Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Syria - Bombing the General Staff - New Massacre

Latest UPDATE on August 16 further down !

Al-Arabiya's Report on August 15, 2012:

الجيش الحر يتبنى تفجير رئاسة الأركان في دمشق

The Free Army took responsibility for detonating [the seat of] the general staff in Damascus.

دمشق تعلن عن انفجار قرب فندق يقيم فيه المراقبون الدوليون

Damascus reporting an explosion from the neighbourhood of a hotel considered to host the National Surveillance.

تبنى الجيش السوري الحر تفجيراً استهدف صباح الأربعاء مقر الأركان العامة وسط العاصمة السورية دمشق

The Free Syrian Army [took responsibility] for the explosion on Wednesday morning at the seat of the People's General Staff in the center of Syria's capital Damascus.


The following day, August 16, Al-Arabiya reported another massacre in the northern border region of Syria:

مجزرة جديدة يرتكبها النظام السوري بإعزاز الحدودية

A new massacre committed by the Syrian regime at [the frontier municipality of Azaz]

أكد طبيب سوري في مستشفى محلي أن غارة جوية شنتها طائرة سورية في بلدة أعزاز (شمالي البلاد)، أمس الأربعاء، أدت إلى مقتل 100 شخص، وإصابة 150 آخرين

A Syrian doctor in a local hospital confirmed an air raid by a Syrian plane in the municipality of Azaz in the northern part of the country, yesterday Wednesday [August 15], [leaving] a death toll of 100 persons and another 150 wounded.

Editor's Note: Later that day, CNN reported the air raid was directed against a nearby makeshift camp of reporters. As I followed earlier CNN footage of developments at the Syrian-Turkish border, it came to me without surprise that a camp of reporters (most probably from CNN) might exist on the Syrian side of the border after the Free Syrian Army recently took over control of that region. Now, the air raid is showing how dangerous any reporting from a battle-field can be. Only to remember that Al-Jazeera recently lost a reporter who died facing the camera, his bulletproof vest being blasted by a projectile for which it was not intended. Seconds later, his report was continued by a colleague. And that victim of war is not the only one among those who care for our "entertainment" far away from the battle-fields.


In their special feature "Revolution Talk" on August 16, Al-Jazeera, Arabic TV, discussed latest developments of the day, including the difficulty to come to terms with China and Russia on the Syrian subject. Local news from Syria are as follows:

مواجهات بين الجيش السوري الحر و الجيش النظامي في مناطق بالعاصمة السورية دمشق

Confrontations between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and troops of the regime in the outskirts of Syria's capital Damascus.

On August 13, the English service of Al-Jazeera had already reported about the Free Army's intention to block the main road from Damascus to Aleppo, thus keeping the seaports of Latakia and Tartus out of reach for government troops.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Egypt - Morsy Treating the Military - Sinai War

UPDATE on Sinai War further down !

مرسي: لا بد من الوفاء لمن كانوا أوفياء
Morsy: It is the inevitable compensation for those [named as being loyal].

Yesterday evening, the Arabic service of Al-Jazeera made a life transmission of a speech held by Egypt's President Morsy on Tahrir Square in Kairo. In that speech Mohammad Morsy announced decisions that are unspokenly designed to reduce the Military Council's power and get other institutions of state under control.

مصر: قرارات رئاسية مفاجئة
Egypt: Surprising Presidential Decisions

إلغاء الإعلان الدستوري المكمل

Invalidation of the proclamation of a constitutional supplement.

إحالة المشير طنطاوي للتقاعد, و تعيينه مستشارا للرئيس

Designation of Marshal Tantawi to take his retreat and his appointment as a presidential councillor.

إحالة سامي عنان للتقاعد و تعيينه مستشارا للرئيس

Designation of Sami Anan to take his retreat and his appointment as a presidential councillor.

[Sami Anan is another high-ranking officer.]

تعيين عبد الفتاح السيسي وزيرا للدفاع و الانتاج الحربي

Appointment of Abdelfatah al-Siasi as a minister of defence and [arms production].

