control. This and how was confirmed by sources, [saying] they chased armed Houthis unexpectedly from the neighbourhod of the [airport] compound after violent engagements between the opposing parties which had resulted in a death toll of 9 Houthi militants and 6 from the Southern People's Committees in the fightings for Aden airport.
Editor's Note: The above mentioned "Southern People's Committees" belong to an alliance fighting in favour of now exiled president Hadi.
[Source: The Patriot / Al-Watny جريدة وطني نيوز الألكترونية, electronic daily centered on news for Egypt, on March 29, 2015]
Heavy fighting in the area during the last week and the temporary loss of Aden airport to the Houthis led to the evacuation of foreign diplomats from the city by boat, ferried by Saudi naval vessels to Jeddah on Saturday.
According to an Aden port official, Chinese diplomats and expatriate workers, altogether 590 persons, were evacuated by a Chinese warship that docked on Sunday (=> picture below).
China's minister of foreign affairs, Wang Yi: "In the evening of the day when the air raids started, we already switched on the foreign ministry's emergency mechanism."
[Sources: Reuters and Chinese dailies on March 28/29, 2015]
Radio France International RFI |
Important Update on March 26-28, 2015 |
According to Saudi state TV, Yemeni president Hadi has fled the country and found shelter in Saudi Arabia. [RFI]
Yemeni leader Hadi leaves country as Saudi Arabia keeps up air strikes. [Reuters]
According to Reuters, Yemen's President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi left his refuge in Aden for Saudi Arabia on Thursday [i.e. March 26] as Houthi rebels battled with his forces on the outskirts of the southern port city.
Throughout the day, warplanes from Saudi Arabia and Arab allies struck at the Shi'ite Houthis and allied army units, who have taken over much of the country and seek to oust Hadi.
Warplanes resumed bombing the Houthi-held capital Sanaa on Thursday evening, shaking whole neighborhoods and terrifying residents. Several civilians have been reported killed in Sanaa.
السعودية تخلي 86 دبلوماسياً عربياً وأجنبياً من عدن
Saudi [Arabia] evacuates 86 Arabic and foreign diplomats from Aden. [Al-Arabiya, March 28]
[The neighbouring picture, related to the above quoted article, is showing a Houthi demonstration in Sanaa.]
الانقصف عنيف ومستمر في صنعاء الان | الجمعة 2732015م
Violent and continued shelling in Sanaa on Friday March 27, 2015. [yemenwindows]
لليوم الثالث..عاصفة الحزم تدمر صواريخ بالستية حوثية
For the 3rd day: A storm of determination is annihilating ballistic missiles of the Houthis. [Al-Arabiya, Saudi-owned TV station in the United Arabic Emirates, on March 28, 2015]
According to the Saudi minister of defense, Saudi F-15S warplanes should be on duty over the Red Sea. [Al-Arabiya on March 28]
Radio France International RFI |
Important Update on March 25, 2015 |
According to local witnesses, units of the 39th armoured brigade and which is allied to the Houthis' Shia rebel forces should have occupied the airport of Aden in Southern Yemen today on Wednesday March 25, 2015.
الحوثيون يسيطرون على مطار تعز.. ويتقدمون نحو عدن
Houthis are in control of Taiz airport ..... and are advancing towards Aden.
سيطر المسلحون الحوثيون مع قوات موالية للرئيس اليمني السابق علي عبدالله صالح على مطار مدينة تعز، التي تقع شمال مدينة عدن، حسبما أفادت مصادر أمنية وعسكرية.ـ
Armed Houthis together with forces belonging to former Yemeni president Ali
Abdullah Saleh are in control of the airport of Taiz township, located north of
Aden township, according to information from security and military sources.
Al-Arabiya العربية on March 22, 2015]
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