Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Iran and India - US Sanctions and Tariffs

美下⼀波制裁旨在打击伊朗⽯油业,油价年前或升 ⾄90美元

A wave of US sanctions aims at hitting Iran's oil industry.
Recent year's oil price might rise to 90 US$ [per barrel]

8⽉6⽇,美国再次对伊朗的⾦融、汽⻋、航空和⾦属⾏业实施第⼀波制 裁,伊朗总统鲁哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)对此予以回击,称美国总统特朗普 (Donald Trump)呼吁两国进⾏对话的态度不诚实,只是在作秀⽽已。

On August 6, America once again put into effect a wave of sanctions against Iran's banking, car industry, air traffic and metal industry. Iranian president Rouhani hits back at this spear [attack], stating that US president Trump's appeal on both nations is carried out in a verbal attitude that is not honest, simply made elegant that's all.

[SINA 新浪财经 on August 7, 2018]

Further US import tariffs on Indian products like medicines, diamonds, auto parts and seafood, being discussed as a possible consequence of Indian retaliatory tariffs against US steel and aluminium import levies, might bring India's prime minister Modi in a difficult position ahead of the 2019 general elections, in case India's politically sensitive agriculture sector is forced to open up to US imports.

The world's largest democracy is known for high levies on agricultural imports as a means to safeguard the livelihood of its massive farmer population. Recent droughts and falling commodity prices have also triggered a hike in Indian import duties. In February, the government doubled levies on sugar to 100 percent, while chickpeas saw an increase to 40 percent.

[CNBC on August 7, 2018]

《RUSSELL专栏》在中国减少进⼝之际 美国对印度出⼝原油⼤增

[Reuters] "Russell Column": While China's imports decreased,
US crude oil exports to India increased on a great scale.

Clyde Russell, a Reuters columnist, expresses his opinion on oil market developments. Here are some quotations from his article:

US crude oil producers seem to have found new buyers for shipments that are no longer exported to China. India is expected to import record-scale crude oil in August.


Indian refinery interest in US crude oil will be a good news for shale oil producers looking for buyers outside of China. Due to the escalation of trade disputes between the Trump administration and Beijing, China may reduce imports of US crude oil.

Although not yet implemented, China has proposed to impose import tariffs of up to 25% on US crude oil as well as liquefied natural gas and coal.

[Reuters, Chinese language edition on August 7, 2018]


History - Iran 1979

In 1979 religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini came to power in Iran. It was in the turbulent days of Iran's Islamic Revolution that militant followers of Khomeini invaded the US embassy in Tehran and abducted its personnel. 52 American diplomats and citizens were held hostage for 444 days which makes up for the longest hostage crisis in recorded history.

Many years later, a French camera team was allowed to visit the specially secured part of the embassy where US secret services had maintained their communications center.

إيران .. رحلة في مبنى السفارة الأمريكية السابق في طهران

Iran ..... A walk through the building
of the former US embassy in Tehran.

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