New Defence Minister

تعيين المستشار محمود محمد مكي نائب لرئيس الجمهورية

Appointment of councillor Mahmud Mohammad Maki as a vice-president of the republic.

تعيين صدقي صبحي رئيسا لأركان الجيش المصري

Appointment of Sadiqi Sabahi as a [chairman] of the general staff for the Egyptian forces.

تعيين اللواء محمد العصار مساعدا لوزير الدفاع

Appointment of brigadier Mohammad al-Azar as a [vice-minister] of defence.

تعيين مهاب مميش رئيسا منتدبا لهيئة قناة السويس

Appointment of Mahab Mumish as a [chairman] of delegates in the Suez Canal committee.


The actual development reported above might be influenced by what is happening now on Sinai peninsula:

For the first time since the 1979 peace treaty with Israel: Shooting again on Sinai. However, this time it is triggered off by militant Islamist groups who are trying to bring under their control that region which is bordering the Palestinian territory of Gaza. As free traffic to and from Egypt is not yet guaranteed to Palestinian citizens who are being pressurized by Israeli boycott and military incursions, some kind of underground war at the border has been kept running for years while, even worse, military access for Egyptian troops to the border region has been restricted as a consequence of the 1979 treaty.

Now, a certain amount of troops is being allowed into that quasi-demilitarized zone and, what is even more important, local Bedouins are willing to support them in order to get rid of the militant strangers. [Source: BBC, August 10]

This might be due to the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood standing behind their new president. An increase of power for Mohammad Morsy might therefore be part of a deal with the military.

السلطات المصرية ترسل تعزيزات عسكرية إلى العريش في شمال سيناء

Egyptian authorities are sending military reinforcement to Al-Arish in the northern part of Sinai.

مراسل الجزيرة في القاهرة: الرئيس المصري محمد مرسي يلتقي وزير الدفاع لبحث مستجدات الأوضاع في سيناء

According to Al-Jazeera's reporter in Kairo, the Egyptian President Mohammad Morsy meets with the minister of defence in order to examine new conditions for Sinai.

[Source: Al-Jazeera, August 9]


UPDATE on August 16, 2012

As to a recent attack on the pipeline providing natural gas to Israel, Al-Arabiya reported the standpoint of Egyptian army commanders on that subject. [Al-Arabiya, August 16, 2012]

الجبهة السلفية بسيناء تتبنى ضرب خطوط الغاز

The "Salafist Front of Sinai" take responsibility for hitting the gas [pipe]line.

ناشدت قادة الجيش حقن الدماء معتبرة أنهم يجرونها إلى معركة

Army commanders, intending to avoid an expected bloodshed, demanded to risk an [open] battle.

أحقنوا الدماء التي تسيل وستسيل إذا استمر هذا العدوان فأنتم تجروننا إلى معركة

Avoid the shedding of [your] blood that is flowing and will flow as long as that hostility is continuing, [rather than will be flowing in a battle].

A distinguished visitor to "blueprint news" from the United Arab Emirates:

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Syria - Days of Decisive Battles

!!!! Breaking News Update Included !!!!

News fom Al-Jazeera, Arabic service, on August 10, 2012:

Regarding the current situation in Syria, no independent source is able to confirm or exclude all claims of the fighting parties. However, there are hints from activists of the Free Army, based on intercepted radio traffic and saying that some government units are holding their position even though being urged by their superiors to advance.

معارك مستمرة و تظاهرات في حلب و دمشق في جمعة سلحونا بمضادات الطائرات

Continued battles and demonstrations in Aleppo and Damascus as well as anti-aircraft [fire] [were reported] on Friday.

[Editor's note: The Arabic text includes a vulgar expression for the aircraft related shootings.]


Al-Jazeera evening news on August 11, 2012:

Hadi Al-Abdallah, spokesman for the People's Committee of the Syrian Revolution, reporting from Homs (above).

ناشطون: الجيش النظامي السوري يقتحم حي الشماس في حمص بعد قصفه بالمدفعية

[Activists] say that Syrian government troops are forcing their way into the Al-Shamaas quarter of Homs after its shelling with artillery.

