Tuesday, August 16, 2016

China - Quantum Physics in Space

This morning at 01:40 local time, China successfully launched a "Long March - 2D" rocket from its XiYuan launching site that was carrying a satellite for scientific research, named Micius after an ancient Chinese philosopher and scientist (Chinese: Mozi 墨子) whose direction of thought was dedicated to the well-being of the people.

The satellite is operating on a sun-synchronous orbit (inclination 97,37°) at some 500 km distance from Earth where Micius is expected to remain active for two years. Its goal is testing a new technology that could one day offer "hack-proof" digital communications.


China successfully launched first satellite
globally for quantum science experiments.

The new technology tested is based on the entangled particle theory of quantum physics dating back to the 1930ies when Albert Einstein and Erwin Schrödinger published relevant papers. That theory predicts the existence of pairs of similar elementary particles whose physical states (position, momentum, spin, polarization) are interrelated or entangled, no matter how far both particles are away from each other. Modern physicists have already gained experimental evidence for that theory while observing pairs of photons, neutrinos, electrons and even molecules.

The satellite will then create pairs of so-called entangled photons - tiny sub-atomic particles of light whose properties are dependent on each other - beaming one half of each pair down to base stations in China and Austria.

Spontaneous parametric down-conversion process can split photons
into type II photon pairs with mutually perpendicular polarization.

The experiment is using a special kind of laser that has several curious properties, one of which is known as "the observer effect" - i.e. the quantum state of any photon cannot be observed without changing it.

So, if the satellite were to encode an encryption key in that quantum state, any interception would be obvious. It would also change the key, making it useless.

If that mechanism works in technical practice, it will solve the central problem of encrypted communications - how to distribute keys without interception - promising hack-proof communications. The encrypted message itself can be transmitted normally after the key exchange.


The proceedings are as follows: After the generation of one pair of photons that are in an entangled state, both photons are separately sent to two places communicating with each other. Take one of the photons bearing unknown quantum state [and participating as] the transmitted photon [and make it subject of] joint measuring, [when] the received photon instantaneously changes into a certain kind of state that is symmetrical to the state of the transmitted photon after [being subject to] change. Thereafter, a [trustworthy] script of information transport [is] jointly passed to the receiving site [obtained by joint measurement]. The received photon on the basis of received information change, undergoes one change (corresponding to a deteriorating change). Such it is possible to obtain at the transmitting side a completely identical, yet unknown quantum state.

[Source: FengHuang 凤凰 on August 16, 2016]

我国预计2030年建成量子通信网 每户配一个“密钥机”

China estimates that by 2030 a quantum communications network
will be created where each site connection uses one secret key.

[Source: RenMin Wang 人民网 on August 17, 2016]


London visitor to "blueprint news" and who is interested in quantum physics.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Boko Haram - Exchange of Kidnapped Girls

The Nigerian jihadist organization Boko Haram has distributed another video dealing with the girls originally kidnapped from a school in Chibok, northern Nigeria.

Subject of that video is Boko Haram's demand that these girls should be exchanged against Boko Haram fighters detained by the government.

Therefore, the parents of more than 100 girls that remained from originally 200 after a forced marriage of 40 among them should apply to the Nigerian government to start talks with the islamist group of Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau.

بالصور.. "بوكو حرام" تنشر فيديو جديدا لفتيات اختطفتهن فى نيجيريا

With pictures ... "Boko Haram" propagates new video on the girls kidnapped in Nigeria.

Editor's warning: At the end of that video recorded in the Haussa language you will find some disturbing pictures on girls who perished while being under the control of Boko Haram. The pictures are suggesting they died in some bomb attack.

Nobody can ban all pictures !

[Source: Youm 7 اليوم السابع in their morning news on August 14, 2016]

As to the bloody traces left by Boko Haram in northern Nigeria, here another example dating back to 2014:

[Picture from the archives of Vetogate]

بوكو حرام تقتل أرامل وأطفال ضباط الأمن النيجيري

Boko Haram kills widows and children of Nigerian police officers.

[Source: Vetogate بوابة فيتو, Egyptian online news on January 4, 2014]


Today's visitor from Nigeria showed interest in an earlier blogspot
on Boko Haram. Black lines indicate a transmitted sub-net address
that was deliberately erased by the editor of "blueprint news".

