Sunday, December 09, 2012

Egypt - Morsy's Referendum - UPDATE

- Last UPDATE for Referendum Results on December 18 -

مصر: جبهة الانقاذ الوطني ترفض الاستفتاء على الدستور

Egypt: The Front for National Salvation Rejects
the Referendum on a Constitution.

Yesterday, December 8, 2012, the English channel of Al-Jazeera came with news of Egypt's president Morsy withdrawing his decrees that should have given him additional powers and the decision to put his own constitutional draft to public vote. Oppositional groups are refusing their support of what can be seen as a referendum on the disputed constitutional decrees.

Today, December 9, that information was confirmed by a report from the Arabic service of BBC, London (above screenshot from their website).

Here now two comments from political groups that voiced their protest against Morsy during last days' violent uprisings in the streets of Cairo. Both had been quoted by the Arabic service of Al-Jazeera the day before:

جبهة الإنقاذ الوطني المعارضة تعقد اليوم اجتماعا لإعلان موقفها من الإعلان الدستوري

Today, the oppositional Front for National Salvation [is complicating] the [national] assembly's announcement of their position in the proclamation [of a constitution].

[The Front for National Salvation is no political party but a national alliance founded by presidential candidate Al-Baradei in order to organize a widespread opposition against Morsy's decrees that would have promoted the president's personal powers.]

رئيس حزب الوسط: الإعلان الجديد تضمن حلولا لكل المعضلات التي ثار جدل بشائنها

The president of the Al-Wasat party says the new proclamation assures [its] occurrence in all difficulties that are [spreading] dispute with their insulting [character].

[The Al-Wasat party is a more liberal group that broke away from the Muslim Brotherhood. It proclaims a moderate Islamism. The "new proclamation" mentioned in the above text is referring to a constitutional draft proclamation recently presented by Egypt's president Morsy.]


News from the First Round of the Referendum
Released on December 16 by Al-Jazeera :

دعوات للإعادة بعد تفوق "نعم" باستفتاء مصر

Headline: Calls for a repetition [i.e. of voting] after predominance of "yes" [votes] in the Egyptian referendum.

أظهرت النتائج الأولية من المرحلة الأولى للاستفتاء على الدستور المصري تأييد نحو 57% له و معارضة 43% وسط انقسام بين المؤيدين و المعارضين, و دعت منظمات حقوقية إلى إعادة المرحلة الأولى لما و صفته بخروق شابت العملية

Basic results from the first round of the referendum on Egypt's constitution are showing a 57% support [i.e. for president Morsy's constitutional draft] and a 43% opposition [dividing] supporters and opposers while juridical organizations are calling for a repetition of that first round and are denouncing "ruptures" that are corrupting the process.

Additional information from Al-Arabiya on December 16, 2012:

Headline: Egypt's opposition is calling for a repetition of polling in the referendum.

The above photo is showing the decisive figures of Egypt's opposition: Amr Moussa, Mohammad Al-Baradei and Hamdin Sabahi (right to left).


Society news from Egypt by Al-Arabiya on December 17, 2012:

قالت الإعلامية منى الشاذلي, مساء اليوم الأحد عبر قناة "إم بي سي مصر", إنه تم القبض على الحارس الخاص لخيرت الشاطر,ـ نائب مرشد جماعة الإخوان المسلمين

On Sunday evening [i.e. December 16] the journalist Mona al-Shazly told on [TV] channel MBC Egypt being decided to seize as the "bodyguard for the benefits of sharing" a vice-councillor to the community of the Muslim Brotherhood.

[Editor's Note: Mona al-Shazly was a popular talk show host on Egypt's Dream 2 TV channel where she became known for her talk sessions with high-ranking politicians. Her new employer MBC Egypt is a brandnew channel owned by the Dubai-based group MBC (Middle East Broadcasting Center).]


UPDATE for December 18 quoting Al-Jazeera, Arabic channel:

الجمعية التأسيسية لوضع الدستور في مصر تدعو البرادعي و موسى و صباحي للحوار يوم الجمعة القادم

The constitutional assembly, assigned to bring about the [new] constitution of Egypt, invited [Mohammad] al-Baradei, [Amr] Moussa and [Hamdin] Sabahi [to participate] in a dialogue to be held next Friday.

مساعد وزير العدل المصري ينفي إشراف أي شخص غير القضاة على المرحلة الأولى من الاستفتاء

The Egyptian vice-minister of justice refuses to supervise [anybody] not belonging to the jurisdiction during the first round of the referendum.

مؤشرات تصويت المصريين بالخارج تظهر تأييدا للدستور بنسبة 69% في نحو 30 دولة أبرزها دول الخليج

Egyptian [citizens] abroad registered for polling are showing a 69% support for the constitution in 30 countries, especially in the Gulf states.

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