The following excerpt has been taken from an anonymous personal comment broadly published on some kind of patriotic website and that is directly linked to the main page of People's Network, the online edition of China's semi-official People's Daily. Even though the comment is marked as not necessarily representing the opinion of People's Network, I deemed it worth mentioning.

Above: U.S. President Obama and Japan's prime minister Shinzo Abe on a ship carrying the flags of both countries. That picture, partly covered by the comment's title, marked the direct link from People's Network.
Is America using Japan as a pretext to play with China ?
These years have seen what seems to be a lot of contradictions between China and Japan. On the international stage, each [of them] at the time of its surfacing looked as if such kind of contradiction could probably lead to a sharp conflict at any time and could even get out of control. At least myself is considering the significant problems that emerged between China and Japan during these years, their [essential] key issues, as not being caused by Chinese - American problems but accompanying them.
America is the most important creator of Chinese - Japanese contradictions and promoter behind the scene, the starting point of an ultimate settling of such major problems. And I consider [we] ought [to begin with the provocative answer from] the American side. That one who started the trouble should end such style of handling problems and which is the true cause at the beginning of contradictions.
[Source: People's Network 人民网 — 强国社区 on February 7, 2014]
The above quoted comment was published shortly before China's Global News came with the following headline and an article based on an earlier report by BBC, London:

U.S. secretary of state Kerry claims to ensure Japan's protection against Chinese attack.
[Source: Global News 环球网 on February 8, 2014]
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