Saturday, August 13, 2016

CERN - Search for Magnetic Monopoles

On August 10, the CERN community of scientists at the particle accelerator facility in Geneva came up with another elementary subject of quantum physics which dates back to the 1930ies when Paul Dirac predicted the possible existence of magnetic monopoles in accordance with quantum theory.

Magnetic Monopoles and Dipoles (CERN)

As we already learned at school, the north- and south-pole of an elementary magnet cannot be separated by breaking the magnet apart in its middle. Instead, two different elementary magnets would appear that have, both, their own sets of north- and south-pole.

Quantum theory, however, should allow the existence of such isolated magnetic monopoles in a vacuum. Modern physics being unable to detect let alone generate such monopoles, therefore has to resort to an appropriate model which is far more easier to handle.

Here now scientists refer to the fact that some kind of magnetic anomaly can be generated in crystallized matter. It's the measurable magnetism of certain atoms that becomes the source of such anomaly and which might be related to a slight distortion of a regular crystal lattice, for instance due to a slight change in composition. As this arrangement resembles the "freezing of an anomaly" while the arrangement of atomic spins is similar to that of hydrogen atoms in frozen water, scientists have come to name such material a "spin ice".

Arrangement of hydrogen atoms (black circles) about oxygen atoms (open circles)
in frozen water. Two hydrogen atoms (bottom ones) are close to the central oxygen
atom while two of them (top ones) are far and closer to the two other (top left and
top right) oxygen atoms.

Two teams including Tom Fennell at the Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL) in France and Jonathan Morris at the Helmholtz Centre in Berlin, Germany, are already working on that subject. The Morris group studied crystalline Dy2Ti2O7, which has a tetrahedral unit cell with two Dy spins pointing into the centre of the tetrahedron and two pointing out, very similar to the above mentioned arrangement of H spins in frozen water.

" The spins in a spin ice do not line up like those in a ferromagnet. Instead physicists believe that they join up to create magnetic flux lines within the material that resemble a knotted mess of strings. These are known as Dirac strings because they resemble the tubes of flux that should connect magnetic monopoles according to Dirac's calculations. " (physicsworld.com)

Here now comes the CERN facility with its technical abilities. The so-called MoEDAL experiment at the Large Hadron Collider LHC is designed specifically to look at the effects related with the appearance of monopoles. MoEDAL is composed of a largely passive detector, installed next to the LHCb experiment.

If monopoles exist, they are believed to be very massive. As the LHC produces collisions at unprecedented energy, physicists may be able to observe such particles if they are light enough to be in the LHC’s reach. For instance, high-energy photon–photon interactions could produce pairs of North and South monopoles. Monopoles could manifest their presence via their magnetic charge and through their very high ionizing power, estimated to be about 4700 times higher than that of the protons.

As to the marials to be used in spin ice research, here are some further facts:
The most prominent compounds with spin ice properties are dysprosium titanate (Dy2Ti2O7) and holmium titanate (Ho2Ti2O7). Both belong to the group of pyrochlores with its cubic crystal structure (Fd-3m) describing materials of the type A2B2O6 and A2B2O7 where the A and B species are generally rare-earth or transition metal species; e.g. Y2Ti2O7.The pyrochlore structure is a super structure derivative of the simple fluorite structure (AO2 = A4O8), where the A and B cations are ordered along the ⟨110⟩ direction (*). The additional anion vacancy resides in the tetrahedral interstice between adjacent B-site cations. These systems are known to be particularly susceptible to geometrical frustration and novel magnetic effects.

*= The ⟨110⟩ direction of one single cubic "building brick" (elementary cell) that continually adds to a cubic crystal lattice during its growth is the diagonal direction on one of its six square sides.


Visitor from CERN calling another blogspot of mine that is dealing with the Higgs boson.

U.S. Visitor searching for my current blogspot on magnetic monopoles via Facebook.

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Egypt - Blow Against ISIL

Last Update included below !

Brigadier Mahmud Samir, spokesman of the Egyptian forces (above),
also named Ahmed Samir by other media.

الجيش المصري يعلن قتل "الأنصاري" زعيم داعش في سيناء

Egyptian forces announce they killed "Al-Ansari", leader of ISIL in Sinai.

This is referring to Abu [Dae] Al-Ansari (أبو دعاء الأنصاري), "nom de
guerre" for a prominent ISIL leader and therefore put into brackets.