[Editor's note: According to its name which means "diacon's quarter", that neighbourhood of Homs might possibly host a Christian community.]


Al-Jazeera evening news on August 12, 2012:

The local committees of coordination say that 110 died in Syria today, most of them in Homs, Idlib and Daraa.


Syria related news from Lebanon by Al-Jazeera, August 10:

As to the arrest of Lebanon's former minister Michel Samaha by Lebanese security the day before, there is a comment available from the pro-Iranian pro-Assad party Hezbollah that makes part of the "March 8 coalition" including Samaha who is known as a decided pro-Assad politician in Lebanon.

Michel Samaha:

النائب عن حزب الله اللبناني محمد رعد يصف توقيف ميشال سماحة بأنه مجرد فبركات أمنية

The [second man] in Lebanon's Hezbolla, Mohammad Raad, classifies the arrest of Michel Samaha as an abstract fabrication of [state] security.

MP Mohammad Raad, leader of the Hezbollah Loyalty to the Resistance bloc in Lebanon's parliament (above).

Breaking News from August 11 / 12
quoting "The Daily Star, Lebanon"

BEIRUT: Judge Sami Sader indicted former Information Minister Michel Samaha and Syrian National Security Bureau head Ali Mamlouk Saturday for plotting to assassinate political and religious figures in Lebanon and carry out terrorist attacks.

The indictment also included a Syrian army officer identified as Brig. Gen. Adnan.

Sader, the government’s deputy commissioner at the Military Tribunal, also charged the three men with creating an armed group aimed at undermining the authority and prestige of the state.

Additionally, he accused them of planning to incite sectarian clashes through terrorist attacks with explosives that Samaha transported to Lebanon and stored after taking possession of them from Mamlouk and Adnan.

The indictment also charged the three men with working with Syria’s intelligence to carry out aggression against Lebanon. Samaha was also accused of possessing weapons without a license.

A judicial source told The Daily Star that the charges, if proven, could lead to the defendants being sentenced to hard labor or death.

Sader referred the case to Military Judge Riad Abu Ghida, who will pursue the investigation and question Samaha.

Earlier in the day, Acting State Prosecutor Samir Hammoud referred Samaha's case to the Military Tribunal following a preliminary investigation by the Internal Security Forces' Information Branch.

Meanwhile, a senior security official told The Daily Star Friday that the evidence against Samaha is compelling and includes incriminating video footage.

“The case against Samaha constitutes a clear and irrefutable condemnation, following his confessions of involvement in the transportation of explosives from Syria to Lebanon for use in terrorist attacks in areas in the north,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.


"Al-Bawaba" added on August 12:

Former Lebanese information minister Michel Samaha was not aware that the plotting of attacks against Christians with orders from the Syrian regime was being recorded by a spy pen camera carried by a Lebanese security agent who was in regular contact with Samaha, the Lebanese daily Assafir reported on Saturday.

العدل اساس الملك
Justice - The Foundation of Power

[Inscription in a building hosting the Military Court in Beirut]


Additional news on Syria from People's Network, Beijing, August 5:


Syria's store of chemical weapons
includes the "Three Great Killers".


America's CIA considers Syria to keep great amounts of the nerve gas Sarin among its chemical weapons.

The Chinese article essentially describes the special character of Sarin and the damage it inflicts on the human body. Furthermore, its application in grenades and missile warheads is mentioned.

Another blogspot on Japan's Territorial Claims has been updated today. To learn more about actual development of that matter, please click to the above link !

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Syria - Increased Activity

UPDATE for August 8 / 9 inserted further down !

An opinion poll by Al-Jazeera's Arabic service provided the folllowing results:

هل تعتقد ان النظام السوري يسعى لتقسيم سوريا ؟

Do you think that Syria's regime is trying to divide Syria ?

Yes: 85.8%

No: 14.2%

Number of participants: 19.985


News of the Day (August 7, 2012):

مراسل الجزيرة في حلب: قوات الجيش السوري الحر تقتحم مبنيي الأمن الجنائي و الجيش الشعبي في حلب

Al-Jazeera's reporter in Aleppo: Free Syrian Army forces are attacking a building of the [National] Security's Crimes [Squad] and the People's Army in Aleppo.

