معارك كوباني تتسع.. وأكثر من 400 قتيل من الطرفين
Kobane fightings extending ..... More than 400 died on both sides.
قالت مصادر كردية في مدينة عين العرب "كوباني" بالكردية، إن عناصر تنظيم "داعش" تراجعوا بشكل جزئي من المناطق التي سيطروا عليها في الأحياء الشرقية للمدينة، إثر ضربات مركزة من طائرات التحالف على مواقع التنظيم.ـ
Kurdish sources in the town of Ayn al-Arab ( "Kobane" in Kurdish language) said that followers of ISIS organization are partially retreating from territories they controlled in the eastern parts of the town after concentrated raids by allied planes targeting positions of the organization.
[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on October 7, 2014]
According to France Info, evening news on October 7, ISIS militants should still hold five positions in Ayn al-Arab / Kobane while nearby Turkish troops are not yet engaged in the fightings.

ـ12 قتيلا في تركيا بمظاهرات داعمة لـ"عين العرب"ـ
12 died in Turkey during demonstrations in support of "Ayn al-Arab" [i.e. Kobane].
[Al-Arabiya Update on October 8, 2014]

The Turkish prime minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said that Turkey
neither wants troops of the [Assad] regime near its border nor
would like other terrorist organizations to become active in the
region. [Source: Al-Arabiya video on October 7/8, 2014]

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