Showing posts with label intelligence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intelligence. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Hybrid Warfare and Artificial Intelligence

TV Screenshot of the Day:
Christian Celebrations 2023
عيد الميلاد في الضفة الغربية

By the way, this is authentic and not generated by artificial intelligence !


In today's world, the shape and nature of war have undergone profound changes. It has evolved from traditional competition in military power to today's comprehensive contest of political, economic and social power. After World War II, the rapid development of information technology, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies has made the trend of world multipolarity, economic globalization and cultural diversification increasingly obvious. In this era of change and continuity, hybrid warfare theory emerged as the times require, providing us with a new perspective for understanding and dealing with modern warfare.


在这个AI技术飞速发展并日益渗透到我们生活各方面的时代,了解和掌握AI不再是选项,而是必需,越早体验AI越能掌握主动权。 "简单AI"为用户提供免费、低门槛的AI工具体验,不需要专业的知识就可以创造出有创意的作品。

In short, the proposal of hybrid warfare theory provides us with new ideas for understanding and dealing with modern warfare. In this era of change and continuity, we need to pay attention to the comprehensive use of various forces, formulate reasonable strategic plans, use tactics flexibly, and pay attention to the role of information warfare in order to gain an advantage in war.

In this era where AI technology is developing rapidly and increasingly penetrating into all aspects of our lives, understanding and mastering AI is no longer an option, but a necessity. The sooner you experience AI, the more you can take the initiative. "Simple AI" provides users with a free, low-threshold AI tool experience that allows them to create creative works without requiring professional knowledge.

[搜狐 on 1st December]

Example for a video generation using artificial intelligence AI