مراسل الجزيرة: الجيش النظامي السوري يقصف بالطائرات و الدبابات عدة أحياء في مدينة حلب

Al-Jazeera's reporter: Troops of the Syrian regime are shelling several quarters in the town of Aleppo, using planes and tanks.

On the subject of 48 alleged Iranian Revolutionary Guards, being held prisoners by the Free Syrian Army, Tehran has increased its diplomatic activity:

الأسد يقول عقب لقائه مبعوث خامنئي إن دمشق مصممة على تطهير البلاد من الإرهابيين

Assad says at the end of his meeting with an envoy of Khamenei (*) that Damascus is decided to "clean" the country from "terrorists".

* = The Iranian diplomat Jalili is the special envoy of Ayatollah Khamenei mentioned by Assad.

It is only recently that Iran had asked Turkey to act as a mediator in favour of the release of its citizens captured in Syria. Now, it seems that Turkey was again confronted with Iranian accusations about its position in the Syrian crisis:

تركيا تشجب اتهامات إيرانية لها بالمسؤولية عن استمرار العنف و تاجيج الأزمة في سوريا

Turkey condemns Iranian accusations of being responsible for continued violence and reviving the crisis in Syria.

Political Background: Turkey - Iran

On Tuesday, August 7, Iran's foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi paid a snap visit to Ankara for a meeting with his counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu. Referring to the case of 48 "abducted pilgrims" he said:
"Turkey has links with the opposition in Syria, so we think Turkey can play a major role in freeing our pilgrims."

Turkey has repeatedly denied Iranian allegations that it is arming the rebels. Turkey and Iran are at the opposite ends of the Syrian crisis. Ankara has been at the forefront of international criticism against the Damascus regime's deadly response to the popular uprising, while Tehran is one of Assad's few allies.

Defected Syrian PM Riad Hijab coming to a rest in his new environment (above).


UPDATE for August 8, 2012:

Al-Arabiya reported on August 8 the story of a Russian general, Vladimir Kuchev [فلاديمير كوجييف], who fell into the hands of the rebels:

جنرال روسي ينفي مقتله على يد الجيش الحر

Russian general in the hands of the Free Army is denying his [participation] in battle.

الثوار أكدوا أنه يعمل مستشاراً لوزير الدفاع السوري

The rebels confirmed that he was an adviser to the Syrian minister of defence.


UPDATE for August 9, 2012:

The following news are quoted from Al-Arabiya Online.

انشقاق رئيس المراسم في القصر الجمهوري السوري

Defection of the head of protocol in the Palace of the Syrian Republic.

الجيش الحر: محي الدين المسلمانية في مكان آمن وستحدث انشقاقات مهمة الأيام القادمة

According to the Free Army, [Machi al-Din al-Maslamaniya] is in a secure place and [further] essential defections are being expected for the next days.

Defected Head of Protocol

Related News from Lebanon by Al-Jazeera on August 9, 2012:

توقيف ميشال سماحة جاء بناء على إشارة من القضاء اللبناني

Apprehension of Michel Samaha [at his home] because of instruction by Lebanon's judiciary.

ميشيل سماحة يعتبر من أبرز و جود قوى 8 من آذار المتحالفة مع النظامين السوري و الإيراني و مقرب من الرئيس السوري

Michel Samaha is considered having promoted and [done his best to encourage] a collaboration of the March 8 [coalition] with both regimes in Syria and Iran. [Furthermore, he is considered] being familiar with the Syrian president.

Background Information:
Michel Samaha is a former Lebanese minister of the so-called March 8 coalition that includes the influential Hezbollah (God's Party) which allegedly maintains strong ties with Iran. According to General Prosecutor Samir Hammoud, Samaha should have been arrested for security reasons. Al-Jazeera's video is showing the broken door of his home and his shocked family that is now expected to call for mass demonstrations of pro-Hezbollah groups if Michel Samaha is not released until Friday.
[Source: Press TV and Al-Jazeera]

Visitor access points to "blueprint news" in Eastern Europe (last 14 days):

"Postcard" from Moscow - Visitor from Kremlin

Monday, August 06, 2012

Syrian PM Defected - Iran Caught in a Dilemma


Breaking News on Syria - Al-Jazeera Evening News, August 6:

رئيس الوزراء السوري رياض حجاب يعلن انشقاقه عن النظام و يتوجه إلى الأردن

Syria's prime minister Riad Hijab declares his separation from the regime and leaves for Jordan.

