An "enlightening" UPDATE was added on January 15.
سيارة دبلوماسية ألمانية تتعرض لاعتداء بالعوامية
German diplomat's car [became the target] of an attack in al-Awamia.
راكباها الألمانيان يحملان الصفة الدبلوماسية ونجيا بمساعدة أحد المواطنين
[The car] was driven by two Germans [with diplomatic status] and [who] fled with the help of some compatriots.
تعرضت سيارة دبلوماسية تابعة للسفارة الألمانية في السعودية، لإطلاق نار من مجهولين أثناء تواجدها ببلدة العوامية بالمنطقة الشرقية.ـ
A diplomat's car [belonging] to the German embassy in Saudi Arabia became the target of a shooting from unknown [side] while passing the community of al-Awamia in ash-Sharqia province on Monday [January 13].
Editor's Note: The Saudi Arabian province of ash-Sharqia is situated in the Eastern part of the country. The community of al-Awamia is known for its sometimes rebellious Shia population.
وأوضح الناطق الإعلامي بشرطة المنطقة الشرقية أن الحادث أسفر عن احتراق السيارة ونجاة راكبيها الألمانيين اللذين يحملان الصفة الدبلوماسية، وذلك بمساعدة أحد المواطنين.ـ
The spokesman for ash-Sharqia province police made clear the incident presented itself as a car catching fire and the rescue of both German passengers who carried diplomatic passports. [Rescue] happened with the help of some compatriots.
وأكد الناطق الإعلامي أن الجهات الأمنية المختصة تتولى حالياً متابعة هذا الاعتداء لتحديد المسؤولين عنه.ـ
And the spokesman assured that special security services will handle the case in succession to that attack [until] the determination of those responsible for it.
[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on January 14, 2014]
A Saudi-Arabian news service had the information some hours earlier than Dubai based Al-Arabiya Net:
صرح الناطق الإعلامي بشرطة المنطقة الشرقية بأنه عند الساعة السادسة من مساء اليوم الإثنين الموافق 12 ربيع الأول 1435هـ، تلقت شرطة محافظة القطيف بلاغاً عن تعرض سيارة دبلوماسية، للسفارة الألمانية بالمملكة، أثناء وجودها ببلدة العوامية لإطلاق نار من مجهولين مما أسفر عن احتراقها ونجاة راكبيها الألمانيين اللذين يحملان الصفة الدبلوماسية وذلك بمساعدة أحد المواطنين.ـ
The spokesman for ash-Sharqia province police declared that today, Monday [January 13], at about six o'clock in the evening, the police of al-Qatif district received a message [saying] that a diplomat's car from the German embassy to the Kingdom, was affected by a shooting from unknown [persons] while being in the community of al-Awamia. [That shooting] resulted in [the car's] burning and the rescue of both German passengers who [had diplomatic status] with the help of some compatriots.
Editor's Note: The Arabic text uses the Islamic date of the day the incident happened.
[Source: Al-Mowaten Net المواطن نت on January 13, 2014]
And here is the end of the story as far as I will tell it:
Visitors to "blueprint news" coming from Saudi Arabia on
Jan. 15 and who are interested in the al-Awamia incident.
Iraqi visitor referring to my blogspot on militant Islamic groups.
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