China's missile destroyer No. 115 "Shenyang"
preparing for Chinese - Russian naval drills.
Yesterday, July 8, Chinese-Russian naval exercises began in the Russian military base of Vladivostok. After a ceremonial opening of the joint exercises in the naval academy of Russia's Pacific fleet, all participating ships left the Far Eastern port. Here's a rather literary description of the events given by a correspondent of China's Navy Network:
Vladivostok in summer brings a changeable climate. While yesterday a bright sun was still shining high in the sky, today rain and mist are already filling the air. At about two o'clock in the afternoon and in the middle of a huge dense fog, Chinese and Russian naval vessels, participating in the exercise, leave the navy port one after the other, heading for the maritime manoeuvre region.
经过数小时的雾中航行,沈阳舰驶入待机锚地。“进锚地战斗警报!” 随着舰长张长龙一声令下,急促的警报声在全舰响起,官兵们迅速跑上战位。“抛锚部署!”一连串的口令下达后,巨大的锚链哗啦啦地抛入大海,沈阳舰准确地在预定锚位下锚。
After navigating a couple of hours through dense fog, the Shenyang sails into its waiting position and anchoring place. "Battle alert in the anchoring place !" Commander Zhang and chief Long are giving order simultaneously. Urgently the alarm tone is sounding all over the warship. Officers and soldiers are hurrying to their fighting positions. "Drop anchor [as planned] !" A chain of commands is transmitted to those in the rear, and a huge anchor chain is noisily tossed into the ocean, putting the Shenyang's anchor precisely into its predetermined position.
[Source: NAVY.81.CN on July 8, 2013]
中俄联演沈阳舰成功“攻击”静音潜艇 苏-24扮导弹
In the frame of joint Chinese Russian exercises, the Shenyang successfully "attacked" silent submarines and imitations of [=> Russian made] Su-24 guided missiles.

Shenyang - missile control center.

Russian K-27 helicopter landing
on Chinese destroyer Shenyang.
Participating in the joint Chinese Russian exercises are 18 [water surface] warships, one submarine, eight airplanes as well as two platoons of special troops. They have to care for six main tasks in their drill: Joint air defence, maritime supply, the passing of regions endangered by submarines, [the formation] of joint escorts, joint rescue operations of hijacked ships, and the attack on maritime targets.
[Source: China's Navy quoted by People's Network on July 9, 2013]
专家:中俄军演可使用公用频率通信 规避美日侦察
An Expert says the Chinese Russian military exercise can use public frequencies for communication, such avoiding U.S. and Japanese reconnaissance.
The article is quoting a military expert who spoke in the Central TV broadcast "Today's Interest".
[Source: People's Network on July 9, 2013]
Map of recent Far Eastern visitors to "blueprint news" and
map of the 2013 Chinese - Russian joint naval exercises:
Port of Vladivostok.
Choice of visitors to "blueprint news" on July 10, 2013, and who could be located by a country tag in their web address:

On July 3, 2013, People's Network quoted the Chinese
magazine Modern Ships 现代舰船 with its new title:

How To Defeat America
In this issue a special topic needs to be discussed:
A possible conflict arising in the future between China and America.
专家:日建亚洲最大宙斯盾战舰群 对付中俄弹道导弹
Expert says: Japan is building Asia's biggest group of warships using the "Aegis" [combat system] to deal with Chinese and Russian ballistic missiles.

[Source: People's Network on July 10, 2013]
Editor's Note:
The Aegis Combat System is an integrated naval weapons system developed by the Missile and Surface Radar Division of RCA, and now produced by Lockheed Martin. It uses powerful computers and radars to track and guide weapons to destroy enemy targets. Its unique feature is the simultaneous tracking and targeting of a multitude of enemy missiles at the same time by using all resources available including those of allied navy ships.
Initially used by the U. S. Navy, Aegis is now used as well by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (photo), Spanish Navy, Royal Norwegian Navy, and Republic of Korea Navy. Over 100 Aegis-equipped ships have been deployed in five navies worldwide. The Royal Australian Navy has selected the Aegis system for placement on its new Air Warfare Destroyers, and it's part of NATO's European missile defence system.
The Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System program is intended to enable the Aegis system to act in a sea-based ballistic missile defense function, to counter short- and medium-range ballistic missiles of the variety typically employed by a number of potential opponent states like North Korea.
Related text on Lockheed Martin's Aegis project
realized in the U.S. Federal State of New Jersey.
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