التلفزيون السوري: تكليف المهندس عمر غلاونجي بتسيير أعمال الحكومة بعد إقالة رياض حجاب

According to Syria's [state] TV, the engineer Omar [Ghalauniji] has been instructed to take over the duties of government after the dismissal of Riad Hijab.

According to Al-Jazeera, the former prime minister should have joined the rebels who helped him to get out of the country.

Official U.S. sources say the defection of Syria's PM is showing that Assad's government is "crumbling from within".

Syrian president Assad (right) and defected PM Hijab (left).


Latest information from Al-Jazeera's Arabic website on August 6, 2012, and after Syrian rebels captured 48 alleged revolutionary guards near Damascus:

طهران تناشد أنقرة التوسط للإفراج عن مواطنيها

Tehran appeals to Ankara to act as a mediator for the release of their citizens.

إيران تحذر وألمانيا تستبعد تدخلا عسكريا بسوريا

Iran is cautious and Germany refuses any military intervention in Syria.

لاريجاني اتهم الولايات المتحدة ودولا أخرى بدعم المعارضة السورية عسكريا

Larijani [president of the Iranian parliament] accuses the United States and other countries for military support of the Syrian opposition.

Larijani, the president of Iran's parliament (above).


German Position Towards Syria:

On May 29, 2012, Germany cut diplomatic ties with Syria as a consequence of the Al-Hula massacre. Regarding any military intervention whatsoever, the government of chancellor Merkel has always been cautious. Even after the retreat of U.N. special envoy Kofi Annan from his mission to Syria, Germany's minister of defence, Thomas de Maizière, declared German support for the people of Syria should be restricted to humanitarian aid and logistic support for the rebels (August 6).

[Main source: - Deutschlandfunk on August 6, 2012]

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Syria - Rebels Controlling Aleppo

Important UPDATE further down !

الجيش الحر يسيطر على الإذاعة والتلفزيون في حلب

The Free Army is in control of radio and television [stations] in Aleppo.

انسحب تكتيكياً لضراوة القصف من جانب قوات النظام ويتمركز حالياً في محيط المباني

Tactical retreat from [...] shelling by part of the [government] troops and momentary concentration in the environment of the buildings.

شهدت مدينة حلب السورية تطورات متلاحقة الليلة الماضية، إذ أعلن الجيش الحر أنه بات يسيطر على 60% من أحياء حلب، موضحاً أنه يتمركز حالياً في محيط مباني الإذاعة والتلفزيون في حلب بعد انسحابه من داخلها بسبب قصف طائرات النظام

Last night, the Syrian town of Aleppo witnessed the continued proceedings [that led to] the proclamation of the Free Army having definitely gained control over 60% of Aleppo [township]. They made clear having momentarily concentrated in the environment of the radio and television buildings in Aleppo after their retreat because of being bombed by [government] planes.

[Source: Al-Arabiya Online, August 4, 2012]


UPDATE on August 5, 2012:

الحر يعتقل 48 عنصراً من الحرس الثوري الإيراني

"The Free" [Syrian army] have captured 48 members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

إيران طلبت من تركيا وقطر التدخل الفوري للإفراج عنهم

Iran asked Turkey and Qatar to immediately intervene [in favour of] their liberation.

The photos below are taken from a video of the Free Syrian Army, presenting a member of Iran's Revolutionary Guards who is handing over his personal documents, including military papers, to an officer of the rebel forces:

[Source: Al-Arabiya Online, August 5, 2012]


Headline of Al-Jazeera from the same day (August 5):

إيران تطالب تركيا وقطر بالتدخل في قضية المختطفين

Iran is asking Turkey and Qatar for intervention in the case of kidnappings.

