Saturday, February 27, 2016

Germany - Syrian Migrant Moves

Syria News of the Day further down !

Migrants from Syria make up for the largest group of asylum seekers in Germany, followed by those who came from Afghanistan. Here are some general facts about migrant moves targeting Germany as their preferred country of exile.

Syrian migrants coming from different parts of Syria as
published by UN Refugee Agency NHCR in Sept. 2015.

Regions of control for main local participants in the Syrian conflict
[Syria 'truce': Who's in and who's out? BBC article Feb. 27, 2016].

Main migrant route to Germany.

Facts about migrant moves within Germany as published by BBC on February 26, 2016:

Germany does not know the whereabouts of 130,000 asylum seekers who were registered last year, officials say.

The migrants did not appear at reception centres to which they had been directed, the government said in a written reply to a question.

This may be because they have moved to a different country, gone underground or registered several times.

Those missing represent about 13% of about 1.1 million asylum seekers registered in Germany in 2015.

A spokesman for the interior ministry said a series of measures approved by parliament on Thursday [i.e. February 25] would help address the missing migrants problem, AFP news agency reports.


On Thursday, the head of Germany's federal office for migration, Frank-Juergen Weise, said there were up to 400,000 people in the country whose identities were unknown to the authorities.

A special flight from Germany carrying 125 deported Afghans arrived in Kabul on Wednesday [i.e. February 24]. Those arriving in Kabul all left voluntarily, German officials said.

Afghans have become Germany's second largest group of asylum seekers, after Syrians, with 154,000 arriving in 2015.


Syria News of the Day:

" Syria ceasefire: Truce comes into effect, ‘cautious’ optimism over deal. "
News reports by Reuters agency and RT Russian TV on February 27, 2016


The visitor to "blueprint news" who came from Cayenne is a reminder of times when French Guiana was some kind of "French Guantánamo" for political prisoners. Prisoner camps on Devil's Island and near the mainland settlements of Kourou and Cayenne existed from 1852 until 1953. From there derives a German saying that is targeting any person one wants to get rid of: "Go to where the pepper is growing !" and which is referring to the fact that French Guiana also became known as the exporter of Cayenne pepper. It wouldn't surprise me at all, if the visitor from Syria presented below and who obviously noted my visitor from Cayenne had, as well, some second thoughts about the future of foreign Jihadists in Syria .....

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Iranian Oil Flooding the Market

مسئول إيراني: نستهدف تصدير 1.5 مليون برميل نفط يوميًا

Iranian official: We strive to export 1.5 million barrel oil daily.

أكد مدير الشئون السياسية بوزارة الخارجية الإيرانية حميد بعيدي نجاد، أن بلاده تستهدف تصدير 1.5 مليون برميل نفط يوميا كمرحلة أولى في فترة ما بعد الحظر.ـ

The director for political affairs of Iran's foreign ministry, Hamid Baeidi Nejad, confirmed that his country is striving to export 1.5 million barrel oil daily [with regard to] the first period of time [following] the sanctions.

ورأى بعيدي نجاد -حسبما ذكرت وكالة أنباء "فارس" الإيرانية-أن تصدير طهران ثلاث شحنات نفطية إلى أوروبا بحجم 4 ملايين طن يوم الأربعاء الماضي خطوة مبدئية قوية بعد مرور سنوات عدة.ـ

According to the Iranian news agency FARS, Baeidi Nejad mentioned that Tehran has exported three charges of oil to Europe, comprising four million tons, last Wednesday in a first encouraging step that has the dimension of several years [of export].

Hamid Baeidi Nejad

[Source: Al-Dostor الدستور, Egyptian online news on February 20, 2016]

Further News from Iran:

أكدت هيئة الأركان العامة للقوات المسلحة الإيرانية، أمس، أن الدفعة الأولى من منظومة الصواريخ الاعتراضية «إس 300»، سترسل إلى إيران اليوم، وذلك بعد احتفال رسمي في مدينة أستراخان الروسية يحضره وزير الدفاع الإيراني حسين دهقان المتواجد في روسيا منذ يوم الإثنين الماضي.ـ

Yesterday [i.e. February 17], the general staff of the armed forces of Iran confirmed that the [first series] of interception missiles S-300 is going to be sent to Iran today, after an official ceremony in the Russian town of Astrachan [taking place] in the presence of Iran's minister of defence Hossein Dehghan and who is staying in Russia since last Monday.

[Source: Martyr Institution, Palestine مؤسسة شهيد فلسطين on February 18, 2016]


Friday, February 19, 2016

Jerusalem - Picture of the Day

ثلاثة شهداء بنيران الاحتلال في القدس والضفة

Three died under fire of occupation forces
in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

كاميرا الجزيرة توثق لحظة إطلاق قوات الاحتلال
وابلا من الرصاص على فلسطيني في القدس

A camera of Al-Jazeera witnesses the starting moment
of a shooting spray by occupation forces [targeting] a
Palestinian in Jerusalem.

