Monday, February 20, 2017

U.S. President Trump Mentally Ill ?

A recent letter to the editorial board of the New York Times, that was signed by 35 psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers, put it this way: “We fear that too much is at stake to be silent.” It continued, “We believe that the grave emotional instability indicated by Mr. Trump’s speech and actions makes him incapable of serving safely as president."

But there is more behind it ! Read the original article.


In an open letter 35 U.S. psychiatrists said
that Trump is affected by mental disorder.


In [that] open letter, psychiatrists describe Trump as needing each [single] hour, each quarter of an hour "some opponent to be crushed under his foot" and moreover [being in an] "extremely unstable mood".

However, one high-profile psychiatrist is opposing his 35 colleagues who wrote to the editorial board of the New York Times:

美国一位知名精神病专家艾伦•弗朗西斯(Allen Frances)认为,很多人非精神病专家都混淆了特朗普的问题,直接把他定义为“自恋型人格障碍” (narcissistic personality disorder)。

One of America's best-known specialists on mental disorder, Allen Francis, considers that many non-psychiatrists are mixing up the Trump case, immediately defining it as narcissistic personality disorder.

[Source: 新浪网 on February 19, 2017]


Trump: The media are "the enemies of the U.S. people".

[Source: FT中文网 on February 20, 2017]

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Trump - Fear of Predators ?

Last Update: Feb. 19, 2017.

Embarrassing Donald Trump at least seems to have respect for other predators.
It's all about knowing "the family".

"See you later, alligator !"
Xi JinPing, the "waddling crocodile", while visiting the U.S.A. in 2012.

With a Paper Tiger in the White House, there's time enough to care for the Siberian Tiger.
[The Chinese article is using the expression "Tiger Putin 普京虎" in its headline.]

Trump shrinking back from the American Eagle.


On U.S. Guidelines of the Trump Era

On hearing shouts of "America First" and "Buy American" from the White House, those having experienced the cold war era might feel haunted by memories from that time when Eastern and Western politics were dominated by ideology.

Depending on one's personal position there might be different ways of perception for these ambitious adages that are now marking the era of U.S. president Donald Trump.

One possible way to deal with "Buy American" can still be related to the following phrase and which is dating back to the "dark ages" of communism and anti-imperialism:

"We will hang the capitalists with the rope they sell us."

A popular quotation often attributed to different persons like Lenin, Marx and Stalin and who most likely never used that specific stance. Therefore, it might be that this phrase is simply expressing a programmatic adage which doesn't need any personalized origin.

In 1958, Mao Tse Tung adopted that tiny phrase and got even more specific on the subject. The explanation he gave then became a part of his famous Red Booklet:

The United States has set up hundreds of military bases in many countries all over the world. China's territory of Taiwan, Lebanon and all military bases of the United States on foreign soil are so many ropes round the neck of U.S. imperialism. The ropes have been fabricated by the Americans themselves and by nobody else, and it is they themselves who have put the nooses round their own necks, handing the ends of the ropes to the Chinese people, the peoples of the Arab countries and all the peoples of the world who love peace and oppose aggression. The longer the U.S. aggressors remain in those places, the tighter the nooses round their necks will become.

Mao's interpretation of U.S. politics in the 1950ies, seems to be accurate even today and it opens a view on what we recently learnt to be the ultimate guideline of the new Trump era and which should be "America First". One could say Mao is still having the truth, even though China itself has slowly changed from basic socialism to some kind of crude capitalism "à la Américaine" in the meantime.

Nowadays, after persistent political confrontation based on ossified doctrine rather than common sense has given way to complicated supranational conflicts of economic and geopolitical interests in the frame of an irreversible globalization, any national policy of separation might quickly turn out to be counterproductive for the authors of such separation.

The stances "America First - Buy American" could therefore easily turn into some kind of boomerang that hits America where it is intended to hit competing nations. Latest news and comments from different national economies are already pointing in that direction.


Indonesian Visitor interested in the U.S. response on Trump's Muslim Ban.

A visitor from Dallas/Texas, the town where U.S. President J.F. Kennedy was shot.
The visitor called my blogspot on Barack Obama's first visit to Berlin in 2008 when
Obama was just a presidential candidate.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Iraq - Army Targeting ISIL Leaders

العراق: استهدفنا "البغدادي" بضربة جوية ومصيره غير معلوم

Iraq: We targeted "Al-Baghdadi" in an
air raid and his fate remains unknown.

قال الجيش العراقي في بيان، اليوم الاثنين، إن قواته الجوية نفذت غارة على منزل كان يُعتقد أن زعيم تنظيم داعش أبوبكر البغدادي يجتمع فيه مع قادة آخرين بالتنظيم. ولم يوضح البيان ما إذا كان البغدادي قد استهدف أم لا.ـ

On Monday [Feb. 13], the Iraqui army declared in a bulletin, their air force had executed a raid on some residence that was considered to be the meeting point of ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi with other leaders of the organization. The declaration, however, was not clear about al-Baghdadi being the [primary] target or not.