[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on August 4, 2016]

أول صور لعملية مقتل أبو دعاء الأنصاري زعيم بيت المقدس في سيناء

1st picture of the operation that killed Abu [Dae] Al-Ansari, leader
of the [Ansar al-Sunna group of the] "Sacred House" in Sinai.

left picture: direct blow on terrorist target
right picture: location of blow (above) and arms depot (below)

[Source: Al-Balad البلد, Egyptian online news on August 4, 2016]

On the same day, the Arabic news service Al-Hurra الحرة and which is connected with Asharq-Al-Awsad TV (شبكة تلفزيون الشرق الأوسط) confirmed that the Egyptian operation killed Al-Ansari and more than 45 of his fighters south of the Sinai town of Al-Arish.

Egyptian army unit in Sinai.

Al-Arish, the administrative center of Egypt's Sinai province.


Daily visitor statistics of "blueprint news" for August 5-6, 2016.

Syria - Chemical Warfare Again

قلق أممي من استخدام أسلحة كيمياوية بمعارك إدلب السورية

UN worried about use of chemical weapons in battles in Syria's Idlib [governorate]

المرصد السوري: أكثر من 30 حالة اختناق جراء استخدام الغازات السامة في سراقب

Syrian Observatory [for Human Rights]: More than 30 cases of suffocation
due to the use of poisonous gases in Sarakeb (سراقب)

[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on August 4, 2016]


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

France - Terrorist Attack on Church

Important Updates added on July 26 / 28
on the identification of both perpetrators.

فرنسا.. ذبح كاهن بعد احتجاز رهائن بكنيسة

France - Priest slaughtered after hostages were held in a church.

شخصان يحملان السلاح الأبيض احتجزا رهائن في كنيسة قرب روان في النورماندي

Two persons carrying blades took hostages in a church near Rouen, Normandy.

[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية this morning, July 26, 2016]

According to the latest report from Reuters, French police "neutralized" two men armed with blades who had taken several people hostage in a church in northern France this morning.

One of the hostages had been killed with a blade in the attack which took place in the Normandy town of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, south of Rouen. French media reported the attackers cut the throat of the 86 years old priest who was a clergyman since 1958.

Another report from the French paper Le Figaro, published only some minutes ago, says that both terrorists died during the intervention of French police.

Later that morning, French president Hollande made his appearance on the site of crime while the Islamic State IS confirmed that both perpetrators could be regarded as their soldiers.

Evening Update for July 26:

TV5 Monde - France:

L'un des deux assaillants a été formellement identifié comme étant Adel K., selon une source proche de l'enquête. Connu des services antiterroristes, ce Français, jeune majeur, avait tenté de rallier la Syrie par deux fois en 2015. Une première via l'Allemagne, alors qu'il était mineur, mais il avait été interpellé. Une seconde alors qu'il était majeur via la Suisse, puis la Turquie où il avait été arrêté.

Remis à la France, il avait été mis en examen pour association de malfaiteurs en lien avec une entreprise terroriste et placé en détention provisoire, puis libéré sous bracelet électronique.

According to a source near to the investigation, one of two attackers was formally identified as Adel K., a young adult of French nationality and who is already known to anti-terrorist services as he had tried to get into Syria twice in 2015. On his first trip taken as a minor via Germany he had been interrogated. On his second trip taken as an adult via Switzerland he had been arrested in Turkey.

Sent back to France, he had been accused of joining a criminal organisation related to terrorism and had become subject of provisional detention. Later, he was liberated, however, put under electronic surveillance by means of an electronic bracelet.

The attack has triggered off a parliamentary discussion between government and opposition, namely the Republican Party of former president Sarkozy, regarding the surveillance of potential terrorists. It was mentioned by TV5 Monde that up to now only 13 persons are under electronic surveillance for suspicion of terrorism, while that means is usually applied as an alternative for those serving a sentence of less than two years or persons waiting for their sentences.

Update for July 28, 2016:

فرنسا تعلن اسم المنفذ الثاني لذبح الكاهن في "روان"ـ

France announced the name of the 2nd perpetrator in the priest slaughtering of Rouen.

