Saturday, December 22, 2012

Egypt's Constitution - 2nd Round of Voting

ـ25 مليون ناخب مصري في 17 محافظة يدلون بأصواتهم في المرحلة الثانية و الأخيرة من الاستفتاء على الدستور الجديد

25 Million Egyptian voters in 17 districts are [presenting] their vote in the second and last round of the referendum for the new constitution.

During the second round of voting for the constitutional draft in Egypt, vice-president Mahmoud Mekki (above picture left) declares his resignation from office.

محمود مكي يقول إنه استقال لأن العمل السياسي لا يناسب طبيعة تكوينه كقاض

Mahmoud Mekki says he resigns because the political work doesn't [offer] a quality in its structure [suitable for] a judge.

مشروع الدستور المصري الجديد لا ينص على وجود نائب لرئيس الجمهورية

The legal [settings] of Egypt's new constitution don't fix the existence of a vice-president to the republic.

مكي يقول إنه قدم استقالته في 7 نوفمبر الماضي لكن الاعلان عنها تأجل لأسباب مختلفة

Mekki says he [made up his mind] to resign [as early as] November 7, however postponed the announcement [because of] certain preparations.

[Source: Al-Jazeera, Arabic TV Special "Revolution Talk حديث الثورة" on December 22, 2012]

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