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holiday resort has been registered in Cairo.
—— 蓝图杂志的新闻 —— The news service of BLUEPRINT magazine, an international journal of culture, science and politics. BLUEPRINT magazine is mainly published in English and Chinese. Some additional articles are published in Arabic, German, French and Spanish. Editor: Wolfgang Wiesner "Ulysses" © 2005-2024
Rappel des faits Summary of facts (Nov. 14, 20:00 pm) - Six attaques terroristes simultanées ont été menées à Paris et dans le secteur du stade de France, vendredi soir. Six terrorist attacks have been conducted simultaneously in Paris and in the area of Stade de France on Friday evening. - Au moins 128 personnes sont mortes, principalement dans la salle de spectacle du Bataclan ainsi que dans le Xe, avec de lourds bilans en particulier rue de Charonne (au moins 19 morts) et rue Alibert (au moins 12 morts). Les "assassins" ont "balayé avec des mitraillettes plusieurs terrasses de café", selon le préfet de police, Michel Cadot. At least 128 persons died, most of them in Bataclan entertainment hall and, as well, in the 10th [Arrondissement], with a heavy [death] toll, especially in Rue de Charonne (at least 9 deaths) and Rue Alibert (at least 12 deaths). The "assassins" had "swept the outdoor terraces of some cafés with the fire of light machine guns" according to police prefect Michel Cadot. Ce bilan, donné par des sources policières à l'AFP, est encore provisoire. Environ 250 personnes ont également été blessées, dont 99 dans un état critique, selon les mêmes sources. That toll, given by sources within the police to AFP [Agence France Press], is still provisional. About 250 other persons are wounded, 99 of them are in a critical condition according to the same sources. - L'organisation État islamique revendique les attentats de Paris. The organization of an Islamic State [i.e. ISIL] has claimed responsibility for the Paris attacks. - François Hollande a qualifié samedi les attentats extrêmement meurtriers de Paris d'"acte de guerre", en désignant pour la première fois comme responsable "l'armée terroriste" de l'organisation État islamique, "Daech", qui n'a pas à ce stade revendiqué ces actes. On Saturday, [French president] François Hollande has qualified the extremely deadly Paris attacks as an "act of war" and has named, for the first time, the "terrorist army" of the "organization of an Islamic State", [Arabic name of ISIL], and which had not claimed responsibility for such action up to that moment. - Pour la première fois en France, certaines attaques ont été kamikazes. For the first time in France, several attacks should have been suicide attacks. - Selon la préfecture de police, les quatre assaillants du Bataclan sont morts, dont trois en actionnant leurs ceintures d'exposifs. Un assaut a été mené par la police. According to the police prefecture, the four attackers at Bataclan are dead, three of them after using their explosive belts. A [counter-]attack had been carried out by police forces. Further news are available on a Live Blog of FRANCE 24 TV in French language ! This includes updated notifications from public sources (police, procurator's office). |
Latest News on November 7, 2015: |
CNN report on October 27, 2015 |