علنت فرنسا التعرف رسميا إلى المنفذ الثاني للاعتداء في الكنيسة بفرنسا، وقالت النيابة العامة إن اسمه عبدالمالك نبيل بوتيجان (19 عاما).ـ

France announced essential knowledge about the second perpetrator in the attack on a church in France. The public prosecutor's office told his name as being Abdulmalik Nabil Butijaan, a 19 years old [youth].

[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on July 28, 2016]

Document used by Abdulmalik Nabil Butijaan under his assumed name of Maur Petitjean
as a driving license for light motor-cycles that can be operated by 14 years old minors.


Visitor from some remote area in Argentine and
who is interested in the "abyss of the soul":
Neurology Meets Religion - The Devil Within

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Nice Massacre - Latest News

Update for July 22 added below !

منفذ هجوم نيس في فرنسا "حظي بدعم وتواطؤ"ـ

The person responsible for the attack of Nice
in France " enjoyed support and complicity "

[Source: Elaph إيلاف, an independent and liberal Arab news service
in London, quoting French AFP agency late news on July 21, 2016]

During the last hours, different European sources reported that the Nice massacre of July 14 should have been planned for several months in advance. Four suspects are reportedly under arrest.


[U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission is the supervisor of U.S. Stock Exchange]


Related Update for July 22:

دول التحالف: أحرزنا تقدماً كبيراً في الحرب على داعش

Nations of the Alliance: We made significant progress in the war against ISIL (Daesh).

المجتمعون: على ميليشيات الحشد الشعبي أن تكون تحت السيطرة الحازمة للحكومة العراقية

Those united: By concentration of people's militias under the firm control of Iraq's government.

A meeting of defence and foreign affairs ministers of the Alliance against ISIL reported progress of Iraqi troops and Syrian opposition groups in the prevention of terrorist access to resources, supplies and sites in the region.

[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on July 22, 2016]

Friday, July 15, 2016

Nice - Bloody Terrorist Attack

فرنسا.. 80 قتيلاً و100 مصاب بعملية دهس في نيس

France ..... 80 died and 100 were wounded in an operation of squashing up in Nice.
[ Al-Arabiya]

A bloody terrorist attack happened in Nice, seaport on the Mediterranean, on the evening of French National Day. At 22:30 local time, a truck loaded with explosives and arms began chasing and squashing pedestrians who had gathered for watching the traditional fireworks of July 14. During the incident about 80 persons were killed and 100 wounded. After midnight, French President Hollande arrived at the place and told the media he would conduct a security conference at 09:00 in the morning. [Different French Sources]

Such kind of attack had already been proposed by Syrian terrorist Abou Mohammed Al-Adnani, nicknamed "the minister of terrorist attacks for the Islamic State IS" by Western intelligence services and who is acting as a spokesman for IS. French authorities already opened an inquiry at 1:30 in the morning, even though there is no confirmation yet from IS having actually staged the Nice incident. [Source: Le Parisien on July 15, about four hours after the incident.]

L'attaque perpétrée à Nice (Alpes-Maritimes) ce jeudi soir semble correspondre, même si elle n'a pas été revendiquée par l'organisation Etat islamique, à l'application d'une stratégie prônée par celui qui est surnommé par les services de renseignements occidentaux, le «ministre des attentats» : le syrien Abou Mohammed Al-Adnani, porte-parole officiel de l'organisation djihadiste. Vers 1h30 du matin, la section terroriste de Paris avait été saisie de l'enquête.

Abou Mohammed Al-Adnani

من منفذ هجوم نيس الفرنسية؟

Who carried out the attack in Nice / France ?

محمد سلمان لحويّج بوهلال فرنسي من أصل تونسي، يعمل سائقا في نيس الفرنسيةغرد النص عبر تويتر، ولديه سجل جنائي في قضايا عنف، نفذ هجوما بشاحنة بمدينة نيس في 14 يوليو/تموز 2016 وقتل 84 شخصا وجرح العشرات.ـ

Mohamed Salmaan Lahouaiej Bouhlel, a French of Tunisian origin working as a driver in Nice / France, had a criminal record in cases of violence as was tweeted by Twitter. He realised the attack with a truck in the town of Nice on July 14, 2016, and killed 84 people while wounding several dozens.

