Last UPDATE: August 31
The following "bits of news" have been translated from an Arabic text site published by Al-Sumariya News, an Iraqi TV station. The news were collected between August 28 and 30 and should represent last minute information. Further news from Al-Arabiya TV in Dubai have been added.

ISIS Unit (obviously including women)
مسلحو "داعش" يختطفون شيخين بكركوك
Abduction of Sheikhs by armed [fighters] from ISIS in Kirkuk district.
In an interview with Al-Sumariya News some security source from Salah al-Din told that Sheikh Sadam Hamad Said, Sheikh Mahmud Hasan Salah and others should have been abducted by ISIS fighters in Kirkuk district at noon today [August 30].
[Source: Al-Sumariya السومرية, Baghdad, on August 30, 2014]
ـ"داعش" يعدم 200 جندي سوري اثناء محاولتهم الفرار من محيط مطار الطبقة شمال البلاد
ISIS killed 200 Syrian soldiers when they tried to flee from the precincts of a [=> military] airfield in the Northern part of the country.
[Source: Al-Sumariya السومرية, Baghdad, on August 28, 2014]
مقتل 36 عنصرا من "داعش" في عملية أمنية شرق الفلوجة
36 ISIS partisans died in a security operation east of al-Faluja.
[Source: Al-Sumariya السومرية, Baghdad, on August 30, 2014]
مقتل قادة سوريون و عرب و أجانب ب"دعش" بقصف جوي استهدف مواقعهم في دير الزور
Syrian, Arabic and foreign ISIS commanders died in an air raid while being exposed in their [positions] at Dir al-Sur [=> Syria].
[Source: Al-Sumariya السومرية, Baghdad, on August 28, 2014]

العراق.. قصف مواقع لـ"داعش" قرب أمرلي المحاصرة
Iraq - Bombing of ISIS positions near the besieged [community] of Amrali.
قصف طيران الجيش العراقي مواقع لعناصر تنظيم "داعش" في ثلاث قرى بالقرب من بلدة أمرلي المحاصرة منذ أكثر من شهرين، بحسب مصادر أمنية.ـ
According to security sources an air raid targeting positions of ISIS organization was carried out by Iraqi forces on three villages near the [community] of Amrali, which has been under siege for more than two months.
[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية, Dubai, on August 29, 2014]
UPDATE for August 31:

تحرير آمرلي من داعش Liberation of Amrali from ISIS
In addition, Al-Arabiya TV is quoting a source within Iraqi police as saying that 10 persons died during two explosions that took place in al-Ramadi.

Peshmerga Unit
البيشمركة تدخل ناحية زمار غربي الموصل و تشتبك مع "داعش"ـ
Peshmerga [Kurdish militia] is entering the region of Samaar, west of Mosul, and engaging with ISIS.
[Source: Al-Sumariya السومرية, Baghdad, on August 30, 2014]
مقتل ضابط بالبيشمركة و إصابة أربعة عناصر بانفجار في كركوك
One officer from Peshmerga [i.e. Kurdish militia] died while four [fighters] were wounded in an explosion that took place in Kirkuk.
A source from within regional security of Kirkuk district told Al-Sumariya in an interview that one Peshmerga lieutenant died and four [other] fighters were wounded in the [probably accidental] detonation of some explosive about 10 km north-west of Kirkuk [township] on Thursday [August 28].
[Source: Al-Sumariya السومرية, Baghdad, on August 28, 2014]

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