جواد ظريف: على باكستان وإيران العمل سويا فى موضوع اليمن
Javad Zarif: Joint action taken in Pakistan and Iran concerning Yemen.
قال وزير الخارجية الإيرانى محمد جواد ظريف اليوم الأربعاء أن على باكستان وإيران العمل سويا لإيجاد حل سياسى لأزمة اليمن.ـ
Today, Tuesday [April 8], Iran's minister of foreign affairs, Mohammad Javad Zarif, declared that in Pakistan and Iran joint action is taken to find a political solution for the crisis in Yemen.
وأضاف ظريف خلال زيارة لإسلام أباد "نحن بحاجة إلى العمل سويا لإيجاد حل سياسى".ـ
Zarif added during his visit to Islamabad: " In this matter we are [working together] to find a political solution. "
ومن المتوقع أن يدعو ظريف خلال زيارته لباكستان إسلام آباد إلى رفض الطلب السعودى بأن تنضم باكستان إلى العملية العسكرية ضد قوات الحوثى المتحالفة مع إيران.ـ
It is probable that Zarif, during his visit to Pakistan, incited Islamabad to reject the Saudi demand that Pakistan might join the military operation directed against Houthi forces and who are allied with Iran.
[Source: YOUM7 اليوم السابع on April 8, 2015]
Only one day before, news were spread by Al-Jazeera that Turkey's president Erdogan and Iran's president Rouhani should have met in Tehran for talks on points of common interest, including the Yemeni crisis. Both sides should have stated their preference for a political solution in the conflict. Rouhani is said to have reached out to Erdogan, and who is in favour of the Saudi-led military operation in Yemen, by pointing to other items where Turkey and Iran were able to reach an agreement.

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