Now tried by a criminal court in Munich, Germany: A female gang member charged for support of a serial murder that victimized innocent small-scale businessmen with a migration background while state authorities didn't notice the common background of these politically motivated murders for a long time.
The nationalist "Nazi" gang's two assassins, however, cannot be tried at the same time. They shot themselves when German security forces had tracked them down.
The extent of that serial murder, comprising the assassination of at least nine victims, eight Turqish and one Greek immigrant, between 2000 and 2006, as well as incredible shortcomings in the proceedings of German police and state security, have caused a broad public interest in Germany.
The Balkan-like Style of a Serial Murder

Nazi murder gang member
being not entirely "German"
as her father is a Romanian.
女纳粹分子Beate Zschäpe在社会上没有根基但是不是隔离的人,她的《家族》是反社会的邻居们,他们多半失业者没有职业才干,靠社会福利过活,对《外国人》有不合理的憎恨他们叫《爱国心》,他们也憎恨国家的学者和国家机关工作人员。
Female Nazi member Beate Zschäpe was not rooted in society. However, she was not isolated but embedded in an anti-social neighbourhood which became her "family".
These people are mostly unemployed without any professional skills and depend on social welfare. Towards "foreigners" they express some kind of unreasonable hatred as well as they detest learned people among their compatriots and all kinds of state officials.
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