Friday, July 05, 2024

Yemenite Houthis Using Hypersonic Missiles ? !


The largest source of missile technology for Yemen's Houthi rebels is Iran, which has also successfully tested hypersonic missiles. So, where did Iran's advanced missile technology come from?

To develop hypersonic missiles, there are three main difficulties, the first is computer control capabilities. When a missile is flying at a high speed of more than 5 times the speed of sound, the radio signal can be severely affected. Therefore, in order to control the missile's flight trajectory at high speed without the slightest deviation, computer processing power is very important.

Secondly, hypersonic missiles can reach extremely high speeds, and it is necessary to conduct repeated wind tunnel tests of aerodynamic shapes. It is necessary to have a variety of wind tunnel systems to make the measurements. Finally, high-performance rocket engines can soar at high speeds.


There is information that the hypersonic missiles of the Houthis in Yemen are also solid rocket engines, and the maximum speed can be 8 times the speed of sound. It can be directly hit at Israeli dominion.

To this end, Yemen's Houthi leader Malik Houthi said that now our enemies should see all this, and Yemen's Houthi missile strike capabilities have become among the best in the world.

Where did the Yemeni Houthis come from with this alien technology? In addition to Iran's Persian Gulf anti-ship ballistic missiles and Fatah 110 tactical missiles, the other missiles of the Yemeni Houthis are Qahe ballistic missiles modified from SAM-2 anti-aircraft missiles, and Badr-1, Badr-P1 and Badr-F ballistic missiles modified from Scud missiles.

[腾讯网 on July 1st, 2024]

So Russia and China seem to be the most important 'suspects'.

As to me, it makes sense to compare the Yemenite Houthis with North Korea, known to have recently carried out hypersonic missile tests itself. The recently proclaimed 'deepening of bilateral friendship' between Russia and N-Korea is serving the extensive delivery of munitions and weapons from N-Korea to Russia needed to fuel Russia's war on Ukraine.

On the other hand, China has undergone a massive technological leap in the development of sophisticated weaponry, hypersonic missiles included, such that both, the Yemenite Houthis and N-Korea, could benefit from there. China's foreign policies could establish an ideal basis for some discrete 'help from their friends'.

Here are two additional articles related to the subject:

朝鲜空飘“垃圾气球”又射弹 图抗议韩美日本周联合军演





North Korean airborne "garbage balloon" and projectile
picture protest Korea-Japan Joint Military Exercice

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said that North Korea launched a ballistic missile from around Pyongyang towards the eastern waters of the Korean Peninsula at 5. 30 a. m. on Wednesday (June 26), flying more than 250 kilometers. It is likely that North Korea conducted a forced test-launch in order to improve solid-fuel hypersonic missile performance, but ultimately failed.

South Korean military personnel pointed out,North Korea this year announced a successful test launch of a solid-fuel hypersonic missile,this time may be for further testing missile.

Analysis believes,North Korea this provocation may be against South Korea,U. S. and Japan held joint military exercises,Arrival of South Korea's USThe aircraft carrier is not only North Korea vigilant U. S. military strategic assets, but also will participate in military exercises, so North Korea is very sensitive

Picture: The South Korean military said North Korea failed to launch a ballistic missile from Pyongyang into the eastern waters of the Korean peninsula early on Wednesday, June 26. Near the North Korean border on the maritime border of Yontsun Island can be seen one article believed to be a North Korean ballistic missile-producing vapor trail.

[联合早报—新加坡 on June 26, 2024]


天兵科技成立于2019年,是一家中国民营商业航天公司。公司主要致力于研发新一代液体火箭发动机及中大型液体运载火箭。去年4月,天兵科技天龙二号遥一运载火箭自中国酒泉卫星发射中心成功发射。其核心团队多数来自于中国航天科技(8.330, 0.07, 0.85%)、中国航天科工等国家航天集团。



Founded in 2019, Tianbing Science & Technology is a Chinese private commercial aerospace company. The company is mainly dedicated to the development of new generation liquid rocket engines and medium and large liquid carrier rockets. In April last year, Tianbing Science Tenlong No. 2 remote carrier rocket was successfully launched from China Sake Spring Satellite Launch Center. Many of its core teams come from China Aerospace Technology (.....) and China Aerospace Engineering.

Tianbing Scientific and Technological Founder and Chairman of the Board Kang YongLai, has been engaged in rocket launch technology research and development and project management for nearly 20 years, is a typical scientific entrepreneur.

Kang YongLai was Director of the Rocket Launch General Laboratory, Deputy Chief Model Officer, and Chief Engineer of the China Rocket Launch Technology Research Institute. As the youngest head of the research laboratory in the history of the institute, Kang YongLai presided over the overall demonstration design of the Tongfeng-17 hypersonic missile and the Long March 11 launch vehicle.

[SINA on June 30, 2024]

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