Last UPDATE: September 17 => important update !

Chinese article reminding the 27 Chinese victims who perished
in New York (21) and Washington (6) during the 9-11 incidents.
Photo: Raising a small Chinese flag in commemoration of 9-11.
Number one on the name list of those who died: A heroic stewardess
of Chinese extraction. 华裔英雄空姐在罹难者名单第一位
[China Youth Net quoted by People's Network on Sept. 12, 2014]

An international fight against terrorism should respect the sovereignty,
independence and territorial integrity of nations concerned.
本报北京9月11日电 (记者王远)外交部发言人华春莹11日在例行记者会上表示,中方主张在国际反恐斗争中尊重有关国家主权、独立和领土完整。
[People's Daily] report from Beijing by newsman Wang Yuan on September 11:
In a regular press conference held on September 11, Hua ChunYing, spokeswoman for [China's] ministry of foreign affairs stated that the Chinese side advocates full respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of nations concerned in an international fight against terrorism.
[Hua ChunYing was answering] a journalist's question which was referring to U.S. President Obama's TV declaration of America taking the leadership in a wide-ranging alliance and which will be dealing with the terrorist threat and will oppose the war persistently and undiminishedly maintained by the "Islamic State" organization:
"Does China have any comment on this ?" "Might China join the U.S. led alliance against terrorism or not ?"
Hua ChunYing said that China is firmly opposing any form of terrorism. The international community must attack terrorism side by side, and this is including the support of efforts made to secure the stability of internal security in related countries.
The ministry's spokeswoman then makes clear that sovereignty, independence and territoral integrity of related nations are being regarded as essential in the fight against terrorism without mentioning Syria where U.S. forces are known to prepare air raids against ISIS positions.
[Source: People's Daily 人民日报 on 12 September 2014]
China's determination to support the fight against terrorism was confirmed in a more general way without further details in the frame of a news broadcast of China Radio International CRI in their English language program today, 13 September 2014.
UPDATE September 15, 2014

Jing Hua Daily: True terrorism is the use of a massacre
in order control the world's aggressions [or: ambitions].
The directly perceived and bloody scene of a beheading directly affected the feelings of America's public. A change of public feelings, however, [will] undoubtedly [have] a direct influence on international and security policy of America's government. In consequence, Obama is likely to get caught in an awkward position.
True terrorism isn't a massacre but is using a massacre to control the [ aggressions / ambitions ] of the world.
To say it clearly: At times when elections are nearing in fall, Obama now considers to apply two measures. He therefore invites others to step in, however not the army boots of U.S. soldiers to leave their footprints in the Iraqi desert. But would this stop the "Islamic State" from dashing forward or, for example, from chopping off the head of another U.S. citizen ? On [September] 14, some U.S. economist (.....) issued the following judgement that makes much sense :
Similar to the war in Vietnam, an attack on the "Islamic State" will just change America's interior policy which is a very dangerous matter.
To influence the policy of the most powerful nation on earth by killing one single person, isn't that the plan of the "Islamic State". It's up to now still unknown, [but] if the reply is approved, that would be really frightening, [as] killing people is really not such an ordinary affair.
[Source: JingHua Daily 京华时报 quoted by People's Network on September 15, 2014]

أوباما يرد على مستشارة الأسد: سندمر دفاعاتكم الجوية
Obama answers to Assad's advice : We will destroy your air defense.
[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on September 15, 2014]
UPDATE September 17, 2014

Snapshot taken from a video published by Chinese authorities
and showing fighters of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement.
The following article is dealing with China's own terrorist problem which is usually related to some militant Muslimic group within the Uighur minority in their autonomous region of Xinjiang province. The situation, however, seems to be even more complicated and dangerous. Here is some background information:
The so-called East Turkestan Islamic Movement , an organization of jihadists, appeared in 1993 in China's Xinjiang province and Northern Pakistan. It was refounded in 1997 and became known for its bombing of a public bus in Xinjiang's provincial capital of Urumqi the same year. At that time they planned to establish branches in Kirghiztan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan and in the Uighur Autonomous Region of China's Xinjiang (Sinkiang) province, their target being the foundation of " East Turkestan ", a fundamentalist Muslimic state.
Between 1990 and 2001 more than 200 terrorist incidents have been related to that movement, leaving at least 162 persons dead and more than 440 wounded.
The East Turkestan Movement and Al-Qaeda are keeping close contact on funding. Many of the Movement's members have undergone terrorist training in Afghanistan and which was funded by Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
In September 2002, the [East Turkestan Islamic] Movement was listed by the United Nations Organization as a terrorist organization.
Editor's Note:
The above Chinese text could not be counterchecked as the quoted sources are not available. The local names of some persons at the origin of the East Turkestan Movement are included in the Chinese text. They have been ommitted in my translation because any reconstruction of Central Asian names from their Chinese adaption is a really tedious affair.
Here now most recent news on the East Turkestan Islamic Movement:

The foreign ministry's answers to [the following question]
" Indonesia arrested four Chinese Uighurs suspected of terrorism: Can this be verified ? "
A report from People's Network, Beijing, on September 17, based on news from the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the same day and regarding a press conference held by the ministry's spokesman Hong Lei.
One journalist raised the question: "There are news that Indonesian police has arrested four Chinese Uighur citizens suspected of terrorism the day before. Could you provide us with related information or not ? Has China made contact with Indonesia on this matter ?"
In reply, Hong Lei declared: "We are caring for a related report. At the moment we are checking the case."
The Chinese ministry's spokesman then refers to the East Turkestan Islamic Movement as a part of international terrorism and calls for a cooperation on an international level to stabilize national security in China and elsewhere in the world against the dangers of terrorism.
[Source: People's Daily 人民日报 on 17 September 2014]
" China's president Xi Jinping urged Central Asian states to step up the fight against religious extremism and cyber terrorism, state media said, as Beijing reaches for help across its borders in addressing security concerns in its restive Xinjiang region. "
[Source: Reuters press agency on September 12, 2014. That message can be related to the current state visit of Xi JinPing to Central Asian countries and India. => China Radio International CRI English news on September 13-19, 2014]

Map of the historic Republic of Turkestan that is seen,
even by less militant Uighurs, as their homeland.

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