Editor's Note:
From the video sequence alone it is difficult to decide why the shooting spray really started as the Israeli soldier can be seen running away before he turns back and targets the Palestinian running after him. Such, the video remains but the proof of tense relations between Palestinians and Israeli occupation forces many decades after the conflict started.

[Source: Al-Jazeera الجزيرة, Arabic website, on Februar 19, 2016]


Thursday, February 11, 2016

North Korea - Light and Shadow

Important Update added on February 12, 2016:


North Korea Proclaims the Successful Launch of a Satellite.



根据朝鲜国家宇宙开发局发布的公报,朝鲜当地时间7日上午9时(北京时间8时30分)在平安北道铁山郡西海卫星发射场发射“光明星4号”卫星。大约10分钟后,卫星顺利进入轨道,轨道斜角为 97.4度,近地点494.6公里,远地点500公里,每94分24秒绕地球一周。韩联社援引韩国国防部消息人士的话报道,朝鲜发射了一枚“远程火箭”,一级火箭推进器于首尔时间9时32分分离,炸成270多块碎片坠入朝鲜半岛西部海域,9时36分从韩方雷达上消失。

Summary of the Chinese text:

On February 7, the North Korean Central News Agency reported the successful launch of its newly built Earth observation satellite "Bright Star No.4" in the morning of that day.

According to a spokesman of [N Korea's] foreign ministry, the vice-minister of foreign affairs should have had an urgent meeting with [N Korea's] ambassador to China the day before. Therefore [it seems that] N Korea might be using its ballistic missile technology to advance negotiations.

The satellite was launched on February 7 at 09:00 in the morning (i.e. 08:30 Beijing time) from N Korea's satellite launch pad in the north-western part of the country. Ten minutes later, the satellite was put on its trajectory with an orbit inclination of 97.4 degrees. Its distance from Earth being 494.6-500 km (perigee-apogee), the satellite needs 94 minutes 24 seconds for orbiting the Earth.

According to a spokesman of the South Korean ministry of defense, the North should have launched a "long-range missile" which decomposed into more than 270 debris parts landing in the western sea area of the Korean peninsula. At 09:36 [the missile or parts of it] disappeared from South Korean radar.

[Source: SINA 新闻中心 on February 8, 2016]

Location of North Korea's satellite launch pad.



North Korean media discussing a satellite image
that is showing N Korea as an area of darkness:
Lighting should not reflect society's qualities.

[Source: Chinanews 中国新闻网 on February 3, 2015]


Breaking News on February 11, 2016:

North Korean chief of general staff reportedly executed.

According to Yonhap, the South Korean news agency, North Korea’s Chief of the Korean People’s Army (KPA) General Staff Ri Yong Gil was reportedly executed sometime earlier this month. He should have been in office since 2013 until his disappearance after January 10, 2016.

However, it should not be taken for granted that General Ri has really been executed. There were other North Korean officials before him who reappeared in public after rumours of their execution.

Under the assumption that Ri was executed, the purge might have taken place due to his expression of dissatisfaction over the increasing Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) control over the KPA and prioritizing the party over the military.

Recently, Kim Jong Un held an “enlarged joint meeting” on February 2-3, just three days before North Korea’s recent rocket launch. During the meeting, Kim pointed out his intent to bring about changes to the KPA.

“The KPA must head only in the direction where the supreme leader points,” Kim said during the speech. “The whole of the party and our military must put up a struggle to exterminate the practices of seeking privileges, misuse of authority, abuse of power and bureaucratism.”


Basketball champion and former NBA star Dennis Rodman said
he and other former National Basketball Association players are
planning a match in North Korea that will be a "birthday present"
for one of their most unlikely fans: Kim Jong Un. [6 January 2014]


Rodman reveals Kim Jong Un's luxurious private life:
Possession of private islands and a pleasure boat.
[Source: XinHua 新华 on 24 December 2013]

Kim Jong Un's private yacht is worth some £4.5 million.
[Text: Daily Telegraph - Picture: N Korean news agency]


Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Year of the Monkey 2016

A Happy Chinese New Year
Welcome Year of the Monkey

Overloaded tricycle spotted moving through the
downtown streets in Shanghai. [People's Daily]

Saturday, February 06, 2016

North Korea - Alarming News

Rumours of North Korea planning to launch another rocket and which should be carrying a satellite have aroused suspicion by its neighbours. Here are the news of the day:


South Korea: The North will undertake its 25th Rocket Launch on [February] 8.

[Source: Phenix news center 凤凰 on February 6, 2015]


Ready for Battle! Japanese Aegis ships [i.e. warships
equipped with an Aegis combat system] are massing
as a reaction to the North Korean rocket [launch].


In the past few days, Japanese media reported that Japan sent its naval defense unit's main force, the Aegis destroyers, to build up a some [combat] scenario, being alarmed by a tightening situation when North Korea is planning to launch another rocket.

[Original Source: Global Network 环球网, quoted by Chinanews on February 6, 2016]


Visitors interested in North Korea's proceedings: