Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Arafat Poisoning - Palestinian Reaction

Last UPDATE on November 12, 20:30 GMT

Today, Palestinians celebrate the memory of their former leader Yasir Arafat at his mausoleum in Ramallah. An exhibition of photos and articles reminds his life that is closely related to recent history of Palestine under Israeli rule. The news on Yasir Arafat being poisoned in an unusually sophisticated way are, once again, raising Palestinian mistrust against Israel that is regarded as the most probable culprit for that murder.

القدوة يؤكد وفاة عرفات مسموما و يدعو لنقل القضية الى الأمم المتحدة لتحديد مسؤولية إسرائيل تجاهها

[The sample] assures Arafat's death from poisoning and calls for passing the case to the United Nations for a [fixing] of the responsibility [for it] and which Israel [should face].

هل السلطة الفلسطينية مهتمة فعلا في ملاحقة المتورطين في تسميم الزعيم الفلسطيني ياسر عرفات؟

Is Palestine's administration really interested in the prosecution of those involved in the poisoning of Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat ?

This is a subject to be discussed soon in a special broadcast by Al-Jazeera's Arabic service:

[Source: Al-Jazeera الجزيرة on November 11, 2013]

UPDATE for November 12, 20:30 GMT:

Opinion poll on Al-Jazeera's Arabic service.

هل تعتقد أن السلطات الفلسطينية مهتمة فعلا بملاحقة المتورطين بجريمة قتل عرفات؟

Do you think that Palestinian authorities are really interested in the prosecution of those engaged in killing Arafat?

No لا %93.9
Yes نعم %6.1

Read more on The Arafat Poisoning !

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Iran's Nuclear Program - No Real Breakthrough ?

Last UPDATE: November 10

Yesterday, November 8, the Spanish service of Russia Today RT expressed a rather optimistic view on the Geneva talks dealing with the subject of Iran's nuclear program and announced the appearance of Russia's foreign minister Lavrov in Geneva for the next day, Sunday November 9. As U.S. foreign secretary Kerry already arrived there on Saturday, expectations are high for some kind of deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The U.S. broadcaster CNN extensively covered that story and hinted at a widespread popular interest of the Iranian people in the normalization of foreign relations between Iran and the West. That estimation has been quoted by a news service from Dubai on the same day.

Photo: A smiling Iranian president Rouhani.

ـ«سي إن إن»: رغبة شعبية جارفة داخل إيران لتحسين العلاقات مع الغرب

CNN: A passionate popular desire has seized Iran for the improvement of relations with the West.

[Source: moheet.com محيط, news service from Dubai, on November 8, 2013]

However, the proposed solution, now negotiated behind closed doors in Geneva, seems to be tricky enough to create reservations on the U.S. side and clear disapproval on the Israeli side.

Photo: The Iranian envoy (left) meeting his counterpart in Geneva.

واشنطن: بعض المسائل المهمة جداً لم تحلّ بعد مع طهران

Washington: Some much worrying problems are not yet settled with Tehran.

يوم حاسم في جنيف للبرنامج النووي الإيراني

Decisive day in Geneva on Iran's nuclear program.

[Source: Al-Mustaqbal المستقبل, Lebanese daily, on November 9, 2013]

On CNN: A spokesman for the Israeli government accusing Iran (right picture).

Most probably Israel will not support any shaky deal that might be reached between Iran, Russia and most Western nations. Their stance remaining the unconditioned renunciation of uranium enrichment on the Iranian side.

[Source: CNN on November 8, 2013]

Latest news on November 9:
"Interim deal elusive on Iran's nuclear program" published by U.S.A. Today.


Latest News on November 10:

Rouhani: Iran doesn't abandon its nuclear rights including the enrichment of uranium.
[Iran's president Rouhani in his speech before the United Nations General Assembly.]

Kerry: [On the next possible occasion] the international powers [will continue
to reach] an agreement with Iran concerning their nuclear program.

[Source: Al-Jazeera الجزيرة on November 10, 2013]

Typhoon Warning: Hai Yan just haunting South-East Asia.
Recent visitors from Ha Noi (Vietnam) and Nanning (China).

Police on the Philippines: First estimations indicate that 10.000 [residents]
found their deaths while braving typhoon HaiYan
[Al-Jazeera, Nov.10, 2013]


Thursday, November 07, 2013

News on Arafat Poisoning

"Indications of Arafat being poisoned."
[German national TV, channel 1, on November 6, 2013]

Only some hours ago, Western media learnt about indications of Arafat being poisoned with Polonium, a radioactive element. However, latest news are old news as you can see for yourself: You just need to click to the following link that will lead you to a related article I published earlier in October. It contains everything you might wish to know on that ugly subject !

[ The Arafat Poisoning ]

[CNN headline on November 6, 2013]

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Pakistan - U.S. Killed Taliban Leader

Last UPDATE on November 4
(Reaction of Regional Partners)

After Hakimullah Mehsud, leader of the Pakistani Taliban, was killed by a U.S. drone in the tribal area of Pakistan's province of Waziristan, the Arabic press wrote:

طالبان باكستان تدفن قائدها وتختار خليفته

Pakistan's Taliban buried their leader and elected his successor.

الزعيم الجديد لطالبان باكستان خان سيب سجنا (يمين) كان نائبا لمحسود الذي قتل الجمعة

The new Taliban leader in Pakistan Khan Saib [alias] Sajna
(on the right) was a deputy to Mehsud who died on Friday.

باكستان أعلنت حالة تأهب قصوى بعد مقتل محسود تحسباً لهجمات انتقامية، وأمرت بتعزيز الأمن حول المطارات ومنشآت رئيسية أخرى

Pakistan announced a case of maximum preparedness [as] attacks of vengeance are to be expected after the assassination of Mehsud. Order was given to reinforce security forces at airports and other main installations.

[Source: Al-Jazeera الجزيرة on November 2, 2013]

حركة طالبان باكستان تسعى إلى امتصاص أثر الصدمة وإظهار قدرتها على النهوض من جديد بعد الضربة الموجعة التي تلقتها بمقتل زعيمها

The Taliban movement in Pakistan makes an effort to overcome the state of shock and shows its capacity to stand up, once again, after the painful blow that met them with the assassination of their leader.

[Source: Al-Arab العرب, Arabic daily published in London, on November 3, 2013]


According to CNN, Mehsud was leader of the Pakistani Taliban since 2009. Despite earlier reports on his death in a drone strike, he had survived until now. His organization's main goal in past years was to maintain an insurgency against Pakistani authorities.
In 2010, U.S. authorities offered a $5 million reward for information leading to his capture when Mehsud's organization claimed responsibility for a 2009 suicide bombing at the U.S. forces forward operating base Chapman in Khost, Afghanistan. The Chapman attack killed seven U.S. citizens, including five CIA officers and a member of Jordanian intelligence.
Furthermore, the Mehsud group claimed responsibility for the failed attempt to detonate a car bomb in New York's Times Square in 2010.

Reaction of Regional Partners:

Both governments in Afghanistan and Pakistan condemned the U.S. for their drone attack that might undermine cooperation between both countries aimed at achieving a successful peace process.
Afghan president Karzai criticized the timing of the drone attack while current peace talks are planned between both governments and regional Taliban groups in order to end a decade-long conflict. Karzai made his comments when he met with a delegation of U.S. congressmen in Kabul on Sunday evening (November 3). [Source: CNN]
The Pakistani government condemned the use of drone strikes on its territory and summoned the U.S. ambassador on Saturday (November 2). Information minister Pervez Rasheed said the government would not allow the death of Taliban leader Mehsud to derail proposed peace talks. "We can say that this time drone struck the peace talks but we will not let the peace talks die," Rasheed said. Opposition parties in Islamabad accused the U.S. of using the drone strike to suffocate the peace process before it had even started. [Source: Al-Jazeera / CNN]

Editor's Note:

I remember the face of Hakimullah Mehsud from an interview he once granted to some TV station. I think it was the English service of Al-Jazeera but cannot remember the date of broadcast. In that interview, Mehsud was asked whether or not he would consider a change of U.S. politics towards the Taliban after the Obama administration took over from U.S. president Bush jr., and I still remember Mehsud's answer: "In our country we have a saying which is: The black dog is the white dog's brother." So much about mistrust against the U.S. and their allies.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

U.S. Spying on Allies

Last UPDATE: October 30 (II)

Ozapft Is ! - It's Tapped !

German adage used in the introduction of the Munich Oktoberfest
(Munich beer festival) when the very first beer barrel is broached.
The German expression "anzapfen", applied here in the Bavarian
dialect, has the meaning of, both, "broaching" and "tapping".

The Alliance of Domestic Servants

These days, there is shame and scandal in the Western family because of leaked information on America's domestic spy agency NSA allegedly tapping the phones of prominent foreign leaders like German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel and French president François Hollande. According to a German press information, the Merkel handy tapping should have started as early as 2002.

