Friday, July 19, 2024

Houthi Drone Attack on Tel Aviv

Israel has been attacked by a Yemeni Houthi drone. The attack seems to be partly successful. Here is how this became possible.

Let's begin with the US attacks on Houthi installations using America's MQ-9 'Reaper' drones.

Six of these drones were grounded by the Houthis, one of them probably belonging to an upgraded version able to intrude enemy territory without being observed.

So, US technology might have become available to their enemies, the Houthis in Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

I would just like to mention recent unnoted intrusions of Hezbollah surveillance drones into Israeli territory, making photos of the Haifa region and the Golan Heights. Another intrusion of a Houthi drone could now be responsible for the attack on Tel Aviv.


MQ-9 'Reaper' drone equipped with new EW pod that makes it a 'black hole' that can 'disappear off of enemy radar,' top Marine general says.

The US Marine Corps has equipped its MQ-9 'Reaper' drones with a new electronic warfare pod. The pod "can mimic things that are sent to it," Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Eric Smith said.

The announcement follows the drone's struggles against the Houthi Rebels.

The US Marine Corps has equipped its MQ-9 'Reaper' drones with a new electronic warfare pod that can 'mimic' signals to help hide them from enemy sensors, a top US Marine Corps general has said, The War Zone reported.

[Business Insider on July 8, 2024]






According to Associated Press [AP], a video released by the Yemeni Houthi armed forces shows that a U. S. MQ-9 'Reaper' drone crashes after a surface-to-air missile attack on the desert area of Malib province in central Yemen. This is the third such incident this month.

Based on exposure image analysis, AP informs about the MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicle in the desert that its tail component is separated from other parts of the fuselage. After the drone was shot down, at least one hatch on the fuselage seems to have been opened, but the main part of the drone is basically intact, and there is no obvious damage from explosion. It is worth noting that the drone does not appear to have any markings.

A senior U. S. defense official told Associated Press, “The U. S. Air Force has not lost any aircraft within the jurisdiction of U. S. Central Command. "The official refused to disclose more details. Associated Press said it came to believe that the CIA once dispatched a 'Reaper' drone over Yemen. When AP contacted U. S. Central Intelligence Agency, the agency refused to comment.

According to a Turkish Anadolu News Agency report, the Yemeni Houthi organization announced on [May] 29 that it shot down a U. S. drone in Malib province. Houthi spokesman Yahya Sarri said his militants shot down a U. S. MQ-9 'Reaper' drone in northern Yemen. Another statement said: "This drone was shot down by a surface-to-air missile while carrying out a hostile mission over Malib province. Others added: "This drone is the sixth drone to be shot down."

[SINA 新浪财经 on May 30, 2024]


Yemeni Houthi rebels attacked near the US embassy in Tel Aviv. Here's how they managed to slip through the world's best-protected city.

For many years, Israel has been targeted by Hamas fighters from the Gaza Strip and Hezbollah from Lebanese territory. This has led to the creation of the world's most advanced anti-air and anti-missile defense system.

It's multi-layered and challenging to penetrate, but the Yemeni Houthi rebels demonstrated it is possible. They claimed responsibility for the attack on the night of July 18-19, 2024. The attack using the new Yafa drone was intended as a gesture of solidarity and support for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Additionally, the Houthis have announced more attacks in their declaration.

It's also worth noting that the drone's target was most likely the nearby American embassy, but the drone missed its intended target due to the precision of commercial navigation modules.

[Essanews, Warsaw / Poland on July 19, 2024]


In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful:

In support of the oppressed Palestinian people and their mujahideen, and in retaliation to the Zionist enemy's massacres against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

The UAV force of the Yemeni Armed Forces, with the help of Allah Almighty, carried out a specific military operation, which consisted of targeting one of the important targets in the occupied Yafa region, what is now called Israeli Tel Aviv.

The operation was carried out with a new drone called "Yafa", which is capable of bypassing the enemy's interception systems and undetectable by radars. The operation has achieved its goals successfully.

The Yemeni Armed Forces declare the occupied Yafa region an unsafe area and will be a primary target within the range of our weapons. and will focus on targeting the Zionist enemy's internal front and reaching the depths.

In announcing this specific operation, the Yemeni Armed Forces confirm that they have a bank of targets in occupied Palestine, including sensitive military and security targets, and will continue, with the help of Allah Almighty, to strike those targets in response to the enemy's massacres and daily crimes against our people in the Gaza Strip.

The operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces continue to support the heroic mujahideen in Gaza who are defending all our people and countries of our Arab and Islamic Ummah, and their operations will not stop unless the aggression and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.

Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, the best protector, and the best helper.

Long live Yemen, free, beloved and independent.
Victory belongs to Yemen and to all the free people of the Ummah.

Sanaa, Muharram 13, 1446 AH July 19, 2024 AD Issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces

=> Video: Yemeni Armed Forces Statement <=

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