فيديو دعائي.. كوريا الشمالية توجه ضربة نووية لواشنطن
Propaganda video: North Korea directing a nuclear blow at Washington.
[Source: Al-Arabiya on March 27, 2016]

The miniaturization of North Korean nukes could finish with
blowing up America: THAAD missile defence is "mere joke".
The Chinese article is pointing out that there is no need to apply the U.S. developed THAAD system in South Korea as the North is not interested in delivering a nuclear blow on the U.S. by means of an intercontinental missile. Kim Jong Un's policy is only considered to underline that "some fearless men" might be sufficient to terrorize a country as could recently be seen in the aftermath of the Brussels attacks.
[Source: china.com on March 25, 2016]
Editor's Note:
The so-called Terminal High-Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) system is using an enhanced version of U.S. made Patriot missiles to intercept aggressing missiles.
In February 2016, the Pentagon announced that a Patriot Advance Capability-3 (Pac-3) missile system was moved from Fort Bliss in Texas to the Osan Air Base near Seoul, alongside two existing batteries. The Pac-3 system, with an altitude of up to 40 kilometres and a maximum speed of Mach 5, can intercept short- and medium-range missiles, such as the North Korean Scud and Rodong missiles.
Some sources are looking at the installation of the THAAD system in South Korea as part of an indirect threat that is aiming at neighbouring China rather than North Korea.
A promotion tour of North Korea's Singing Army Girls, the ultimate propaganda tool of
Kim JongUn. Their concert tour should have taken place from 12-14th December 2015
at the " National Centre for the Performing Arts " in Beijing. It combined revolutionary
songs with reminders of the Korean War. That must have been the group's last program
in China after which president Xi JinPing allegedly refused to attend their performance,
such putting an end to N Korea's so-called "Spice Girls Diplomacy" towards China. The
pro-Chinese music show, however, was comprehensively covered by some TV stations
in China / Taiwan that presented the appetizing female army detachment side by side
with news on N Korea's disputed H-bomb test and its missile capabilities.

TV pictures: North Korea's singing army girls "hurriedly flying back to Pyongyang".
The spokeswoman for China's ministry of foreign affairs, when asked in a regular
press-conference why the N Korean band of army girls left China so unexpectedly,
only answered "I don't know" and "We hope for a thoroughgoing cultural exchange."

Russian visitors to "blueprint news" in March 2016.

Russian visitors interested in North Korean proceedings and who surfaced in April 2016.
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