Sunday, August 18, 2024

Some 'Terrorist Voice' from Yemen

Latest Update on 'Regional Terrorism'
included further down on August 21:

Rare interview with Houthi leader Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi:

مقابلة نادرة جدا للسيد عبدالملك الحوثي مع قناة المنار وهو يقول ان الكيان الصـhـيوني هو عدو للإسلام والمسلمين، وداعيًا الأمة إلى استشعار المسؤولية لمواجهته. وقال أيضاً أن زعماء العرب العملاء يحاولون إقناع شعوبهم بأن العـ.ـدو الإسـ.ـرائيليّي صديق ويمكن التعايش معه وقال أن الكيان قائم على الفساد الاجرام ولا يمكن التعايش معه على الإطلاق ولن نقبل به أن يكون بيننا

A very rare interview with Mr. Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi on Al-Manar TV [i.e. Lebanese Hezbollah TV], in which he says that the Zionist entity [i.e. the State of Israel] is an enemy of Islam and Muslims, and calls on the [Arab] nation to feel responsible to confront it.

He also said that the Arab client leaders [i.e. essentially the leaders of Saudi Arabia and the Emirates] are trying to convince their people that the Israeli enemy is a friend and can be coexisted with.

He said that the entity is based on corruption and crime and cannot be coexisted with at all and we will not accept it among us.

Abdul-Malik Badruldeen al-Houthi [عبد الملك بدر الدين الحوثي], also known as Abu Jibril, is a Yemeni politician and religious leader who serves as the leader of the Houthi movement, a revolutionary movement principally made up of Zaidi Muslims, a Muslimic minority in Yemen. His five brothers are or were also leaders of the group.

Born in 1979, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi is the leading figure in the Yemeni Civil War which started with the Houthi takeover in Yemen in the Saada Governorate in northern Yemen in January 2015.

US secretary of state Antony J. Blinken revoked the designation of Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist.

Political Analysis published by
Israel's liberal paper 'Haaretz'


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