Showing posts with label truce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label truce. Show all posts

Saturday, March 02, 2024

Axis of Resistance in Gaza - Activity in Feb 2024
Chances of a Truce between Hamas and Israel

A Palestinian Media Comment
on a Possible Truce has been
added below on Mar 4, 2024

Watch the speech of Abu Hamza, spokesman for the Al-Quds Brigades, on the 148th day of the Israeli war on Gaza.

شاهد كلمة أبو حمزة الناطق باسم سرايا القدس في اليوم 148 من حرب إسرائيلي على غزة

Abu Hamza, spokesman for the al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of Islamic Jihad, said that a few days earlier, they had killed and shredded all members of an Israeli force in the Zeitoun neighborhood.

قال أبو حمزة الناطق باسم سرايا القدس، الذراع العسكرية لحركة الجهاد الإسلامي إنهم أوقعوا قبل أيام جميع أفراد قوة إسرائيلية في حي الزيتون قتلى وأشلاء

Video Quotation Insert:
Spokesman for the Al-Quds Brigades: We continue our steadfastness in front of the Zionist war machine and the clear war of extermination.

الناطق باسم سرايا القددس: نواصل ثباتنا امام آلة الحرب الصهيونية و حرب الإبادة الواضحة

Please Note:
Information on military proceedings and progress of the so-called 'Axis of Resistance' in Gaza, included in this blogspot, cannot be independently confirmed. The authenticity of the above video, however, seems to have been verified by voice comparison. It is presented by 'Al-Jazeera', the state-owned TV station in Qatar and which can be regarded as a usually reliable source.

This information comes at a time when urgent need for troops has become an item of public discussion in Israel. As some orthodox Jews are violently insisiting on their right to refrain from military service, plans to treat them as ordinary citizens when it comes to the drawing of troops now divide public opinion in Israel. [German TV]

Extensive listing of Resistance Operations in Feb 2024,
followed by a summary of important events:

[الميادين, pro-Iranian news center in Lebanon, on 2nd March]

On the Chances of a Possible Truce between Hamas & Israel

Everyone is anticipating the outcome of the new round of negotiations between Hamas and Israel in Cairo, on which hopes of reaching a truce before Ramadan are pinned, and while positive signs loom on the horizon with the pressure exerted by Washington on Netanyahu on the one hand, coinciding with pressure from Doha on Hamas leaders on the other, it can be said that the Gaza Strip is close to getting out of the bottleneck.......

أمد/ الجميع في ترقب لما ستسفر عنه الجولة الجديدة من المفاوضات بين حماس واسرائيل في القاهرة والتي تعلق عليها الآمال في التوصل الى هدنة قبل شهر رمضان، وفيما تلوح المؤشرات الإيجابية في الأفق مع وجود ضغط تمارسه واشنطن على نتنياهو من جهة يتزامن معه ضغط من الدوحة على قادة حماس من جهة أخرى فإنه يمكن القول أن قطاع غزة يقترب من الخروج من عنق الزجاجة

It is too early to talk about the future of Gaza and the form and content of the government that will control things, but there are suggestions that the PA has already begun to prepare for the post-war phase and that Moscow's meeting between Palestinian factions may be the last chance for Hamas to ensure its survival in the Palestinian political scene under the umbrella of the Palestine Liberation Organization, which will enable it to withdraw from the rule of Gaza by saving face rather than saying that it has been defeated.

من السابق لأوانه الحديث عن مستقبل غزة وعن شكل ومضمون الحكومة التي ستتولى ضبط الأمور، لكن ثمة هنالك ايحاءات تشير الى أن السلطة الفلسطينية قد بدأت فعليا في الاستعداد لمرحلة ما بعد الحرب وأن لقاء موسكو ما بين الفصائل الفلسطينية قد يكون آخر فرصة لحماس لضمان بقاءها في المشهد السياسي الفلسطيني تحت مظلة منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية وهو ما سيمكنها من الانسحاب من حكم غزة بحفظ ماء الوجه بدل أن يقال أنها هزمت

[AMAD, Palestinian news site, allegedly opposed to Palestinian Authority President Mahmud Abbas and run from Cairo, on March 3, 2024]
