Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Emirates and Iran - Rising Tensions

On Saturday evening, the United Arab Emirates' foreign minister, Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed, announced from the general assembly of the United Nations that Iran did not waste time to undermine the security of the region since the conclusion of a nuclear agreement with the world powers last year. Flagrant violation of the principles of sovereignty and intervention in the affairs of its neighbors played a greater role in the continuation of tension and instability in the region.

The minister said that Tehran undermines the security of the region through its rudeness of speech, its volatile and rude intervention and the arming of militias apart from its development of a missile program. He mentioned that many "rude" statements from Iran, only recently issued, confirmed Tehran's abandonment to its intervention in many Arab countries, including Yemen, Lebanon and Syria.

الإمارات: إيران تقوض أمن المنطقة عبر تسليح الميليشيات

The Emirates: Iran undermines the security of the region by arming militias.

[Source: AL-ARABIYA العربية on September 25, 2016]

An earlier report by Al-Arabiya from September 29, 2014, referred to a territorial conflict between UAE and Iran that led to the Emirates' urging Iran to remove its flag from the island of Abu Musa in the Persian Gulf. Abu Musa is actually administered by the Islamic Republic of Iran but claimed by the emirate of Sharjah.

إيران ترفض طلب الإمارات إزالة علمها من "أبي موسى"ـ

Iran rejects the Emirates' request to remove its flag from 'Abu Mousa'.

Another news report by Al-Arabiya from April 5, 2016, mentioned that four spies from Hezbollah and Iran, i.e. three Arab and one Canadian citizen acting on behalf of the Lebanese Hezbollah, had been sentenced to six months and a following exilation from the UAE for the formation and managing of a subversive group, i.e. without permission of the government.

الإمارات.. السجن والإبعاد بحق 4 جواسيس لحزب الله وإيران

The Emirates: Four spies from Hezbollah and Iran sentenced to prison and exile.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

ISIL Activities in Saudi Arabia

According to EMIRATES 24/7 news for Tuesday September 20, 2016, Saudi Arabian authorities uncovered an ISIL-linked terrorist network that was involved in past attacks in the kingdom and was planning future attacks against civilians, security personnel and government sites, the Saudi Interior Ministry said on Monday, September 19.

The terror network was comprised of three cells. Seventeen suspects, among them one Saudi woman, were arrested in the months-long operation. Eleven are Saudi citizens, in addition to three Yemenis, two Egyptians and one Palestinian, Interior Ministry spokesman Major General Mansour Al Turki said in a press conference.

Among other crimes, the group is held responsible for a failed attempt to bomb an oil pipeline in the governorate of ad-Dawadimi. That attempt is mentioned as a main subject in today's online news of AL-ARABIYA TV:

هكذا خطط داعش لاستهداف أهم أنبوب نفط سعودي

This is how ISIL planned to target the most important oil pipeline in Saudi Arabia.

[AL-ARABIYA العربية on September 20, 2016]

Visitor from ARAMCO (Saudi Arabian Oil Company)