Even the Universe is grumbling over what is happening on Earth .....
حتى الكون يتذمر مما يحدث على الأرض 就连宇宙也在抱怨地球上发生的事情 |
The Noise of a Black Hole recorded by NASA's X-ray Observatory |
What the Black Hole is trying to tell us ... |
“I believe the common denominator of the universe
is not harmony; but chaos, hostility and murder.”
“Facts do not convey truth. That is a mistake.
Facts create norms, truth creates illumination.”
“What would an ocean be without a monster lurking
in the dark? It would be like sleep without dreams.”
- Werner Herzog - The views of a German filmmaker.
This evaluation of the human condition is a perfect description of what many human beings are suffering from. In a world of chaos, hostility and murder, daily life can become a sequence of unbearable daily hardships that are turning human beings into mere animals fighting for their survival. One day your cynical view on the world will fall back on yourself, even if you cannot imagine for now the time and the circumstances. And there has never been an empire mighty enough to guarantee its subjects a peaceful and prosperous lifetime. - Ulysses -
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