Last Update: 26 April in the evening.
Quotation from an article published by The National in the Emirates on 26 April:
A military confrontation between Israel and Iran in Syria is becoming increasing likely, US Defence Secretary James Mattis warned on Thursday [26 April] as his Israeli counterpart was visiting Washington to discuss the threat.
Mr Mattis delivered his warning of yet another military conflict in the Middle East at a hearing in Congress. Asked if Israel and Iran were edging toward military confrontation, he said: “I can see how it might start, but I am not sure when or where.”
"I think that it's very likely in Syria because Iran continues to do its proxy work there through Hezbollah.”
He accused Iran of not only expanding and strengthening its presence in Syria but also “bringing advanced weapons for Hezbollah through Syria”.
Israel, he said “will not wait to see those missiles in the air and we hope Iran would pull back”.
The Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who met US national security adviser John Bolton and Mr Mattis on Thursday, also warned of a confrontation with Iran.
"Any site in which we see an Iranian attempt to achieve a military foothold in Syria will be struck. We won't let that happen, regardless of the price," he told the [Saudi owned] Arabic news website Elaph.
Israel said it carried out air strikes against Iranian and Syrian targets in Syria in February after one its F16 fighter jets was downed near the Syrian border.

صاعد حرب الظل بين إيران وإسرائيل.. الحرس الثوري مستمر يواصل
تعزيز تواجده بسوريا.. تل أبيب: ما تفعله طهران "خط أحمر"ـ
Proxi-war between Iran and Israel looming.
The Revolutionary Guards are permanently
consolidating their presence in Syria.
Tel Aviv: Tehran [must not cross] the "Red Line".

روسيا: الدفاع الجوي التابع لقاعدة "حميميم" أسقطت أهدافًا مجهولة الهوية
Russia: Air defense of Hamimim base downed unidentified [propelled] targets.
علنت وزارة الدفاع الروسية، أن وسائل الدفاع الجوي التابعة لقاعدة حميميم أسقطت
أهدافًا جوية صغيرة الحجم مجهولة الهوية، دون وقوع إصابات أو أضرار مادية.ـ
Russia's ministry of defense announced that its air defense at Hamimim base downed small sized propelled targets without [suffering] human or material damage.
[Editor's Note: According to the Arab source this news should have been spread today, 25 April, by Russia Today TV. A Russian news broadcast tonight showed missile parts that should belong to intercepted missiles used by the joint US-British-French attack on Syrian facilities allegedly related to chemical weapons production and deployment.]
[Al-Bawaba البوابة, with main offices in Amman and Dubai, on 24/25 April 2018]
Additional Information:
In an interview with the Jerusalem Post the former chief of Mossad, Danny Yatom, spoke about the "Iranian Threat". That interview was published some days ago on 15 April.
One special point mentioned here is the Iranian drone which had entered into Israel and had been destroyed by Israeli forces.
As Yatom puts it, the unmanned object was armed with explosives and was an almost identical replica of some US drone that had fallen into the hands of Iranian military much earlier. If such drone had exploded in Israel, it would have been difficult to directly relate the attack to Iran or its ally Hezbollah.
An interesting quotation from that interview:
“We were alone in the battle.... The [US-British-French] attack on the weekend was purely symbolic and a drop in the ocean. The strike should have hit Assad’s palace in order to truly scare him.”

Russia plans to deliver an anti-aircraft missile system, known as the S-300, to Syria in the near future, Russian Defense Ministry’s Colonel General Sergei Rudskoi told reporters on Wednesday [25 April].
"Russian experts will continue to train Syrian military servicemen, particularly teaching them to use the new missile defense systems that are planned to be delivered to Syria in the near future," he said, according to the Russian news agency TASS.
Russia's sale and pending delivery of these weapons to the Syrian government has been a source of tension between Moscow and Jerusalem. Israel fears the S-300 would hamper its ability to attack military sites in Syria that are dangerous to the Jewish State and would therefore allow Iran to strengthen its military foothold in that country.
"This is by far the most advanced weapons system in air defense in Syrian hands so far," said Brig. Gen. (res.) Assaf Orion, "so theoretically it is an entrenchment to the apparent freedom of action that the Israeli air force enjoys over Syria’s sky.”
[Russia's ambassador to Israel] Shein said the idea of the S-300 delivery - on which Russia has yet to decide - was a result of the punitive April 14 missile strikes by US, British and French forces on Syria.
[Quotations from the Jerusalem Post on 25 April 2018]
Editor's Note: An earlier blogspot of "blueprint news" already reported about Russian plannings to support Syria with the installation of a missile production near some Russian base.

محللون: سوء فهم النيات بين ايران وخصومها قد تؤدي الى حرب واسعة واسرائيل الأكثر استنفاراً
Analysts: A misunderstanding of intentions between Iran and its adversaries
could lead to an extended war and Israel's biggest mobilization.
[Azzaman الزمان, Iraqi newspaper published in London, Baghdad and Beirut, on 25 April 2018]

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