An outraged Mrs. Merkel.

Actually, that spy scandal should be no surprise at all, as security administrations within the Western alliance are known to exchange information and data on an informal basis already for a considerable time. Such procedure was originally intended to help fighting espionage on behalf of the former Soviet Union and its satellites. Nowadays and since September 11, fighting terrorism has become the main goal.

However, misuse of such multilateral cooperation was already suspected during the times that followed the decay of the Soviet empire. A U.S. facility for radio intelligence for instance, situated near the German town of Bad Aibling, was not immediately closed after surveillance of radiotelephony in Eastern Europe lost its importance. Instead, it remained in operation until 2002 when its equipment and staff were transferred to a similar station in Britain. In the meantime, the South-German facility was rumoured to monitor telephone calls in neighbouring regions like France and Switzerland. Some local newspaper even implied they were tapping phone calls related to banking and finance services. For more information, refer to a comprehensive German source including some English text.

Adding to unilateral misuse, illegal cooperation between U.S. intelligence specialists and their foreign homologues might have been as well at the very beginning of the actual spy scandal.

One especially mysterious story is covering the fact that, in 1990, lots of most important documents vanished from the archives of the East-German Ministry of State Security ("Stasi") just before the entitled committee of citizens could get their hands on them. These documents, enabling the identification of Stasi spies at home and abroad, suddenly appeared in the U.S.A. and were not returned before 2003, i.e. after the German reunification. They became known as the so-called Rosenholz documents. As the Ministry of State Security found itself under siege during the last days of the German Democratic Republic under Communist rule, such thing could only happen with the knowledge and aid of certain (East-/West-)German or Russian insiders. The U.S. side did not officially comment on this. However, it was rumoured the CIA office in Berlin was acting on direct order of president Bush jr.

Similar cases are known from the military sphere were guys of different nationality but equal thinking come to a cooperation that is exceeding their competences.
Only to remember that, in 2007, a high-ranking German officer, stationed on the ISAF airbase of Mazar-e Sharif in Afghanistan and which had been considered for long as a tiny airfield at the end of the world, told German journalists there were no U.S. troops in the immediate neighbourhood for any possible cooperation. This, however, was a vital item at that time because suspicion was already raised against the war policy of former U.S. president Bush jr., and there were fears of an automatic German involvement in some combat activity that would have required an additional mandate from Germany's parliament ("Bundestag").
In a certain way, the officer's description was correct as the next U.S. contingent seemed to be about 3 km away: German troops at one end and U.S. troops at the other end of a comparatively long runway that could have served the biggest U.S. troop carriers as a landing place. The runway's military use, however, was far more advanced than the ISAF Afghanistan mission might let imagine. It was fitting into the strategic plannings of a possible incursion into Iran targeting its capital Tehran and which could not be reached such easily from the Persian Gulf. But that's just another story already told before.
After the interview, a well-known German magazine published a friendly article on those brave German peacekeepers at the end of the world and showed a picture of the tiny airfield tower, dating back to the times of the Taliban like the original runway that was no longer in use. There was no hint that German and U.S. airmen were jointly operating the airbase, even though later information (source: DVIDS report in 2010) confirmed continued U.S. interest in the airlift capacities of Mazar-e Sharif.

Same goes with a German colonel who required U.S. air support when petrol was diverted from a stolen truck by some poor Afghan devils. The air raid in September 2009 killed about 140 civilians and brought that colonel into the headlines of German papers. The investigation of that incident, conducted by a parliamentary commission in Germany, lasted two years and brought about much criticism for the devastating German-U.S. cooperation.
Now, in 2013, legal proceedings against the German Federal Republic are under way, initiated by relatives of the Afghan victims and who are demanding a compensation amounting to more than three million Euro (source: Die Zeit online, December 28, 2012).

Same questionable cooperation could have been at the root of the actual spy scandal, including an inoffical data swapping between allied administrations of different countries. I could imagine that U.S. President Obama originally didn't know about NSA running out of control. At some moment in the past, however, it must have come to his attention, and all he could hope then was that it never came to light.

By the way, an informal cooperation between intelligence agencies is known to exist between the U.S., Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. It is known under the name of "Five-Eyes-Club" and has attracted the interest of French and German intelligence officials as well who allegedly asked to participate, though without success up to now (source: Tagesschau, German TV news, 1st national channel, on October 29, 2013).