According to official Iranian sources, those 48 Iranians should have been on their way by bus from Saida Sinab (*) to the international airport of Damascus when being captured. Saida Sinab is located about 16 kilometers away from Damascus. In the quoted article from Al-Jazeera there is no mentioning of the Free Syrian Army.

* Saida Sinab is named after a valuable woman, daughter of Imam Ali Ben Abi.

Comment by Ulysses:
The article of Al-Jazeera Online has been quoted because there are Western TV sources, most probably relying on Al-Jazeera and treating the subject as a mere "kidnapping by unknown bandits". This might be due to a different level of information for different news services. Today, Al-Arabiya seemed to be first in the daily race.

Japan - Territorial Claims - UPDATE

Important UPDATE added on August 10 !

Last Friday, Japan’s defence minister warned Tokyo could send troops to a chain of East China Sea islands at the center of a territorial row with China if the simmering dispute escalated. [Source: JapanToday, July 28, 2012]

On 1st August, 2012, People's Network, Beijing, published an article that can be seen as a semi-official reaction upon Japan's recent defence policy:


Japan's new "White Book of Defence" is, once again, referring to "China as a threat".


On July 31, the Japanese government released its 2012 "White Book of Defence". The White Book preposterously [or: presumptuously] called China tending to be a regional subject of worry, underlining [the necessity] to bring about a "flexible defence cooperation" between Japan and the U.S.A.. At the same time maintaining, once again, sovereign owner rights of such islands disputed between Japan and Russia as well as between Japan and South Korea.

That article is showing the difficulty of tracing national boundaries in the South Pacific. One main regional problem, concerning the South China Sea and that is under entire control of China's navy, has been discussed earlier in this blog. Even between allied nations like China and North Korea maritime borders and fishing grounds are being disputed.


UPDATE on August 10, 2012:

People's Network, Beijing, reported an unusual trip of South Korea's president Lee to "Solitary Island" (Dokdo) today, August 10.

That small Pacific island which the Japanese have named "Bamboo Island" (Takeshima) is being disputed for long between South Korea and Japan. South Korea earlier annected that tiny island and stationed a small coastguard unit there. Because of its fishing grounds and possible offshore-oil deposits, Solitary Island has recently become the focus of public attention.


Japanese media: Lee Myung-bak's visit to Solitary Island is probably an act to counteract a scandal.

... Lee Myung-bak's "forced landing" on that island must extremely worsen the Japanese-Korean relations. This morning, Japan's foreign minister Koichiro Gemba held a speech in parliament where he told the media that South Korea's action and Japan's position are in conflict with each other. South Korea is strongly demanded to stop their action which needs to receive a determined answer. ...

According to BBC, London, Lee's visit to the disputed island comes shortly before South Korea marks the anniversary of the end of Japanese colonial rule.

Lee Myung-bak

Visitor access points to "blueprint news" from Taiwan and the Philippines covering the last 14 days. Disputed islands are specially marked !

Visitor access points to "blueprint news" from Manila, Philippines,
covering the last 14 days.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Syrian Rebels - Fighting Air-Raids


Syrian rebels received anti-aircraft missiles from the outside.

People's Network, Beijing, on August 2, 2012, quoting an U.S. source:
According to a U.S. station broadcast on July 31, the Free Syrian Army should have acquired more than 20 anti-aircraft missiles from some "outside party". The guided missiles should have been received by way of a Turkish contact. Their military specification being unknown, it is clear, however, that they are determined to be used by single soldiers as a "shoulder device". It seems that U.S. government circles are not involved in that kind of "ammunition" deal.

This development comes together with news about increased shooting of rebel positions by Syrian army helicopters.

Political background:
When the Syrian-Turkish border came under control of Syrian rebels, tensions between the Assad regime and Turkey had already reached a culmination point, as Turkish premier Erdogan was not willing to accept shooting of refugees by Syrian government forces at his country's border. Even a hint was given that Turkey might call its NATO allies for support.
No wonder if, by chance of course, some outdated Turkish anti-aircraft missiles find their way to the Syrian rebels.


Annan Quits as Special Envoy to Syria

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