Yesterday evening, Al-Jazeera, Arabic TV, reported that Salah Abdus-Salam, the suspected mastermind of the 2015 Paris attacks, could be arrested in the Belgian capital of Brussels. He was the only one to escape after the bloodshed his terrorist group had triggered off in the French capital. Even though some shooting accompanied the arrest of Abdus-Salam by Belgian police, he is reported to be in good health. French president Hollande is now urging the Belgian authorities to extradite Abdus-Salam to France.
هولاند: سنطالب بلجيكا بتسليم عبد السلام
[French president] Hollande: We will demand from Belgium the extradition of Abdus-Salam.

صلاح عبد السلام المطلوب رقم واحد في هجمات باريس
Salah Abdus-Salam searched as No.1 of the Paris attacks.
ولد في بلجيكا عام 1989 لعائلة من أصول مغاربية
Born in Belgium in 1989 to a family originating from Morocco.
السلطات البلجيكية تؤكد اعتقال المشتبه به في هجمات باريس صلاح عبد السلام
Belgian authorities are sure to have arrested the
suspect of the Paris attacks, Salah Abdus-Salam.
[Source: Al-Jazeera الجزيرة, Arabic website, on March 19, 2016]
Related News on Terrorism:

البرلمان الجزائري:عقوبات ضد الإرهابيين العائدين من سوريا والعراق وليبيا
Algerian Parliament: Sanctions against terrorists returning from Syria, Iraq and Libya.
[Source: Iraq News Summary موجز العراق on March 19, 2016]
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