Thursday, August 30, 2012

Obama's Militant Opposition and Quarrelling Allies

Yesterday, August 29, the following report appeared on Al-Arabiya's website. It was the same day that Mitt Romney was nominated the Republican's candidate for the presidential elections to come.

اعتقال أمريكيين خططوا لقلب الحكم وقتل باراك أوباما

[U.S. citizens] arrested who planned to topple the authorities and kill Barack Obama.

مجموعة عسكرية تحولت إلى جماعة معادية للحكومة تطلق على نفسها اسم "FEAR"

A military group that changed into a community for a [revision] of the government named itself "FEAR".

According to Al-Arabiya, this information should have been given by a speaker of the [prosecuting attorney's office] in the U.S. State of Georgia yesterday, Tuesday August 28, 2012. Furthermore, it was said the group mentioned above should have branched off weapons being worth some 87.000 U.S.$.

Two arrested members of FEAR (Forever Enduring Always Ready) organization (above).


U.S. on Dispute among Allies:


South Korean Media: America appealing to South Korea and Japan to exercise restraint on the subject of Solitary Island as a historic item.


Message from People's Network on August 31: According to South Korean joint agencies' news, a high official of the U.S. State Department indicated on a press conference held [the day before] on August 30, 2012, that a tense situation which recently emerged between South Korea and Japan has caused America to feel deeply worried. He [therefore] appealed to South Korea and Japan to exercise restraint on the historic item of Solitary Island, [to prefer] calm replies and to give full play to [their] capacities for political consultations.


Earlier on August 23, U.S. State Department's spokesman Nolan once indicated at a routine press conference that dispute, having emerged between South Korea and Japan, is being spoken of by the U.S.A. as some "not very comfortable" matter.

[Source: People's Network, Beijing, on August 31, 2012]

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