Above: U.S. planes landing on Turkish air base.
تركيا تفتح قواعدها لدول التحالف لضرب "داعش"ـ
Turkey opens its [military] bases for allied countries to strike at ISIS.
وافقت تركيا على أن تستعمل الولايات المتحدة قواعدها الجوية، خصوصا قاعدة انجرليك، في إطار الحملة الدولية ضد تنظيم "داعش"، حسب ما أعلن، الأحد، مسؤول أميركي في وزارة الدفاع.ـ
Turkey showed its approval of the United States using its air force bases, particularly Incirlik base, in the frame of an [international] attack directed against ISIS organization. That can be supposed after what has been proclaimed by an American official from the [U.S.] department of defence on Sunday.
[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on October 13, 2014]
According to BBC, the new Turkish commitment should include the " training of moderate Syrian opposition forces on Turkish bases and territory " (quotation: U.S. national security adviser Susan Rice) and which complies with U.S. President Obama's anti-ISIS strategy announced last month.

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