Sunday, November 05, 2023

The Final Solution to the Palestinian Question

LAST UPDATE added on November 8:
Overall death toll: 10.500 Palestinians
including 4.300 children for Ghaza only.

قال وزير التراث الإسرائيلي، عميحاي إلياهو، الأحد، إن أحد خيارات إسرائيل في الحرب على غزة، هو "إسقاط قنبلة نووية" على قطاع غزة الفلسطيني

وأكد الوزير اليميني المتطرف، في مقابلة إذاعية، أنه "لا يوجد غير مقاتلين في غزة"، مضيفاً أن تقديم المساعدات الإنسانية للقطاع سيشكل "فشلاً"، معتبراً أن الهجوم النووي على قطاع غزة "خيار محتمل

ورد رئيس الوزراء بنيامين نتنياهو، بالقول إن تصريحات إلياهو "منفصلة عن الواقع" وأن إسرائيل والجيش الإسرائيلي يتصرفان وفقاً للقانون الدولي لتجنب الإضرار بغير المقاتلين

Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu said Sunday that one of Israel's options in the war on Ghaza is to "drop a nuclear bomb" on the Palestinian Ghaza Strip.

The far-right minister stressed in a radio interview that "there are no non-combatants in Ghaza", adding that providing humanitarian aid to the Strip would constitute a "failure," considering a nuclear attack on the Ghaza Strip a "possible option."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded by saying Eliyahu's remarks were "detached from reality" and that Israel and the IDF were acting in accordance with international law to avoid harming non-combatants.

Other high-ranking Israeli politicians reacted horrified upon the stance of their colleague. Israel is known to possess nuclear weapons since the 1960ies. It was an 'open secret' until two Israeli lawmakers called for the use of such weapons after October 7, 2023.

[Source: BBC Arabic service, London, November 5, 2023]

An Israeli lawmaker has called for her nation's military to deploy nuclear weapons in response to the Hamas terror attacks that have left 1,200 Israelis dead.

Revital 'Tally' Gotliv, a member of the right-wing Likud party in the Knesset has called multiple times on her social media accounts for her country to wipe Ghaza off the map.

[Source: Daily Mail, London, October 11, 2023]

Mister Nice Guy
"Nuke Amichai"




Former Israeli Knesset member Moshe Feiglin said something similar. He posted a photo on social media of the Japanese city of Hiroshima after it had been destroyed by a nuclear bomb in 1945, calling for the use of nuclear weapons against the Ghaza Strip.

Israel is one of the nine countries in the world that possesses nuclear weapons. It is estimated that it now has 90 nuclear warheads and is their last resort.

Hamas leader Rachek responded: "What Eliyahu said today is exactly what the government leadership is thinking."

[Easy Net on Nov. 6]


News of the Day:

Jordanian air force dropped human aid materials on a Ghaza field hospital operated by Jordan.

[Deutsche Welle, German national radio, on Nov. 6]


On November 5, local time, the U.S. Central Command announced on social media platforms that an "Ohio" class submarine had arrived in the Middle East.
Sources said this information has been confirmed by the US Department of Defense and that the submarine has power and nuclear missile capabilities and is now stationed near Iran.

[SOHU 搜狐 on Nov. 6]

Turkey's news agency Anadolu reported about a
German Foreign Ministry's press conference that
targeted an Israeli government minister's call for
nuking Ghaza and Israeli troops threatening some
German journalists. However, it was not minister
Baerbock herself presiding over that conference
but her deputy spokeswoman Derschinger. With
such second-rate line-up, the conference passed
almost unnoticed by a broader German public.

وفي 5 نوفمبر الجاري، دعا عشرات الأطباء الإسرائيليين في عريضة الجيش إلى قصف مستشفى الشفاء، الأكبر بقطاع غزة؛ بزعم أنه "يضم مقرًا للمسلحين الفلسطينيين"
وسبق هؤلاء الأطباء عشرات الحاخامات الإسرائيليين الذين وجّهوا دعوة مشابهة للجيش الإسرائيلي بقصف مشافي القطاع، وفق موقع "هامحدش" العبري
وبحسب مكتب الإعلام الحكومي في قطاع غزة، بلغ عدد المستشفيات التي توقفت عن الخدمة بشكل كامل خلال الحرب الإسرائيلية 16 مشفى
فيما تبقى 18 مشفى آخر تعمل جميعها بشكل جزئي وفي ظروف قاهرة، وذلك حتى 6 نوفمبر الجاري

On November 5, dozens of Israeli doctors called on the army to bomb Al-Shifa Hospital, the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip. Allegedly, it "houses a headquarters for Palestinian militants."
These doctors were preceded by dozens of Israeli rabbis who issued a similar call to the Israeli army to bomb Gaza Strip hospitals, according to the Hebrew “HaMedash” website.
According to the Government Information Office in the Gaza Strip, the number of hospitals that completely stopped serving during the Israeli war reached 16 hospitals.
While 18 other hospitals remain, all of which are operating partially and under force majeure conditions, as of November 6.

[Yeni Şafak, Istanbul, on Nov. 7]

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