The damage caused by the NSA spy initiative, however, has immediately created a climate of mistrust between long-standing partners and allies and might lead to the postponement of free trade negociations as has been demanded by some high-ranking German politicians.


美“情报器”失控威胁全球 奥巴马或成牺牲品

America's "intelligence organ" out of control and a global threat.
- Obama might become [its] victim. -

Oct. 26: America counted one thousand protesters in Washington
and who were opposing the plannings of a large-scale monitoring.
[Protesters praising the whistleblower who made it all known.]

[Source: People's Network - Global Times 人民网—全球时报 on October 28, 2013]

Related news on October 29:
Amid controversy over NSA programs, Congress mulls changes
" Amid growing questions about the United States' international surveillance programs, the House Intelligence Committee is turning its attention back to the question of whether to amend the laws about metadata collection by the National Security Agency. " => Read more!
[Source: CBS News on October 29, 2013]

U.S. worse than the Chinese ..... or simply less professional ?


How can America proceed on its way to a "supervizing and controlling empire" in the light of all those explosive cases ?

The article is referring to a U.S. website named "Foreign Policy" that begins with a historic suicide attack directed against U.S. troops to explain the course of development which transferred North-America into a "supervizing and controlling empire". The following two headlines are preceding the main text:


Intelligence work doesn't give power.


Affecting 200 human lives.

The following text is the reminder of an attack against U.S. marines in Beirut on October 23, 1983. In the early hours of the day, 241 soldiers lost their lives while sleeping, when a truck loaded with explosives turned their four-storey building into a hell of fire. The Chinese text then mentions some 100 similar attacks, U.S. intelligence was unable to prevent.


From "mutual sharing of resources" to a "supervizing and controlling empire".

[Source: China News 中新网 on October 30, 2013]


That's how the registration of a visit from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is looking. I detected it in my visitor statistics for September 2013. The digits neighbouring their web address are telling us how many bytes were sent to them:

A visit to "blueprint news" from FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems has been detected on September 10, 2013. It comes from Clarksburg, West Virginia, where the FBI is using an extended area for the installation of its state-of-the-art high-tech information system:

Under the spreading chestnut tree
I sold you and you sold me
There lie they, and here lie we
Under the spreading chestnut tree

Mysterious tune related to a scene from George Orwell's "1984",
a dark perception of some totalitarian state exerting total control
over its citizens, its adage being: "Big Brother is watching you!"

The reminder of a curious event, copied from another blogspot of mine.
It's about NSA probably hiding behind the U.S. Department of Justice:

Here comes one of my most reliable visitors who usually appears only minutes after I posted my latest blogspot. I presume that Lockheed Information Technology Company is providing services for other interested parties whoever they might be, as I could not image that aircraft manufacturer Lockheed Martin might have such strong interest in each and every subject of "blueprint news". They are using a Rippers browser ideal for "information mining", an expression introduced by some Israeli software provider many years ago and who tried to sell a related software product:

Choice of visitors to "blueprint news" in October 2013 and who could be located by a country tag in their webaddress:

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Turkey - Aspects of Foreign Policy

Last UPDATE: October 23

After criticizing the deposition of Egypt's elected president Mohammad Morsy in the first place, Turkey's prime minister Erdogan now finds a softer stance towards Cairo while his policy towards Palestine is shifting in favour of the Ramallah administration and which is dominated by the "Fatah" movement. As a consequence, the Ghaza administration, dominated by supporters of the radical Islamic "Hamas" movement, is losing influence in Ankara as Hamas leader Hanya now has to realize.

Hanya (left) meeting with Erdogan.

أردوغان يمنع هنية من الاعتذار لمصر و المصالحة مع فتح

Erdogan opposes Hanya with an excuse for Egypt and a reconciliation with Fatah.

القاهرة (مصر) - القدس - كشفت مصادر فلسطينية النقاب عن أن رئيس الوزراء التركى رجب طيب أردوغان منع إسماعيل هنية رئيس حكومة "حماس" في غزة من تقديم مبادرات محددة الملامح لتحقيق المصالحة مع حركة "فتح" و تحسين العلاقات مع مصر.ـ

Cairo (Egypt) - Al Quds - Palestinian sources revealed that Turkish prime minister ... Erdogan opposed Ismail Hanya, leader of the "Hamas" government in Ghaza, with the [introduction] of definite initiatives [regarding all] aspects of realizing a reconciliation with the "Fatah" movement and an amelioration of relations with Egypt.