[Source: Al-Jazeera late news on July 15, 2016]


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

US Presidential Election 2016


Today's visitor from Jeddah, Saudi-Arabia, seems to be interested in the death of Usama Bin Laden relatives who perished in an odd aircraft accident. That visitor comes only one day after my latest Twitter Tweet reporting that Bin Laden's son Hamza is threatening to take revenge on the U.S. for killing his father. Such information is based on a voice recording related to Hamza Bin Laden and which should have appeared on the internet according to an earlier news report from Al-Arabiya.

Sunday, July 03, 2016

Turkey Lifting Siege on Ghaza Strip

قال وزير الخارجية التركي مولود جاويش أوغلو، إنّ حكومته بحثت مسألة رفع الحصار عن قطاع غزة، مع قادة حركتي حماس وفتح، والرئيس الفلسطيني محمود عباس، قبل تطبيع العلاقات مع إسرائيل، ولقيت دعماً قوياً منهما في هذا الشأن.ـ

The Turkish minister of foreign affairs, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, said that his government considered the issue of lifting the siege imposed on the Ghaza Strip with the leaders of Hamas and Fatah movements and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas before any normalization of relations with Israel, and he received strong support in this regard.

That came in an interview with Turkish television on Sunday, referring to Turkey sending a ship with humanitarian aid from Mersin seaport to the Ghaza Strip as an initial step in the frame of lifting the siege of the private sector.

Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said that "Palestine and Ghaza need support in various areas", indicating "infrastructure collapses, damaged hospitals and schools, and the crisis of electricity and water as a result of the Israeli attacks", confirming that Turkey will provide support to the Palestinians in these areas.

The minister added that the value of recent aid "reached 500 million dollars, and that Turkey is currently working on the establishment of an industrial zone in Jenin governorate which should provide work opportunities for about 6 thousand people, as well on the removal of many barriers, particularly with regard to the direct transfer of funds".

[Source: Al-Jazeera TV الجزيرة and alkhaleejonline.net (Gulf Online) الخليج أونلاين on July 3, 2016]

Diplomatic ties between Israel and Turkey were suspended after Israeli troops stormed the Ghaza-bound Mavi Marmara aid ship in international waters in 2010, killing 10 Turkish activists.

In the aftermath of the attack, Turkey demanded a formal apology from Israel, compensation for the families of those killed, and the lifting of Israel’s Ghaza blockade.

In 2013, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu voiced his regret over the attack.

On June 27, months of talks between the two countries finally bore fruit, with Turkey announcing that a deal would be signed, normalizing relations with Israel.

Under the deal, in addition to agreeing to Turkish aid’s access to Ghaza, Israel will pay $20 million in compensation to the families of the Mavi Marmara victims.

Today on 3rd July 2016, the mentioned agreement showed effect with the arrival of a Turkish aid ship, the Panama-flagged Lady Leyla, which arrived at the Israeli seaport of Ashdod, carrying 11,000 tons of supplies for the Ghaza Strip. The ship was received by representatives from Turkey and Israel.

[Source: Turkish daily Hürriyet on July 3, 2016]


Visitor referring to yesterday's blogspot on Israeli air raids still targeting Ghaza.

Saturday, July 02, 2016

Israeli Air Raids Targeting Ghaza

Five hours ago, Al-Jazeera TV reported on their Arabic website about Israeli air raids targeting opposition strongholds in the Ghaza strip. The following snapshot is showing an Israeli warplane shortly missed by an air defence grenade.

غارات إسرائيلية على مواقع للمقاومة بغزة

Israeli (Air) Raids Targeting Opposition Sites in Ghaza.

شنت مقاتلات إسرائيلية عدة غارات جوية استهدفت مواقع للمقاومة الفلسطينية وورشة صناعية في مناطق مختلفة من قطاع غزة، مما ألحق أضرارا مادية بالأماكن المستهدفة دون أن يبلغ عن وقوع إصابات.ـ

Israeli fighters carried out several air raids that targeted Palestinian resistance sites and industrial workshops in different areas of the Gaza Strip, causing material damages to the targeted places while no injuries were reported.


Visitor from Istanbul, Turkey, and who is probably interested in Iranian weaponry.

In case they might meet in some neighbouring country .....

Saturday, June 25, 2016

China - Putin Meets Xi JinPing

On June 25, Russia's president Putin meets with China's leader Xi Jinping for talks in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.
[People's Network / People's Daily]

Using the traditional stances of "eternal friendship and mutual cooperation", the semi-official Chinese source praises Vladimir Putin's visit to Beijing in its daily news for June 26, 2016.


