مقاتلات "عاصفة الحزم" تقصف معسكر "ماس" على الطريق بين مأرب وصنعاء
Fighter planes for the "Storm of Determination" are bombing
"Camp Ma's" on the route between Ma'rib and Sanaa.

Above: Ruins in the historic part of Ma'rib township.
شنت مقاتلات قوات "عاصفة الحزم" غارات جوية على معسكر "ماس" الموالي لجماعة الحوثيين والرئيس السابق علي عبدالله صالح في مديرية "مجزر" بمحافظة مأرب صباح اليوم الاثنين.ـ
Fighter planes belonging to the forces of [operation] "Storm of Determination" launched air raids on "Camp Ma's" and which is connected with the Houthi community and former president Ali Abdullah Saleh in Majzar District / Ma'rib Governorate this morning, Monday [i.e. April 13].

اللواءان 111 و112 في #مأرب يعلنان الولاء للشرعية
Brigade 111 and 112 in Ma'rib demonstrating their loyalty to the constitutional system.
[A complicated situation in Ma'rib as reported by Al-Arabiya TV العربية on April 12/13]

استسلام 20 مسلحا حوثيا تحصنوا بسفارة #روسيا في #عدن
Capitulation of 20 armed Houthis in Aden and who
had barricaded themselves in the Russian embassy.
[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on April 13, 2015]
فيديو.. قصف المدفعيات السعودية على ميليشيات #الحوثي
Video: Saudi artillery shelling Houthi militias.
[First pictures by Al-Arabiya / Al-Hadath TV about
border fighting between Saudi-Arabia and Yemen,
dated: April 13, 2015.]
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