Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Biden's Surprise Retreat -- Chinese Media Comment

Last Major Update on July 25

A rather reluctant position takes China's Global Times, not being acquainted to surprise actions of high-ranking political leaders. The photo shows an allegation to VOX News, the voice of Trump's Republican supporters, fitting with Trump's subliminal stance of 'bringing them behind bars'.

During the last days, Chinese social media have gone viral with remarks running down Kamala Harris while, at the same time, rather praising Donald Trump who, in reality, has never been China's friend.

While Chinese social media trended toward insulting personal attacks on Harris, state media remained focused on criticizing her professional qualifications.

One of the most-read articles from the nationalistic Global Times called her “mediocre” and said Harris — who previously served as San Francisco’s district attorney, California’s attorney general and a U.S. senator before being elected vice president — lacks the experience to serve as president. It asserted that she would continue to deepen alliances in Asia “in the face of China’s geopolitical ascendence.”

An article on Baidu’s news channel said former President Barack Obama’s lack of an immediate endorsement for Harris was “equivalent to expressing a lack of support.”

Another said, “Harris has not achieved any political achievements worth mentioning in the more than three years since she became vice president, her governing ability is limited, and she often laughs for no reason.”

Meanwhile, China’s lively social-media landscape was rife with sexist and disparaging posts.

[WSJ Market Watch on July 24]

Chinese netizen making fun of Harris' cheerful nature
in his tweet posted on X on July 25, 2024.

Here an excerpt from the Global Times article presented above:

Biden's announcement of his withdrawal from the election shocked all sides! US media: He became the first current president of the United States in 56 years to give up the chance to be re-elected.


Under strong internal pressure, U.S. President Biden announced in a statement on July 21 afternoon local time that he withdrew from the 2024 U.S. presidential campaign,and expressed support for Vice President Harris received the Democratic Party nomination,candidate for president. U.S. media said this decision marked the rapid and shocking end of Biden’s 52 year election political life. Biden also became the first renounced re-election opportunity incumbent president in 56 years. The last relinquished re-election was that of President Lyndon Johnson, who announced in March 1968 that he did not seek another term. For Biden's resignation, former U.S. President Barack Obama praised his decision, and called "Biden is a top-ranking patriot." Democratic Senator Bennet specifically called Biden’s exit as giving Democrats a “defeating Trump opportunity”. However, Republican presidential candidate Trump criticized Biden as the worst president in U.S. history. He also described Harris as being more easily to defeat than Biden. The New York Times review said Biden mastered the U.S. outbreak of the epidemic and the resulting economic turmoil. However, the fractured hopes of U.S. expansion during the Trump administration have been dashed and America's society remains highly polarized. At the same time, Biden's decision subverted the campaign, laying the foundation for the noisy and unpredictable campaign activities unprecedented in modern history. Harris has only 107 days left to consolidate Democratic support, establishing herself as a credible national leader.

[Global Times on July 23, 2024. The article was published at a time when VP Kamala Harris already enjoyed broad support for her own nomination campaign within the Democratic Party.]

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