Friday, January 24, 2014

Syria - Voice from the Underground

At the very beginning of a 'Geneva 2' conference on Syria, two sides involved in the problem, however not present at the negotiating table, make themthelves heard. One side is the Iranian president Rouhani who proposes general elections in Syria as a means to solve the problem. The other side involved is al-Qaeda, the " parent organization of Islamic terrorism ", represented by its actual leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.

الظواهري يدعو لوقف القتال بين الفصائل الإسلامية بسوريا

Al-Zawahiri calls for an ending of the battle between Islamic troops in Syria.

دعا زعيم تنظيم القاعدة أيمن الظواهري، في رسالة صوتية نشرت على الإنترنت، إلى وقف القتال بين "أخوة الجهاد والإسلام" في سوريا.ـ

In an acoustic message distributed on the internet, the leader of al-Qaeda organization Ayman al-Zawahiri called for an ending of the battle within " the brotherhood of Jihad and Islam " in Syria.

ووجه الظواهري في رسالته التي تتزامن مع انطلاق مؤتمر جنيف 2، نداءً إلى "كل المجموعات الجهادية وكل حر في الشام يسعى لإسقاط حكم الأسد"، وقال "ندعوهم جميعا لأن يسعوا إلى إيقاف القتال بين أخوة الجهاد والإسلام فورًا".ـ

And in his message which came simultaneously with the beginning of a 'Geneva 2' conference, al-Zawahiri addressed " all militant groups and all [liberal ones] in Syria to engage in overthrowing the regime of al-Assad ". And he said " we call them all to engage immediately in ending the battle within the brotherhood of Jihad and Islam ".

[Source: EGY News , Cairo, on January 23, 2014]

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