Friday, November 03, 2023

Palestine - Israeli Atrocities Stepping Up !

Breaking UPDATE added below on Nov. 4

Ghaza Strip:

The Palestinian death toll in the conflict has exceeded 9.200 casualties, most of them civilians. It is said that every 10 minutes one Palestinian child dies.

Atrocities are stepping up at the moment that US foreign secretary Blinken arrived in Israel for consultations behind closed doors. In an interview he said: "When I am looking into the eyes of those children, I am looking into the eyes of my own."

Israeli strikes near three Ghaza hospitals and an ambulance convoy in a single day. The entrance of Al-Shifa hospital was hit, as well as the Indonesian hospital neighbourhood. Two ambulances were hit in an extremely crowded area [Al-Shifa spokesman]. 13 people died.

14 Palestinians including children have been killed on a highway connecting Ghaza City with southern Ghaza while trying to escape on a bus, carrying with them their permits to leave [member of family].

Red Crescent: 20 Palestinians have been killed when an UNWRA operated school was hit during Israeli shelling. That school is embedded into Jabalia refugee camp.

Ghaza health ministry: 16 of the 35 hospitals and 51 of the 72 primary healthcare clinics are forced to close due to Israeli bombing and lack of fuel.

UN: 690.000 displaced Palestinians are sheltering in 150 relief & works agency facilities across Ghaza.

UN relief & works agency says 72 of its employees have been killed in the Ghaza Strip since October 7.

Occupied Westbank:

Israeli settlers set fire to Palestinian shops and cars.
Israeli incursions into Jenin refugee camp deliberately damaged traffic infrastructure.


Palestinian workers in Israel imprisoned, beaten and later released into Ghaza strip.
Thousands of them are being expelled from Israel where they had been working on Oct. 7.


Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warning Israel that 'Total War' is a real danger.

Global Protest:

Mass demonstration in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and elsewhere in Amman, Beirut (2), Doha, Islamabad (1), Madrid (4), Paris, Sydney (3), India and Yemen.
(1-4) = Demonstrations in the order presented in a video from AP:

A rare voice from Europe: Ione Belarra Urteaga (born 25 Sept. 1987)
is a leftist Spanish politician and psychologist from the election alliance
Unidas Podemos who currently serves as Minister of Social Rights and
2030 Agenda in the government of Pedro Sánchez. She has been her
party's leader since June 2021. => Video content confirmed by NTV.

Honduras recalls its ambassador from Tel Aviv.

Turkey temporarily recalls its ambassador for consultations. Turkey already opposed Israel when it tried to deliver human aid into Ghaza during => Israel's siege on the Ghaza Strip in 2016 <=.

[Main source for the above article: Al-Jazeera, evening news on Nov. 3 at 19:00 GMT.]

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