تقرير يكشف عن دعم واشنطن للأسد عبر المخابرات الألمانية و برلين تنفي
Report reveals Washington assisted Assad with the help of German intelligence and which is what Berlin denies.
A British press report revealed the United States assisted the regime of Syria's president Bashar al-Assad in its confrontation with the organization "Islamic State". They acted in cooperation with Germany's reconnaissance apparatus (BND) while rejecting [ultimate] Syrian support with [related] knowledge.
The Arabic source is referring to an article published by the British daily The Independent two days before on August 22.
That article describes the current military situation in Syria and mentions a covert passing of U.S. intelligence to Syria about the exact location of jihadi leaders while using a BND channel. The intelligence business was brought to the attention of British journalists by some source that remained unnamed in the British article.

..... The German reconnaissance apparatus rejected that Syria [had been informed] at any time, and a speaker on behalf of the reconnaissance [agency] told the external of German News Agency (DPA) that " such report is faulty and missing any substance ".....
[Arabic source: Al-Sumariya السومرية, Baghdad, on August 24, 2014]

المانيا تؤكد موقفها لمساعدة العراق في بناء دولة مدنية متطورة
Germany confirms its position to assist Iraq in the building of a developed civil [or: secular] nation.
On Sunday, Germany's ambassador to Iraq [confirmed, once again, the determination] of his country in its assistance of Iraq and the territory of Kurdistan in their fight against "Daesh" [ISIS] organisation, while assuring [his country's application to work for] the creation of a civil nation that should be modern and developed.
The Arabic article is referring to Ekkehard Brose, the German ambassador to Baghdad and whose picture is shown above.
[Arabic source: Al-Sumariya السومرية, Baghdad, on August 24, 2014]
In the following days, Germany's parliament "Bundestag" is poised to discuss the federal government's decision in favour of weapon deliveries to Iraq that might help to stop the advancing militants from ISIS organisation.
Such military aid has already been approved within the European Union. Even though the German government is not obliged to call for parliamentary support on this matter, it has been decided to summon an extraordinary session of parliament on Wednesday, August 27, to create a broad basis of support for the government's decision.
[From different German news sources on August 24, 2014]

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