عبد الحفيظ غوقة
المتحدث الرسمي باسم المجلس الوطني الانتقالي
Abad al-Hafiz Ruqa
Official speaker of the national assembly of transition.
Photos from Benghazi military air base:
كاميرا الجزيرة تدخل قاعدة بنينة الجوية في بنغازي بعد انحيازها إلى الثورة الشعبية
[Photos taken] by Al-Jazeera on the arrival at the air base
of Benghazi after [its staff] joined the people's uprising.

Benghazi runway protected by anti-aircraft gun:

Palace of the Gadafi family taken:
صور لكاميرا الجزيرة في قصر للقذافي بمدينة البيضاء تظهر سردابا محصنا ضد هجمات نووية
Pictures taken by Al-Jazeera in Gadafi's palace in the town of al-
Baida are showing a fortified atomic bunker in the souterrain.

Bunker facility for the control of electricity and water supply,
the ventilation system and a particle filter, installed by a Swiss
company that is using parts provided by a U.S. company in Michigan.
The controlling facility has been tested only some weeks ago:

Gadafi's swimming pool:

Who Makes The Machinery ?
Visitor to "blueprint news" who found this site on May 23, 2012.
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