Updates added on May 6/8 :
About 'Donald Trump's Financial Losses' and
'Fund Raising for the Presidential Campaign'
These days US president Trump is celebrating the anniversary of Trump's 10.000th lie since the beginning of his administration. Here is what the British paper The Guardian wrote about Trump on April 29, 2019:

Editor: An important quotation from the article was inserted
into the picture to ensure a better understanding of the item.

From some of these lies one might come to think that Donald Trump is harbouring warm feelings towards Germany. At least, the US ambassador to Berlin seems to believe that. - Or could it be that Trump is only trying to please his German "pawnbroker" Deutsche Bank, thus telling them to keep silent when US Congress investigators are knocking at their door, requesting the inspection of Trump's financial records ?
President Donald Trump, who won the presidency in part on his image as a successful business mogul, lost $1.17 billion over 10 years on failed business deals, according to tax records obtained by the New York Times. [Bloomberg / NY Times on May 8, 2019]

Raising Money for Presidential Campaigns
More about fund raising for presidential campaigns in an
article published by The New York Times on April 26, 2019:

" Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s presidential campaign announced Friday that it had raised $6.3 million in its opening 24 hours, surpassing the first-day totals of his rivals and easing concerns among some supporters over whether he would be able to compete financially in the Democratic primary.
Mr. Biden’s campaign said 96,926 people had contributed in the first day, and that 65,000 of the donations were from people who were not previously on his email list of supporters.
The campaign said 97 percent of online donations were below $200, but it declined to disclose the share of overall contributions that were below that threshold. The average given per donor was about $65, higher than the first-day averages reported by some rivals. "

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