نداء للتضامن مع الشعب السوري
يوم الخميس 28 نيسان /أبريل 2011
Yesterday, the Syrian opposition website launched a call for support
directed to Syrian citizens living in Europe. Tonight, a demonstration
should take place in Paris at the "Wall of Peace" which is located on
Champ de Mars near Metro station École Militaire. Being in favour of
any democracy movement in the Arabic world, I feel obliged to pro-
liferate that information without being directly involved in any kind
of organisation that is behind the demonstration.
Hier, l'opposition syrienne a lancé un appel au soutien du peuple
syrien dans sa lutte contre le système autoritaire du président
Assad. Voici l'information:

L'Attentat de Marrakech / The Marrakech Bombing
At about 1:00 pm GMT, first news came in about the bombing of a café
in the center of Marrakech in Morocco. One of the following screenshots
from i-Tele TV, France, documents the very first announcement of that
incident which I happened to record "on time". At that time, it was not
quite clear whether this was a criminal assault of international impor-
tance or a mere accident. Latest news are reporting a death-toll of
15 while at least 20 persons were wounded. Most victims are foreign
tourists, 6 of the dead are French. A minister of the Moroccan govern-
ment related the bombing to Islamist activity. It would be the second
time after the Casablanca bombing in 2007 that militant Islamists are
related to such incident.
According to own information, Morocco has been an Al-Qaeda strong-
hold for many years. Upcoming political movements in the frame of the
"Arab Awakening" in Tunisia and Algeria are adding to a situation of
latent uprising.
1:00 pm GMT / 2:00 pm CET

2:00 pm GMT / 3:00 CET

22:59 pm GMT / 23:59 CET

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