Sunday, February 16, 2014

Iraqi Rebels - Latest News

The following news are covering the ongoing fight between Islamic militants and government troops in Iraq. For more information, please refer to earlier blogspots on that subject.

Iraq's president Nuri al-Maliki

المالكي: "داعش" جاء إلى العراق عبر ساحات الاعتصام

Al-Maliki: "Daesh" arrived in Iraq via refugee camps.

اعتبر رئيس الحكومة العراقية، نوري المالكي، أن تنظيم "داعش" جاء إلى العراق عبر ساحات الاعتصام، وذلك خلال اجتماعه بشيوخ العشائر في الأنبار.ـ

The chef of Iraq's government, Nuri al-Maliki, is considering that "Daesh" organization has arrived in Iraq via refugee camps at the time it met with clan leaders in Anbar [province].

وجاءت تصريحات المالكي هذه في نهاية اجتماعه بشيوخ عشائر الأنبار، بعد عام من الاعتصام والمطالبات، التي لم تلتفت إليها الحكومة العراقية حتى زيارة المالكي اليوم للمحافظة، برفقة وزير الدفاع ولقائه قيادتها وشيوخ العشائر.ـ

And declarations of al-Maliki appeared [regarding] the ending of [such] meetings with clan leaders from Anbar [province] after a year of seeking refuge and of claims the government of Iraq ignored until today's visit of al-Maliki to the province, when he was accompanied by the minister of defence and received by the [regional] leadership and clan leaders.

[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on February 16, 2014]


Background Information:

الجيش العراقي يقتل 40 مسلحا من داعش بالفلوجة

Iraq's army killed 40 armed [rebels] from Daesh in Falluja.

أكدت وزارة الدفاع العراقية، في بيان الخميس، مقتل 40 مسلحا من تنظيم الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام (داعش)، وتدمير أسلحة، وكذلك 4 من مقرات القيادة والسيطرة للتنظيم بمدينة الفلوجة في محافظة الأنبار.ـ

In a declaration dating from Thursday [i.e. January 30], Iraq's ministry of defence confirmed the killing of 40 armed [rebels] belonging to the organization of an " Islamic Nation in Iraq and Syria / the Levant [ISIS / ISIL / Daesh] ", the destruction of weapons and, as well, of four posts of command and [administration] for the organization in Falluja, Anbar province.

[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on January 31, 2014]


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