وذكر البيان أن طائرات أف-16 العراقية استهدفت المنزل الكائن في غرب العراق يوم السبت. ونشر البيان أسماء 13 من قادة التنظيم قال إنهم قتلوا في الغارة الجوية، لكن القائمة لم تشمل البغدادي.ـ

According to the military bulletin, 13 ISIL leaders should have been killed in an air raid executed by Iraqui F-16 fighters in western Iraq on Saturday, February 11. The names on a list of killed leaders, however, does not include al-Baghdadi.

[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on February 13, 2016]

Monday, February 06, 2017

Trump - Preparing War on Iran ?

An important update included on February 7, 2017:
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei "thanked" Trump for having
revealed the "true face of America" => view video !

In the frame of recent Iranian missile tests, U.S. president Donald Trump is going to loose his temper. After having warned Iran of preferring a policy "less cosy" than that of his predecessor President Obama, the White House is indicating an uncompromising way of treating Iran as the most important source of all evil in Middle Eastern developments.

However, any military blow on Iran that is intended to extinguish its military capabilities (including the nuclear ones) will not be such an easy-going affair like the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq because Iran is an important regional power with own armament industries and an army well-equipped with high-end Russian missile technology.

This might be rather a nice opportunity for some contest by proxy of brandnew U.S. and Russian weaponry with president Putin on the opposite side of the war game and who was only recently defended by Trump as "just one of many other murderers" [Fox News], an evaluation that sounds almost like some kind of "honouring the knight".

If by some "unforeseen" military incident Trump would be "forced" to declare war on Iran and, simultaneously, declare a state of emergency in his own country, this would certainly affect civil rights and the activity of all those who are now still fighting against Trump's rule of madness.

اول اعتراض روسي على ترامب: ايران ليست دولة ارهابية

First Russian protest targeting Trump: Iran no terrorist country.

[Source: Shafaq News شفق نيوز, Iraq, on February 6, 2017]

On February 7, 2017, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
caustically thanked "political newcomer" Trump for having revealed
the "true face of America". [Source: New York Times]

يران تكشف قريبا عن خمسة إنجازات عسكرية

Iran is soon to unveil five military achievements.

أعلنت وزارة الدفاع الإيرانية على موقعها الإلكتروني أنها ستكشف النقاب عما وصفتها بخمسة إنجازات عسكرية جديدة في مجال الدفاع الجوي والبري، وذلك بحضور وزير الدفاع حسين دهقان ومع اقتراب "عيد انتصار الثورة".ـ

The Iranian Ministry of Defense declared on its website that it would unveil what they described as five new military achievements in the area of defense air and land [as published on Twitter] in the presence of Defense Minister Hussein Dehghan with the approach of the "triumph of the revolution" celebrations.

[Source: Al-Jazeera online الجزيرة نت on February 6, 2017]

Videos related to the subject:

Iran warns U.S. not to make a problem over missile test.

Iranian state-of-the-art military drone technology,
partly based on captured U.S. stealth drone used
for spying on Iran. Military hackers diverted the
aircraft and brought it down undamaged [IRNA].

Iran - Military Power 2016

Iran Begins Massive Military Drill Ahead Of Trump Presidency
(Dec.18, 2016 news headlines including an outlook on Trump's
first guidelines of foreign policy)


Visitor to "blueprint news" interested in the subject of a U.S.-Iranian war scenario.

Some visitor from the U.S. State of Indiana called my "classic" 2012 blogspot on Iran:
Iran - Who is Threatening Whom ?

Sunday, January 29, 2017

USA - Response to Muslim Immigration Ban

Latest News on January 29:

U.S. District Judge Ann Donnelly has blocked part of President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration, ruling that travellers who have already landed in the US with valid visas should not be sent back to their home countries.


A group of state attorneys general, meanwhile, are discussing whether to file their own court challenge against the order, officials in three states told the Reuters news agency.

Officials in the offices of attorneys general in Pennsylvania, Washington and Hawaii said they were evaluating what specific claims could be filed, and in which court.

Trump signed the executive order on Friday, January 27, that effectively denies entry to refugees from seven Muslim-majority countries, including those with green cards, who otherwise have permanent residence in the US.

Signing the order at the Pentagon, Trump said the move would help protect Americans from "terrorist" attacks.

[Source: Al-Jazeera, international edition, on January 29, 2017]

Above: German news video showing U.S. protesters in front of a New York law court
and who are celebrating the court rule that partly dismissed Trump's immigration ban
for Muslims. [N24 News TV on Jan. 28/29]

Headlines of opinion pages for The New York Times on January 27 / 28, 2017.

In face of Donald Trump's Muslim ban,
Canada's Trudeau welcomes refugees.

Headline of The Sydney Morning Herald on January 29, 2017.

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau welcomed those fleeing war and persecution on Saturday, January 28, even as Canadian airlines said they would turn back U.S.-bound passengers to comply with an immigration ban on people from seven Muslim-majority countries.

In pointed tweets a day after U.S. President Donald Trump put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travelers from the seven countries, Trudeau said refugees were welcome in Canada.

[Source:, on January 28, 2017]

Immigration ban protests erupt at JFK International Airport
as NY taxi drivers strike following Trump's immigration ban.

