Important Update included on April 19

صحيفة نيويورك تايمز: ضربات إيرانية وشيكة على إسرائيل
New York Times : Iranian blows on Israel are imminent.
كشف مصدر أمني عن عملية وشيكة تحضر لها إيران للهجوم على إسرائيل بواسطة طائرات دون طيار
Some security source revealed an imminent operation that presents itself as an Iranian attack on Israel by unmanned aircraft.
ونقلت صحيفة "يديعوت أحرونوت" الإسرائيلية، عن المصدر الذي لم تذكر اسمه، تحذيره من أن "إسرائيل سترد بقوة على أي عملية انتقام إيرانية ضدها تنفذ من الأراضي السورية"، مشيراً إلى أنه من الممكن أن توجه إيران ضربات داخل إسرائيل عن طريق طائرات دون طيار
The newspaper quoted the Israeli " Yediot Aharonot " as saying that the source which did not mention its name is warning that " Israel will respond strongly to any Iranian retaliation operation against it from Syrian territory ", indicating the possibility that Iran went inside Israel to strike with unmanned aircraft.
[Addyar الزيار, Lebanon, late evening news on 17 April 2018]
There are other Arabic news centers that published similar information at about the same time. But remember: This news is of Israeli origin and has not been confirmed by independent sources so far.
Shortly after that, the Lebanese source published further information on their Facebook site:

روسيا تقترح ردا على الاسد اقامة معمل الصواريخ قرب قاعدة العسكرية الروسية على الساحل
Russia proposes to support al-Assad in the installation of a missile production site near Russia's military base in the coastal area.
Quotation from an article published by Asharq Al-Awsat (The Middle East) on 17 April 2018:
Israel struck an Iran-operated air base in Syria, a senior Israeli military official confirmed on Monday, as Israeli sources reported that Israel sent a clear message to Russia that the sale of the advanced S-300 missile defense system to the Syrian regime will cross a red line. Meanwhile, Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi said his country will sooner or later respond to the recent crime and aggression of Israel.
It was the first time we attacked live Iranian targets in Syria, both facilities and people, the Israeli military source admitted to New York Times.
This is the first time an Israeli official admits to directly targeting Iranian forces in Syria, given that Israel usually refrains from commenting on any reports about targets.
The official indicated that Israel targeted the Iranian drone command center at the T4 air base in Syria on Monday, in response to an Iranian drone entering Israeli airspace earlier in Febraury.
During the attack, Israel killed 14 people, seven of which were Iranian advisers, including a Colonel who led the drone unit operating out of T4, east of Homs.
That's the attack "blueprint news" already referred to in an earlier blogspot. It should have taken place on Monday 9 April 2018.
The official noted that the armed Iranian drone that entered Israeli airspace "opened a new period," saying that “this is the first time we saw Iran do something against Israel, not by proxy."
This was the second time T4 was targeted. Round one occurred on February 10, when an Iranian drone launched by a Revolutionary Guards Force operating out of Syria’s T4 air base was shot down with a missile from an Israeli Apache helicopter that was following it after it penetrated Israeli airspace.
Reports stated that the drone’s flight path and Israel’s “intelligence and operational analysis of the parts of the Iranian unmanned vehicle” indicated that “the aircraft was carrying explosives” and that its mission was “an act of sabotage in Israeli territory.”
Israeli Media outlets discussed that Israel's admission to the nature of the drone's mission brings the Israeli-Iranian conflict out into public.

The above photo is showing armed Syrian police
on a truck in the town of Douma, Damascus area.

London visitor interested in Iran.
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