Friday, July 15, 2016

Nice - Bloody Terrorist Attack

فرنسا.. 80 قتيلاً و100 مصاب بعملية دهس في نيس

France ..... 80 died and 100 were wounded in an operation of squashing up in Nice.
[ Al-Arabiya]

A bloody terrorist attack happened in Nice, seaport on the Mediterranean, on the evening of French National Day. At 22:30 local time, a truck loaded with explosives and arms began chasing and squashing pedestrians who had gathered for watching the traditional fireworks of July 14. During the incident about 80 persons were killed and 100 wounded. After midnight, French President Hollande arrived at the place and told the media he would conduct a security conference at 09:00 in the morning. [Different French Sources]

Such kind of attack had already been proposed by Syrian terrorist Abou Mohammed Al-Adnani, nicknamed "the minister of terrorist attacks for the Islamic State IS" by Western intelligence services and who is acting as a spokesman for IS. French authorities already opened an inquiry at 1:30 in the morning, even though there is no confirmation yet from IS having actually staged the Nice incident. [Source: Le Parisien on July 15, about four hours after the incident.]

L'attaque perpétrée à Nice (Alpes-Maritimes) ce jeudi soir semble correspondre, même si elle n'a pas été revendiquée par l'organisation Etat islamique, à l'application d'une stratégie prônée par celui qui est surnommé par les services de renseignements occidentaux, le «ministre des attentats» : le syrien Abou Mohammed Al-Adnani, porte-parole officiel de l'organisation djihadiste. Vers 1h30 du matin, la section terroriste de Paris avait été saisie de l'enquête.

Abou Mohammed Al-Adnani

من منفذ هجوم نيس الفرنسية؟

Who carried out the attack in Nice / France ?

محمد سلمان لحويّج بوهلال فرنسي من أصل تونسي، يعمل سائقا في نيس الفرنسيةغرد النص عبر تويتر، ولديه سجل جنائي في قضايا عنف، نفذ هجوما بشاحنة بمدينة نيس في 14 يوليو/تموز 2016 وقتل 84 شخصا وجرح العشرات.ـ

Mohamed Salmaan Lahouaiej Bouhlel, a French of Tunisian origin working as a driver in Nice / France, had a criminal record in cases of violence as was tweeted by Twitter. He realised the attack with a truck in the town of Nice on July 14, 2016, and killed 84 people while wounding several dozens.

[Source: Al-Jazeera late news on July 15, 2016]


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