ونقلت صحيفة "الأهرام" على موقعها الإلكترونى عن المصادر, التى لم تسمها, أن أردوغان نصح حماس بالتريث و عدم تقديم تنازلات بحجة أن الأوضاع الحالية فى مصر و المنطقة لم تستقر بعد وأن هناك إمكانية لتغيير النظام المصرى الحالى من خلال الضغوط المتواصلة اتى تمارسها تركيا و قطر و التنظيم الدولى للإخوان المسلمين.ـ

The journal "Al-Ahram", while referring to [reliable] sources, reported on its website that Erdogan recommended Hamas to exercise restraint and [not to act] on the pretext of situations occurring at present in [both] Egypt and the [whole] region which are not yet stabilized. And [Erdogan said] there was a possibility of transforming the temporary regime in Egypt on the basis of continuous pressure exerted by Turkey, Qatar and the [national] organization for Muslim brotherhood.

[Source: Al-Quds القدس, Palestinian daily quoting Egypt's daily Al-Ahram on October 21, 2013]

Along with yesterday's Al-Quds article, I found another related text, published on August 20, 2013, by the Jerusalem Post: Erdogan blames Israel for Morsi’s downfall, Egypt unrest.

As to Turkey's application for membership in the European Union EU, here are the latest news published by Al-Jazeera TV on October 23, 2013:

Visitors from Athens (Greece) and Izmir (Turkey) at the border between Europe and Asia:

A visitor from Malta, living at the border between Europe and Africa. On the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa, lots of migrant people from Africa get stranded on their way to a better future in Europe. On Lampedusa they are held in camps before being sent back to their homelands:

Sunday, October 20, 2013

China - New Pipeline for Imported Gas

Last UPDATE: October 21

[Source: China Central TV]

中缅天然气管线今贯通 沿线省份气价有望大幅下降

China's pipeline for [foreign] natural gas now links up provinces along its line [while] gas prices are expected to drop on a large scale.


News from the Central Network Beijing on October 20 (by Zhang Mian Mian):
Today, [October] 20, the three-year-lasting construction of China's pipeline for [foreign] natural gas is about to join up the whole line. ..... The terminal point is located in Guigang, Guangxi province, and the gas transporting capacity should be 12 billion cubic metre each year. ..... Till the end of next year, electricity needed for industrial use of Guangxi province is being estimated to rise 100 times the present value.

[Source: People's Network 人民网 on October 10, 2013]


After the joining up, China's pipeline for [imported] natural
gas will make cargo ships avoid the straits of Malaysia.

[above picture is referring to a parallel running oil pipeline]

[Source: SINA Mil. News 新浪军事 on October 10, 2013]

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Radioactive Poisoning of Former Palestinian Leader ?

Last Update on a Scientific Approach: October 20

An examination which began in 2012 has raised suspicion that former Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat might have been poisoned using Polonium 210, a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 138 days. Due to that rather short half-life, it should be difficult to detect traces of the isotope so many years after its application in rather small doses. On the other hand, any poisoning using Polonium 210 would imply the help of specialists in a nuclear facility and, most probably, of government authorities as such isotope needs to be freshly produced in an environment that is usually under the strict control of national authorities.

Only to remember that the case of ex-KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko and who had obviously been poisoned with Polonium 210 in his British exile, necessarily culminated in accusations of the Russian leadership under Vladimir Putin. In the case of Arafat it might be the Israeli government this time that would pass as the most plausible culprit, even though Arafat had made himself many enemies, including those in his own ranks.


Russian expert: Not enough to conclude that Arafat died from poisoning by radioactive Polonium.


The data scheme:
On November 27 [2012] local time at the Arafat mausoleum in Ramallah, situated on the westbank of river Jordan, the coffin of Palestine's former leader Yassir Arafat was opened and samples from the skeleton were taken.

中新网10月14日电据俄罗斯媒体14日报道,俄罗斯核与辐射安全领域知名专家认为,2004年死亡的巴勒斯坦前领导人阿拉法特的遗体和遗物上 发现放射性同位素钋210的可能性非常小。

A telegram by China News Network on October 14 [2013] and which is referring to a Russian media report [from the same day] says a Russian expert, well-known in the field of nuclear radiation, considers the probability as very low to discover the radioactive isotope Polonium 210 on, both, corpse and [other] remainings of former Palestinian leader Arafat who had died in 2004.


