Showing posts with label an-nakba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label an-nakba. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Nakba Day يوم النكبة
Egypt going to take Diplomatic Steps against Israel

Update added on May 18

[Lebanon 24 on May 16]

Title: On the 76th anniversary of An-Nakba -
Witness in his 80ies clings to the right of return

The elderly Palestinian Muhammad Khader, who lived through the Nakba of 1948 [ i.e. the catastrophe of displacement ], told Anadolu: We left our homes under pressure from Zionist gangs. We went to the city of Ramla, then to Ramallah, later to Al-Am’ari camp. On the way (during the displacement) I saw something unmentionable, and among that is a (Palestinian) woman who was slaughtered from vein to vein. What the Palestinians of the West Bank are subjected to today in terms of “killing and abuse” at the hands of the settlers is similar to what happened in 1948. We live a new Nakba every day, but no matter how long it takes, we must return home ...

[Anadolu, Turkey on May 15, Day of An-Nakba]
Please note: My blog only reflects the views expressed by leading global media regarded as reliable when it comes to their treatment of daily news. The editor cannot be held responsible for single comments put in the showcase by such media and which is part of their daily business of information. W.W./Ulysses

IDF found the bodies of three Jewish festival goers abducted by Hamas on 7 October 2023.
The bodies are reported to be "in a good condition". [CBS on May 17]


The Wall Street Journal said that Egypt is considering reducing the level of its diplomatic relations with Israel, and has decided to support the genocide lawsuit against it in the International Court of Justice.

The newspaper added in a report: “During the 45 years since the historic peace agreement, Israel and Egypt have become necessary partners, with close, albeit not warm, relations that are important for their national security. But the Israeli attack against Rafah threatens to undermine all of this.”

The newspaper said that Egypt, which represents the center of Arab military, political and cultural power, is now considering reducing the level of its diplomatic relations with “Israel,” according to what Egyptian officials say.

Cairo said in recent days that it would listen to South Africa's lawsuit to the International Court of Justice, which accuses "Israel" of genocide in Gaza . Egypt also refused to open its borders after the Israeli army took control of the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing.

The newspaper quoted Muhammad Anwar Sadat, whose uncle, President Anwar Sadat, negotiated the "Camp David" Treaty in 1979, as saying that the current conflict is the worst that bilateral relations have witnessed.

Sadat, a former member of the Egyptian parliament, said: “There is a lack of trust” and “there is in fact now a kind of suspicion between the two parties.”

The newspaper says that the current crisis began after the Israeli army gave Egypt a few hours’ notice before it launched a campaign against the Rafah crossing last week , according to an Egyptian official.

The surprise message that reached Egyptian intelligence came after months of cautious negotiations between military, security and Israeli officials regarding the attack in which Benjamin Netanyahu's government threatened against Rafah, where more than a million Palestinians had taken refuge

[عربي 21, London May 14, quoting the Wallstreet Journal]