The heads of state of both countries unanimously agree to uphold the spirit of (their) strategic cooperation and acknowledge the idea of (everlasting) friendship, to increase mutual support, and enhance mutual trust in politics and strategy. .....


The talks should comprise more than 30 subjects of cooperation, ranging from economy and trade to diplomacy, basic installations, technological progress, agriculture, finance and banking, energy resources, media and internet as well as sports.
According to the wide range of items to be discussed this is as well a meeting of high-ranking members of both administrations, including both ministers of foreign affairs and Russia's first deputy prime-minister.

China - Launch of Long March 7

People's Network just reported the succesful maiden flight of carrier rocket "Long March No.7" after its launch from Wenchang space center in Hainan province.


On June 25, at 20:00 local time, China's new carrier rocket "Long March No.7" had a flaming lift-off from Wenchang space launching site in Hainan [province]. After 603 seconds, the payload assembly successfully separated and entered an elliptic orbit with a minimum distance from Earth of 200 km [perigee] and a maximum distance of 394 km [apogee], such making the maiden launch of carrier rocket "Long March No.7" a complete success.

Technical information from other sources:

The Long March 7 is the medium-lift variant of a new generation rocket family that includes the heavier-lift Long March 5 and the small-mid cargo Long March 6. The structure is based on the reliable, man-rated Long March 2F rocket. It inherited the 3.35m-diameter core stage and 2.25m-diameter liquid rocket boosters. Where the earlier Long March 2 rocket family used expensive and dangerous N2O4/UDMH propellants, the Long March 7 uses LOX/kerosene. The engines are shared with the Long March 5 and 6. The goal was to build a more cost-effective and less hazardous rocket family to replace today's Long March 2 and eventually the Long March 3. It will be capable of placing a 5,500 kilograms (12,100 lb) payload into a sun-synchronous orbit.


Friday, June 03, 2016

Iran - Khomeini's Secret Deal with the US

وثائق أميركية مسربة: الخميني استرضى كيندي وكارتر

[Released] U.S. documents: Khomeini appeased Kennedy and Carter.

The Arabic article from Al-Arabiya TV العربية was published on their website, today, June 3, 2016.

It is referring to recently declassified U.S. documents that suggest an unusual background story behind the grasp of power in Iran by Ayatollah Khomeini and his seemingly unchallenged introduction of an Islamic revolution.

Detailed information is available, as well, from BBC London on one of today's news websites under the headline:

Two Weeks in January: America's secret engagement with Khomeini

Here some quotations from that article published only some hours ago:

On 27 January, 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini - founder of Iran's Islamic Republic, the man who called the United States "the Great Satan" - sent a secret message to Washington.


In a first-person message, Khomeini told the White House not to panic at the prospect of losing a strategic ally of 37 years and assured them that he, too, would be a friend.

"You will see we are not in any particular animosity with the Americans," said Khomeini, pledging his Islamic Republic will be "a humanitarian one, which will benefit the cause of peace and tranquillity for all mankind".

Khomeini's message is part of a trove of newly declassified US government documents - diplomatic cables, policy memos, meeting records - that tell the largely unknown story of America's secret engagement with Khomeini, an enigmatic cleric who would soon inspire Islamic fundamentalism and anti-Americanism worldwide.

This story is a detailed account of how Khomeini brokered his return to Iran using a tone of deference and amenability towards the US that has never before been revealed.

The ayatollah's message was, in fact, the culmination of two weeks of direct talks between his de facto chief of staff and a representative of the US government in France - a quiet process that helped pave the way for Khomeini's safe return to Iran and rapid rise to power - and decades of high-stakes tension between Iran and America.

In the official Iranian narrative of the revolution, Khomeini bravely defied the United States and defeated "the Great Satan" in its desperate efforts to keep the Shah in power.

But the documents reveal that Khomeini was far more engaged with the US than either government has ever admitted. Far from defying America, the ayatollah courted the Carter administration, sending quiet signals that he wanted a dialogue and then portraying a potential Islamic Republic as amenable to US interests.

Khomeini had even earlier reached out to the U.S. for support when he had sent a private message to President Kennedy while being held under house arrest in Tehran in 1963.

For more information, you should read the whole story from BBC, London.


Some most recent visitors to "blueprint news".