Last Update added on February 21, 2015.

An alleged ISIS terrorist taking a bath in the sea after
the killing of Egyptian prisoners at the coast of Libya?
ـ45يوم ماعر فتش فين الأسرى المصريين و اول مااتقتلوا عرفت اماكن التسليح و الذخيرة و كمان استعديت و ضربتهم.ـ
العيب على ابوديل اللى بيصدقك.ـ
45 days [passed .....] controlling the Egyptian prisoners and [the first of those going to kill] learnt about the hiding place of the weapons, the ammunition, [about] the plot prepared and their killing [i.e. of the prisoners].
Shame on Abu [Dil] who told you the truth.
[Source: Alleged terrorist "tweet" on a Twitter account related to ISIS organization and published on February 17, 2015. That account is claiming 10.900 tweets and 99.600 followers. Its address has been deliberately withheld by Ulysses.]
Update for February 18, 2015:
عقدت في العاصمة السعودية الرياض، أعمال المؤتمر الخامس لرؤساء هيئات الأركان لدول التحالف ضد تنظيم داعش الإرهابي، ومناقشة الأوضاع في سوريا بمشاركة (26) دولة.ـ
In the Saudi capital of Riyadh, proceedings of the fifth congress for leaders of the general staff's organisations took place [uniting] the countries allied against the terrorist organization of ISIS. Discussions of the situation in Syria [took place] with the contribution of 26 countries.
[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on February 18, 2015]
Update for February 21, 2015:

فرنسا: الإرهاب في ليبيا "تهديد مباشر" لأوروبا
France: Terrorism in Libya is a " direct threat " to Europe.
عتبر رئيس الوزراء الفرنسي، مانويل فالس، أثناء مؤتمر للاشتراكيين الديمقراطيين في مدريد، أن الإرهاب يشكل "تهديداً مباشراً" على أمن أوروبا.ـ
In a laudatory speech at the Conference of Social Democrates in Madrid, the French prime minister Manuel Valls considered that terrorism is posing a " direct threat " to Europe's security.
[Source: on February 21, 2015.]
Editor's Note: The meeting on February 21, 2015, is hosted by the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE), and gathers PES leaders, Prime Ministers and EU Commissioners who are expected to discuss pivotal issues such as the fight against extremism.
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