The British journal "Lancet" [had] published the research results of a Swiss doctor proving that Arafat probably died from poisoning by radioactive Polonium 210.

[Source: China News 中新网 on October 14, 2013]


Some more information on the above mentioned Swiss research can be found in the following excerpt taken from a French source:

Après avoir analysé les effets personnels d'Arafat, les scientifiques de l'Institut de radiophysique (IRA) de Lausanne ont en effet relevé que "plusieurs échantillons contenant des traces de fluides corporels (sang et urine) contenaient une radioactivité plus élevée et inexpliquée au polonium 210". C'est cette substance hautement toxique qui avait tué en 2006 Alexandre Litvinenko, l'ex-agent du KGB devenu opposant à Poutine.

After having analyzed the personal remainings of Arafat, the scientists from the Institute of Radiophysics (IRA) in Lausanne in deed discovered that "some specimen containing traces of body fluids (i.e. blood and urine) showed an increased and inexplicable radioactivity related to Polonium 210". It was this highly toxic substance that killed in 2006 Alexander Litvinenko, the ex-KGB agent who had become an opponent of Putin.

Arafat poisoned ? Experts confirm it's "possible".
[Photo showing Arafat's mausoleum in Ramallah.]

[Source: Metronews - France on October 14, 2013]


Editor's Note: Scientific Approach

Po 210 is an alpha emitter that has a half-life of 138.4 days. It decays directly to its stable daughter isotope, Pb 206 which is simple lead. During that decay, one milligram of Po 210 emits about as many alpha particles per second as 5 grams of Radium Ra 226. It can therefore be considered as extremely hazardous to human tissue, if Polonium has been incorporated. An external contact with Polonium, however, would provide no danger at all, because dead cell material on the outside of human skin would serve as a shield against further intrusion of alpha particles into healthy tissue.

A detection of very small amounts of lead (Pb), the final product of Polonium decay, is generally possible with modern multi-channel x-ray spectroscopy but would not deliver any clue hinting at its origin. Any elevated amount of lead could therefore be related to environmental influence or, let's say, to the use of leaded fuel in some old-fashioned Palestinian cars. However, things could be different, if it was possible to detect different isotopes of one single element. This would require a high-end equipment available in any institute for radiophysics.

This is just showing the sophisticated aspect of a Polonium poisoning leaving no bloody dagger on the scene of crime.

Here now the Russian expert speaking as quoted by China News:

[专家]说:“如果阿尔法粒子衰变,形成新原子核,在低频环境下能够发现原子核数量和衰变链。这种情况不可能查明,哪一种同位素导致衰变。很可能是钋210 ”。他指出, 目前有关研究数据公开的信息不多,不足以做出单一的结论。

[The expert] said: " In case of an alpha particle decay, a new atomic nucleus is formed. In a low frequency environment [*] its quantity and chain of decay can be found. That state [of development] cannot be verified by investigation as the isotope [of origin] is subject to decay. Most probably it is Polonium 210. " He pointed out that, at present, there is not much information made public on related research data, being not enough to [release] one single conclusion.

* = This could be a frequency environment comprising the distinct x-ray frequencies emitted from such newly formed atomic nucleus. It then comes to x-ray analysis using a high-end multi-channel analyzer that would allow to detect different atomic species. Such instruments are being used in radioactivity research where a maximum resolution is needed.

The determination of different isotopes belonging to the same atomic species, however, should require another technique. Now, it is known that nuclear magnetic resonance NMR and mass spectrometry MS are usually applied for isotopic determination. A rather small amount of human tissue and the very low concentration of lead to be expected in such specimen, should then require some additional refining of preparation and measurement techniques.

As similar problems have already occured before, there is a good chance to find an appropriate technique while searching scientific publications. That's how I found a publication on " a reliable procedure for picogram-quantity Pb isotopic determination (Pb-204, Pb-206, Pb-207, and Pb-208) on a multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer ". The technique described here was used to determine lead isotopes in coral skeleton, a problem which resembles much the determination of lead isotopes in human skeleton:

While it is generally accepted that Polonium Po-210 is subject to an alpha decay, it only needs to detect an obviously elevated amount of the stable lead isotope Pb-206 in human tissue in order to conclude that a Polonium poisoning might have happened. Naturally occuring lead usually contains some 24% of Pb-206 which doesn't enter into the human blood circuit except in very rare cases when humans come close to lead metal or its by-products. At least, Arafat was not working at a gazoline pump serving leaded fuel ...

Recent visitors to "blueprint news":