2nd Update added on September 30, 2017.

China ordered the closure of North Korean enterprises in China.
The Chinese Government says it is going to implement the United Nations's resolution no. 2375 directed against North Korea. North Korean entities of enterprise established in China as well as individually founded businesses must be closed down within 120 days starting from September 11, the day when the resolution passed.
Chinese enterprises acting abroad together with North Korean entities or as individually founded joint venture businesses should be closed down as well in accordance with the above-mentioned resolution.
China accounts for a proportion of more than 80% of North Korea's foreign trade. From trading firms to restaurants, North Korean companies can be seen in many Chinese towns, especially in the vicinity of the Chinese-North Korean border.
[Source: Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报 on September 29, 2017]
An assessment of North Korea's military power (published on July 19, 2017).
The ratio between North Korean troops and civilians
has risen to 1:3. - Nerves react unusually sensitive
when it comes to ask for a way out for the peninsula.
Message compiled from the web on September 28: North Korea declared, about 4.700.000 students and workers are already willing to apply for entering or are summoned again to enter the North Korean People's Army. But if interrelated reports are true and North Korea already levied new troops near to 20% of the population to enter into service, this will add to the existing military force and which is exceeding one million (1.000.000). The number of North Korea's military units will then reach out for 25% of the overall population.
[Editor: The overall population of North Korea is considered to be about 25.000.000 朝鲜总人口约2500万]
Moreover, the South Korean [news agency] quoted North Korea's mouthpiece, the "Workers Party News", in a report that said: Among those willing to enter the North Korean army as new soldiers are about 1.200.000 women.
[Source: Financial World 金融界 China based JRJ.COM, September 29, 2017]
What Chinese think of North Korea (published on May 14, 2017).
A letter from the DPRK: As to the nuclear testing, that's the life we lead.
This year in September, the Wall Street Journal reporter to Pyongyang carried out a series of visits and interviews under tight control.
From the perspective of an English diplomat and from children tinkering with toy guns up to the atomic [war] pattern everywhere to be seen, Pyongyang repeatedly stresses this kind of message: The DPRK will never give up its nuclear weapons.

[Source: Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报 on September 30, 2017]

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