[Source: USA Today on January 28, 2017]

U.S. arrivals in 2015 from recently banned Muslim countries.
[U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security]

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif issued a series of tweets in response to President Trump's order, saying the move would be "a great gift to extremists and their supporters."


Welcome to the Year of Super Rooster Donald 2017 !

Monday, January 16, 2017

2017 - Year of Super Rooster Donald

Last Update: January 27


According to Chinese horoscope theory, the Chinese year 2017 is to arrive on January 28 and is called the Year of the Red Fire Chicken or Red Fire Rooster with "red" being connected to the "fire".

While the Chinese New Year's Day differs according to the Chinese Moon Calendar, the U.S. nation swears in their 45th president Donald Trump exactly on January 20 which is a pre-fixed date in U.S. history for the inauguration of any new president. Donald Trump will preside over the U.S. Year of the Super Rooster. However, Chinese fireworks will start just about a week later.

Chicken (or rooster) implies luxury, beauty, and wealth. The Red Fire Chicken of 2017 is related to the light bulb. When the rooster and his jewels are in the spotlight, he feels fine and presents himself as being even more valuable than he is. That implies we will deal with financial events in the year of the chicken.

As the chicken is related as well to, both, "female" and "metal", there are further implications:

While "male metal" is connected to air, wind or strong current, "female metal" is connected to fog or slow dirty air. We cannot see our future clearly until the fog disappears. That means the rooster blurs our vision and mystifies our decision. We need to wait for the sun to appear or the fog to disappear.

In my country we are still using that old expression:
"To put the Red Fire Rooster on top of the house."
which has the meaning of: "To set the house on fire."
And that seems to be exactly what voters for Donald
Trump are going to enjoy during the times to come ...

During his election campaign and up to now, Donald Trump insulted lots and lots of people. Here now a global list of politicians who fired back, together with their most remarkable comments. Click to the red buttons and enjoy it !

=> Happy Inauguration Day ! - Politicians worldwide challenging Trump <=

U.S. President Trump's opinion on the "efficiency of torture"
while torture is considered a crime not only under U.S. laws.



Why do Trump and Putin enjoy a mutual understanding ?


It's probably the resonance of their ideologies regarding
mutual benefits from geopolitics that made Trump and
Putin become aware of "sympathetic feelings".


The above Chinese article shows how Donald Trump's expression of sympathy towards Russia's president Putin is not only disturbing certain conservative circles of U.S. politicians, even in the Republican Party that brought him to power. It is, as well, annoying PR China which maintains friendly relations with Russia despite mutual geopolitical rivalry in the frame of new Central-Asian alliances that are dominated by both countries. As Trump is so obviously busy to create mistrust between China and Russia in favor of U.S. interests, his success could only be limited. A related item from the same Chinese source:

Chinese cartoon showing how Trump damaged Beijing's idea of "One China" when he expressed "long-standing friendly terms" with Taiwan that is still regarded by Beijing as an integrate part of Mainland China. Former U.S. presidents, regardless how deeply involved in U.S.-Taiwanese relations they had been, always avoided to mention Taiwan as some kind of "ally to the West" while Donald Trump was the first to accept a direct phone call from Taiwan's president Tsai. It should be mentioned that nowadays the "One China" ideology is not based any longer on the idea of a military solution but rather on a political development between both Chinese countries.

Portuguese visitor to "blueprint news" interested in Chinese-Russian naval exercises.

U.S. visitor reminding Barack Obama's public speech in Berlin on his 2nd visit to Germany.

Reminder of Ghadafi's end in Libya.

Friday, January 06, 2017

US on Palestine - Status Quo Restored

ـ"النواب" الأميركي يندد بقرار مجلس الأمن ضد الاستيطان

US "parliament" [House of Representatives] denounces
a [UN] Security Council decision opposing colonialism
[literally: implantation of colonies in occupied territory].
[Source: Al-Arabia العربية on January 6, 2017]

The Jerusalem Post wrote on January 6, 2017:

Washington - The House of Representatives passed a resolution on Thursday [January 5] condemning the UN Security Council for censuring Israel over its settlement enterprise, and calling on the Obama administration– which allowed the UN move to pass– to veto any similar actions in the international chamber.

The resolution acknowledges America's longstanding and bipartisan support for a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians, but reminds the government of its historic policy opposed to "one-sided" UN resolutions that seek to impose parameters for such a solution onto the parties.

It is this policy, the resolution asserts, that the Obama administration undermined with its latest action at the UN, which condemned Israel over its construction in the West Bank and "east Jerusalem." The White House abstained from the vote, choosing not to utilize its permanent veto power.

The status of East Jerusalem remains a sticking point between Israelis and Palestinians, and the US has for years considered it a topic not for UN deliberations but for final-status, direct negotiations.

"The passage of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 undermined the longstanding position of the United States to oppose and veto United Nations Security Council resolutions that seek to impose solutions to final status issues, or are one-sided and anti-Israel, reversing decades of bipartisan agreement," the resolution asserts, referring to US President Barack Obama's decision to abstain from the vote.
