Saturday, July 06, 2013

Egypt - Scenes of Street Fighting

UPDATE for July 7, 2013:

Death toll of bloody riots rising to 36,
more than 200 wounded are counted.
El-Baradei probably prime minister
under interim president Mansour.



Here are some snapshots and related news from the Arabic channel of Al-Jazeera TV that are illustrating the most recent developments in Egypt after the military coup d'état against Egypt's president Morsy:

Above: Pro-Morsy demonstration at the University of Cairo

مصدر طبي للجزيرة: 10 قتلى و 318 مصابا في القاهرة و محافظات مصرية أخرى

A medical source for Al-Jazeera [says]:
10 died and 318 were wounded in Cairo and other districts of Egypt.

التلفزيون المصري عن وزارة الصحة: مقتل 17 شخصا اليوم في القاهرة و محافظات أخرى

According to Egypt's television, the ministry of public health announced that 17 persons died during the day in Cairo and other districts.

شهود عيان: مجموعات من البلطجية تتصدى لمتظاهرين مؤيدين لمرسي قرب جامعة القاهرة

Eye witnesses: Groups of [local militants] are opposing demonstrators [in favour of] Morsy near the university of Kairo.

Cairo - Maspero

متحدث عسكري: قوات الجيش تدخلت في ماسبيرو للفصل بين المتظاهرين

A spokesman for the military [says]: Armed forces are entering Maspero [i.e. a Cairo neighbourhood] for a separation of the demonstrators.

Above (left): Treating the wounded in an Alexandria mosque.

صور مباشرة من داخل مسجد سيدي جابر في الأسكندرية الذي تحول لمستشفى ميداني

Direct pictures from the interior of Saidi Jabar Mosque in Alexandria that transformed into an [urban] clinic.

Above: Pro-Morsy demonstration in front of
the Egyptian embassy in Amman / Jordan.

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