Showing posts with label Israeli-weapons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israeli-weapons. Show all posts

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Arab - Israeli Interdependence & Security Risks

Last evening / this morning, several Arabic newspapers quoted the following news item from an Israeli source:
Israeli security officials expressed their fear of a security escalation in the West Bank.
The Hebrew Kan channel quoted them as saying that any security escalation in the West Bank will extend to the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories , if an agreement to exchange prisoners is not reached before the month of Ramadan.

[خبراني, Jordan, on Feb. 23]


Abdel Moneim Al-Mashat, a professor of political science at Cairo University, comes with an interesting evaluation of Arab-Israeli interdependence:

I had hoped to write about the foundations of peace, stability, and joint cooperation to achieve the national interests of the countries of the Middle East, and how to achieve mutual dependence among them, including Israel, and we know that one of them is the tools for resolving the conflict, after the establishment of the Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza, with East Jerusalem as its capital, creating common interests. And mutual benefits for the various parties, so that the return of peace and cooperation becomes much greater than conflict and war. However, the genocide carried out by the Israeli War Council headed by Netanyahu in terms of the genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza, and then in the West Bank, has destroyed any chances of resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict with the establishment of an independent Palestinian state at its heart. It is clear from reading what is issued by the Israeli War Council and the rest of the ministers of the extreme right-wing government and some of its ministers who can be described as Nazis and fascists, that those targeted are not the Palestinians alone, but the Arabs as a whole as a nation, as a homeland, and as member states of the international community. I have also confirmed Netanyahu’s statements derived from the political Torah, and not Those that were revealed to the Prophet of God, Moses, which call for the final elimination of non-Jews, getting rid of them, uprooting them wherever they are found, and ending their presence in preparation for building the great Jewish state that has no borders and no restrictions on its expansion. It does not stop at the Jordan River, the Litani River, or Lake Tiberias. Rather, it extends to all sides that the Israelis and Zionists deem necessary to build a racist state whose foundation is the expansionist complex on the basis of Jewish purity.

كنت أتمنى أن أكتب عن أسس السلام والاستقرار والتعاون المشترك لتحقيق المصالح الوطنية لدول الشرق الأوسط، وكيفية تحقيق الاعتماد المتبادل بينها بما فى ذلك إسرائيل، ونحن نعلم أن أحدهم أدوات حل الصراع، بعد إنشاء الدولة الفلسطينية فى الضفة الغربية وغزة وعاصمتها القدس الشرقية، خلق مصالح مشتركة ومنافع متبادلة لمختلف الأطراف بحيث يصير عائد السلام والتعاون أكبر بكثير عن الصراع والحرب، ولكن ما يقوم به مجلس الحرب الإسرائيلى برئاسة نتنياهو من إبادة جماعية للفلسطينيين فى غزة، ومن بعدها فى الضفة الغربية أودى بأية فرص لحل الصراع العربى الإسرائيلى وفى قلبه إنشاء دولة فلسطينية مستقلة، والواضح من قراءة ما يصدر عن مجلس الحرب الإسرائيلى وبقية وزراء الحكومة اليمينية المتطرفة وبعض وزرائها ممن يمكن وصفهم بالنازيين والفاشيين، أن المستهدفين ليسوا الفلسطينيين وحدهم، ولكن العرب أجمع كأمة وكوطن وكدول أعضاء فى الجماعة الدولية، ولقد أكدت أيضا تصريحات نتنياهو المستمدة من التوراة السياسية، وليست تلك التى أنزلت على نبى الله موسى، والتى تدعو إلى القضاء البات على غير اليهود، والتخلص منهم، واقتلاعهم حيث وجدوا وبإنهاء حضورهم تهيئة لبناء الدولة اليهودية الكبرى والتى لا حدود لها، ولا قيود على توسعها، لا تقف عند نهر الأردن والليطانى ولا بحيرة طبرية، وإنما تمتد إلى كل حدب وصوب يراه الإسرائيليون والصهاينة ضروريا لبناء دولة عنصرية أساسها عقدة التوسع على أساس النقاء اليهودى


The security technology of the Arab countries, which is a technology penetrated by the government of Israel, and sometimes by extending international trade routes to and through it, and what is new that we have not heard about before or seen or read about in any written history is that the meetings of the Israeli War Council are attended by the President of the United States, its Secretary of State, and the Director of Its intelligence, respectively, and we must understand the meaning of this unprecedented overlap between the two countries. On the one hand, it confirms that Israeli security is an integral part of the security of the United States and that any threat to Israel is a threat to the United States. This raises a legitimate question: How can the presence of American bases in countries be explained? Is it used to protect the security of host countries or to place restrictions on their strategic choices that relate to or affect American and Israeli interests? On the other hand, the United States, based on its vision for Israel’s security, provides unlimited military, financial, and international support, including special forces, ammunition, and its latest weapons. Destruction, and on the third side, agreement on the future of the region in a way that achieves Israeli control over the joints of the Arab world and its resources necessary for Europe and the United States, and perhaps placing restrictions on their export to competing countries in different regions of the world, leading to the collapse of the Arab world as a sub-region in the international system.

[الشروق, Egypt, on Feb. 23]


Where do Hamas Weapons Come From ?

For years, analysts have pointed to "underground smuggling routes" to explain why Hamas has been able to maintain its weapons arsenal despite Israel's military blockade of the Gaza Strip. However, according to weapons experts and Israeli and Western intelligence agencies, the latest intelligence shows that Hamas is using thousands of munitions that Israel previously dropped on the Gaza Strip but failed to detonate to create a large number of rockets and anti-tank weapons.



There are currently many opinions on the source of Hamas' weapons. According to a report on the "Russia Today" TV website on October 11 last year, former CIA analyst Larry Johnson told the media on the 9th of that month that Hamas was taking advantage of the US as Washington prepared to increase military assistance to West Jerusalem and provided the weapons Hamas was using [later] to attack Israel. According to a report on the US "Newsweek" website on November 8 last year, when Israel Defense Forces (IDF) attacked Hamas militants’ underground infrastructure in the Gaza Strip, they reported having discovered new and unprecedented weapons used by the armed organization. According to that report, IDF said it had discovered "combat methods unknown to the (Israeli) security system", including a new rocket discovered by the Israeli Army's engineering force in a laboratory in Gaza.


[SINA 新浪军事 on Jan. 30, 2024]