—— 蓝图杂志的新闻 —— The news service of BLUEPRINT magazine, an international journal of culture, science and politics. BLUEPRINT magazine is mainly published in English and Chinese. Some additional articles are published in Arabic, German, French and Spanish. Editor: Wolfgang Wiesner "Ulysses" © 2005-2025
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Saturday, August 04, 2012
Syria - Rebels Controlling Aleppo
Important UPDATE further down !
الجيش الحر يسيطر على الإذاعة والتلفزيون في حلب
The Free Army is in control of radio and television [stations] in Aleppo.
انسحب تكتيكياً لضراوة القصف من جانب قوات النظام ويتمركز حالياً في محيط المباني
Tactical retreat from [...] shelling by part of the [government] troops and momentary concentration in the environment of the buildings.
شهدت مدينة حلب السورية تطورات متلاحقة الليلة الماضية، إذ أعلن الجيش الحر أنه بات يسيطر على 60% من أحياء حلب، موضحاً أنه يتمركز حالياً في محيط مباني الإذاعة والتلفزيون في حلب بعد انسحابه من داخلها بسبب قصف طائرات النظام
Last night, the Syrian town of Aleppo witnessed the continued proceedings [that led to] the proclamation of the Free Army having definitely gained control over 60% of Aleppo [township]. They made clear having momentarily concentrated in the environment of the radio and television buildings in Aleppo after their retreat because of being bombed by [government] planes.
[Source: Al-Arabiya Online, August 4, 2012]
UPDATE on August 5, 2012:
الحر يعتقل 48 عنصراً من الحرس الثوري الإيراني
"The Free" [Syrian army] have captured 48 members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.
إيران طلبت من تركيا وقطر التدخل الفوري للإفراج عنهم
Iran asked Turkey and Qatar to immediately intervene [in favour of] their liberation.
The photos below are taken from a video of the Free Syrian Army, presenting a member of Iran's Revolutionary Guards who is handing over his personal documents, including military papers, to an officer of the rebel forces:
[Source: Al-Arabiya Online, August 5, 2012]
Headline of Al-Jazeera from the same day (August 5):
إيران تطالب تركيا وقطر بالتدخل في قضية المختطفين
Iran is asking Turkey and Qatar for intervention in the case of kidnappings.
According to official Iranian sources, those 48 Iranians should have been on their way by bus from Saida Sinab (*) to the international airport of Damascus when being captured. Saida Sinab is located about 16 kilometers away from Damascus. In the quoted article from Al-Jazeera there is no mentioning of the Free Syrian Army.
* Saida Sinab is named after a valuable woman, daughter of Imam Ali Ben Abi.
Comment by Ulysses:
The article of Al-Jazeera Online has been quoted because there are Western TV sources, most probably relying on Al-Jazeera and treating the subject as a mere "kidnapping by unknown bandits". This might be due to a different level of information for different news services. Today, Al-Arabiya seemed to be first in the daily race.
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