Saturday, February 04, 2012

Syria - Day of UN Resolution

Latest UPDATE further down !

ناشطون سوريون: قصف مدفعي في اقتحام مدينتي الزبداني و مضايا بريف دمشق خلال الليل
According to Syrian activists [there is] artillery shooting in a [violent] urban attack and which was advancing to the outskirts of Damascus during the night.

Poster held in the above picture:
مظاهرة نعرة لي الخالدية
"A demonstration of chauvinism for eternity."

[Source: Al-Jazeera, Arabic TV, February 4]

According to PR China's "Eastern Midday News" 200 have been killed during the cannonade of Homs.

[Source: People's Network, February 4]

الثورة الشعب تصادف الحقيقة
La révolution du peuple rencontre la réalité.
The people's revolution meeting with reality.

Graphic art by © "Ulysses" / W.W., 2012.
Original size of calligraphy: 30cm x 40cm.
Click to the image for a better resolution !

Today, UN Security Council should decide over the draft of a resolution urging Syrian president Assad to stop killing his people. That draft could be vetoed by Russia and China like another draft that already failed before.

روسيا تقترح تعديلات على مشروع القرار تنص على مطالبة المعارضة السورية بأن تنأى بنفسها عن الجماعات المسلحة
Russia has suggested modifications to the plan of a resolution which should fix the demand of the Syrian opposition that armed troups must keep away from them.

[Source: Al-Jazeera, Arabic TV, February 4]

Latest News of the Day:

As expected, China and Russia vetoed the Syria UN resolution which was based on a draft essentially provided by the Arab League and that had the backing of most of the Security Council.

[Source: Sky News Australia (, o5:57
on Feb. 5 in Australia which is still Feb. 4 in New York.]

Headline of Al-Arabiya TV, online edition:
Russia and China thwarting the Security Council's resolution directed against Assad's regime.

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